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Makena to Kaupo the hard way

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  • aoimizu
    Re: Makena to Kaupo the hard way

    Here it is!

    oops..I meant to post it sideways...
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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Wow, cool story!

    Originally posted by aoimizu View Post
    Yea, I got a picture of a deer skeleton,or was it a goat? I don't remember which.
    Wow!!! I like see!

    Auntie Lynn

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  • aoimizu
    Re: Wow, cool story!

    Originally posted by Ron Whitfield View Post
    Lucky you! Find any bones along the way?
    Yea, I got a picture of a deer skeleton,or was it a goat? I don't remember which.I saw two more skeletons on that hike,but I couldn't get to them,they were out of reach.The lava is hard to traverse with no trail.I think it's probably common for animals to keel over out there with no water and shade.
    I saw a live goat on my 4th morning and snapped a picture,but I got a barely visible sillhouette on top of a ridge in the morning sky.
    I also ran across a goat skeleton when I tried to hike from the Haleakala crater through the Koolau Gap,which I found to be impossible because of the dense vegetation,and I had to retreat back to the crater,but that's another story.
    Last edited by aoimizu; March 25, 2008, 04:53 AM.

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  • acousticlady
    Re: Makena to Kaupo the hard way

    What a tale! I hiked the King's Highway a couple of times, but only made it to the end of the trail once - way back when I was much younger..... And that was enough for me even then.

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Makena to Kaupo the hard way

    aoimizu, do you have one picture to share?

    fascinating story.

    Auntie Lynn

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  • Ron Whitfield
    Wow, cool story!

    Lucky you! Find any bones along the way?

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  • aoimizu
    Re: Makena to Kaupo the hard way

    I did it in '99. It took me 3 1/2 days. I carried as much water as I could,but it still wasn't enough.There was no shade until the 3rd day .I was severely dehydrated.I don't think I urinated after the 2nd day.I couldn't eat very much.There was no trail after the king's highway.I was so happy when I reached the Kaupo store.I think other people have hiked the distance,but I haven't heard of anybody doing it.I wouldn't advise this hike to anyone.I was just curious about anybody else's experience with this hike.Or if there's a trail all the way through.
    I tried in in '98 too,but I failed and I feared for my life.I didn't take enough water and on the 2nd day I started cramping.Eventually it got to the point to where I couldn't move very far very fast.
    I was sitting on a rock,looking into the ocean asking myself,"How am I going to get out of here alive?"Then I saw it.Something bouncing against the lava rocks in the surf.And what was it?I went down to the edge of the lava. It was a water bottle!And it was full! I thought I was hallucinating.I leaned out over the rocks to grab it.It took a while,but I fished it out .The label had been washed off.It was scratched and salt crusted,but it was good.
    1 liter.It was enough water to get me out alive.
    Somebody up there loves me!

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  • aoimizu
    started a topic Makena to Kaupo the hard way

    Makena to Kaupo the hard way

    Has anybody hiked across the lava flow on southern Maui?
    Or know of anyone that has?