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What food would you never eat?

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  • #91
    fghanistan, hence his name

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
    Once in conversation with the Kane`ohe family, Dad-to-the-Alpha-Female commented on having tried Rocky Mountain Oysters.

    When asked what they tasted like, Alpha Female said, "and don't say that they tasted like chicken."

    I said, "betcha they tasted like nuts."
    I have to tell you...we castrated our donkey, Armageddon (he was born on the night that Bush invaded Afghanistan, hence his name), and I took the testicles and put them in the fridge, thinking to cook and eat them.


    • #92
      Re: What food would you never eat?

      Originally posted by Keanu View Post
      I had isues with the guinea pig segment. Guinea pigs were my favorite kind of pet when I was a kid and it was disturbing to see them be picked out of a cage like lobsters.

      The one thing I would never eat is ass!
      I have a neighbor who grinds up his old donkeys and makes dried sausage from them.


      • #93
        Re: What food would you never eat?

        Often, in the small outlying villages, they'll have a dinner to fund something-or-other, and everyone who wants can come and pay and eat, drink, dance, and be merry. To advertise, they'll pass out flyers. We got one the other day, and I had to ask the kids' teacher what was that on the menu...'Croupiade and frites'...turned out to be duck tails and french fries.


        • #94
          Re: What food would you never eat?

          Saw this on The Travel Channel recently... this guy goes all over to different countries, diff cuisine. This one was Phillippines. They sauteed some huge live grubs. Okay I'm flip too but that totally grossed me out.


          • #95
            Re: What food would you never eat?

            Originally posted by cezanne View Post
            Saw this on The Travel Channel recently... this guy goes all over to different countries, diff cuisine. This one was Phillippines. They sauteed some huge live grubs. Okay I'm flip too but that totally grossed me out.
            yeah, that was the "bizarre foods with andrew zimmern" show i mentioned earlier. i could do everything in the phililppine eppy but NOT the grubs. not bcs of the way the grubs themselves looked, but i don't think i can handle slurping woody grainy innards (which is how zimmern described eating them). bleeeeeeaaaaaaccchh! i'd rather take a still quivering wood worm by the head, dip it in some bagoong and kalamansi, and bite the body off.
            superbia (pride), avaritia (greed), luxuria (lust), invidia (envy), gula (gluttony), ira (wrath) & acedia (sloth)--the seven deadly sins.

            "when you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people i deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly..."--meditations, marcus aurelius (make sure you read the rest of the passage, ya lazy wankers!)

            nothing humiliates like the truth.--me, in conversation w/mixedplatebroker re 3rd party, 2009-11-11, 1213


            • #96
              Re: What food would you never eat?

              Originally posted by SusieMisajon View Post
              Headcheese, otherwise known as brawn, is pretty good. All it is is the leftover bits of the pig that didn't go into the sausage, boiled and then strained, the meat layered in a dish with maybe some pickles and then the liquid poured over and left to set. Served in slices with good bread and mustard,it makes a nice lunch.

              It's much more honest than sausage.
              We had the stuff everyday for lunch when we stayed in Dieppe for a week for an international kite festival. Fresh bread or croissants, headcheese, other kinds of sausages, fresh fromage a Belgian friend brought with her and fresh fruits from one of the small markets. Our booth became the meeting place for lunch. Bless my wife who'd come by the field later and stop by the patisserie and boucherie (sp?) on her way for fresh food every morning. We made Hawaiian style and invited as many new friends as we could to come eat. "Eh, come eat!" or "Eh, kaukau time!" Ran us broke, though. Our hosts tried hard, but the lunch sandwiches they provided just didn't quite make the grade.

              Don't recall seeing any "strange" foods. We tried everything we saw or could get our hands on. I do regret not bringing back the peach brandy (?) that the area was known for.

              From that trip, here's what I won't it was. Every morning we had breakfast in the "community" cafeteria. They take this big'ol pot and fill it with water, bring it to a boil and dump in a huge bag of Nescafe instant coffee. Nastiest coffee I ever had. Could stand a spoon up in the thang.


              • #97
                Re: What food would you never eat?

                Originally posted by Da Rolling Eye View Post
                From that trip, here's what I won't it was. Every morning we had breakfast in the "community" cafeteria. They take this big'ol pot and fill it with water, bring it to a boil and dump in a huge bag of Nescafe instant coffee. Nastiest coffee I ever had. Could stand a spoon up in the thang.
                bllyeeaaaaaggghhh! instant coffee! *hurls*

                i forgot about that.

                *changes her "doan wanna eat list" to include instant coffee, and places it just below natto*
                superbia (pride), avaritia (greed), luxuria (lust), invidia (envy), gula (gluttony), ira (wrath) & acedia (sloth)--the seven deadly sins.

                "when you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people i deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly..."--meditations, marcus aurelius (make sure you read the rest of the passage, ya lazy wankers!)

                nothing humiliates like the truth.--me, in conversation w/mixedplatebroker re 3rd party, 2009-11-11, 1213


                • #98
                  Re: What food would you never eat?

                  I would never eat fried ants, fried roaches, fried crickets, fried scorpions, etc. I would never eat live squid on a stick.
                  Beijing 8-08-08 to 8-24-08

                  Tiananmen Square 4-15-89 to 6-04-89


                  • #99
                    Re: What food would you never eat?

                    Originally posted by Pomai View Post
                    No insects or bugs of any kind for me. Even if you offered a $million, I don't think I'd do it. Even if you said it tasted like "buttered popcorn", I don't care!
                    Maybe you've eaten one (or many) already. If I recall correctly, the FDA has a standard for allowable number of insect parts per certain volume of canned vegetables. Makes sense if you really think about how difficult it would be to exclude all insects from a large mass production facility. At least the insects are thoroughly cooked and sanitized! (and probably tasteless)


                    • Re: What food would you never eat?

                      Youd have to hold a gun to my head to get me to eat natto.
                      I'd never eat:
                      penis, anus, or scrotum of any animal (hot dogs and spam dont count)
                      any insects, worms, or things like that.

                      funny story - my sister made beef tongue one night and gave me some, i didnt like the gamey taste, my wife noticed and offered to trade dinners. she finished it and my nephew came up and said, wow, you really like cow tongue?
                      not so funny part - she was barfing minutes later. i really thought she heard when we were talking about it before the trade =p
                      Aquaponics in Paradise !


                      • Re: What food would you never eat?

                        Eyeballs. Eyeballs belonging to any mammal.

                        I believe it is an honor in some cultures to be offered the eyeballs of a featured menu item.



                        • Re: What food would you never eat?

                          Originally posted by Random View Post
                          I would never eat fried ants, fried roaches, fried crickets, fried scorpions, etc. I would never eat live squid on a stick.
                          I have eaten chocolate covered ants. Kinda like chocolate covered Rice Krispies. I was young and brave. No biggie.


                          • Re: What food would you never eat?

                            I remember watching on the Travel Channel program, the Anthony Bourdain show where he visits a couple of Latin American countries. In Peru, he eats Guinea Pigs, and the other country, Mexico (?) BBQ Iguana.

                            Now I would not eat that! However, there was nothing like my dad's stew featuring beef cow tongue. I did the rocky mountain oyster thing while visiting in Colorado, after a belly full of beer, but I would say that it tastes very chewy and grisly. I believe there is a rocky mountain oyster food festival held somewhere in Idaho if I'm not mistaken.


                            • Re: What food would you never eat?

                              Very nice peach liqeur...

                              Take a glass jar and pour in some brandy (or armagnac, or vodka, etc..), then add a spoonful of sugar. Then, each time you eat a peach, apricot, or nectarine, put the seed inside the booze with a bit of sugar...with maybe some flesh still on it...and the skin, if you peel the fruit before eating. Leave it in a cool and dark place for about a year, and then strain it (use a coffee filter) and add some glycerine for viscosity (the glycerine sweetens it, so watch out). If you like, you can add a few peppercorns or cloves or alspice berries with the fruit. This gets better the longer it sits.

                              (try the same kind of thing with tequila, sugar, rose petals, and raspberries, too)


                              • Re: What food would you never eat?

                                Originally posted by WindwardOahuRN View Post
                                Eyeballs. Eyeballs belonging to any mammal.

                                I believe it is an honor in some cultures to be offered the eyeballs of a featured menu item.

                                Old-time Japanese considered fish eyes a delicacy.

                                "Rocky Mountain oysters" - We had a small piggery operation (< 50 hogs). After castrating the male piglets, the Filpino men helping my step-father would pocket these "jewels" for later consumption.

