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Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

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  • Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

    Maybe this relates to you or to someone you know.
    First, here's what I just posted on CraigsList in the Music section:

    Did you have a Peavey 4-channel mixer stolen?
    Some guy I've never seen before saw me in a parking lot today, recognized me as a musician, and said he wanted to sell a Peavey 4-channel mixer so he could buy cigarettes. Weird. I started to walk away, and the guy said he'd trade it to me for two of my cigarettes. (Not two cartons and not two packs, just two cigarettes!) He pulled the mixer out of his trunk and it looked like it was in good condition, so sure... he got his smokes and I got the mixer.
    Obviously this deal raised a red flag to me and made me think the mixer may have been stolen, so I sneakily wrote down his license plate and vehicle info. I went to my local police station and told a burglary detective the story and gave them the mixer information and the serial number of the unit, plus the guy's vehicle info. If they already have a report that it was stolen, the owner will get it back from me. But the cops said people rarely track their serial numbers.
    If you or someone you know had this mixer stolen, I want to get it back to you/them. That's why I contacted the cops and why I'm also posting this here on CraigsList and a few other places. If it sounds like the mixer was yours, send me an e-mail and identify the model and serial number.
    If nobody can prove it was theirs... I just got a cool new mixer, cheap!

    I didn't give too much info there so flakes wouldn't try to scam me, but for you: it's a Peavey XM-4 mixer, 150 amps, with four channels. Each channel has settings for Highs, Lows and Reverb, as well as effects loops and pre-out.
    If you or someone you know had it stolen, contact me. Otherwise, as I said, I just got a cool new mixer cheap!
    Apparently being a smoker actually did cause a good thing to happen.
    Here's a photo:
    Attached Files

    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

  • #2
    Re: Was this item stolen from you?

    It's pretty sad that one would have to steal something here, and on top of that, be so desperate for cigarettes that he'd give it up for 2 drags. But then there are other dumb things that go on while stuck on an island... like car chases.


    • #3
      Re: Was this item stolen from you?

      Drug addiction always makes for interesting story lines.
      Energy answers are already here.


      • #4
        Re: Was this item stolen from you?

        The guy didn't seem stoned at all. He didn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he seemed straight, at least at the time. Local guy, early to mid 20s, clear skin and eyes and in pretty good shape, a couple inches taller than me so he's 6'2" or 6'3".
        So far, zero responses to the CraigsList ad, only chatter on the other sites I posted it (as expected), and no call back from the detective (also as expected), so... I dunno.
        If there's still no response by next week, I'll take the mixer in to my sound wizard and have him check out the condition and fix anything that might need fixing.
        Maybe I can pay him two cigarettes too.

        That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


        • #5
          Re: Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

          I wonder if the guy who traded the Peavy for the cigarettes actually stole it from someone who stole it from someone else.


          • #6
            Re: Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

            Cute little piece of equipment, but he probably couldn't get much for it - even if he legally owned it. I bet he couldn't get $25 for it. You can get a new one for about $70. I worked with one of those a few years ago. Someone fried one of the channels, so we took it apart and rewired it for a light and sound show.


            • #7
              Re: Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

              Originally posted by acousticlady View Post
              You can get a new one for about $70.
              I believe you're thinking of the model that has lower power than this one. My internet searching showed that the new price for the model I got is between $400 and $500.

              (By the way, I don't know who changed the title of this thread, but thanks, I guess.)

              That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


              • #8
                Re: Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

                Stoned? What do you mean?

                I was talking about the drug called nicotine.
                Energy answers are already here.


                • #9
                  Re: Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

                  Originally posted by LikaNui View Post
                  I believe you're thinking of the model that has lower power than this one. My internet searching showed that the new price for the model I got is between $400 and $500.
                  ahhhh........ then........ SCORE! It's still cute though


                  • #10
                    Re: Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

                    WOW. I'd like to get your opinions, please. I got a totally bizarre and nonsensical reply from a guy who lives in Cleveland.
                    First he quoted my original post:
                    "I went to my local police station and told a burglary detective the story and gave them the mixer information and the serial number of the unit, plus the guy's vehicle info. If they already have a report that it was stolen, the owner will get it back from me. But the cops said people rarely track their serial numbers."

                    And then he wrote:

                    "It doesn't work that way. It never works that way. The "Burglary Detective" would have secured the item as possible evidence if a stolen item report comes in later. Suppose "J", on Maui for a week visiting relatives, comes home to find his house has been broken into. He calls the police, and provides a list of what is missing. Among the items is a certain Peavey mixer. They can't have allowed you to retain that mixer, you could have sold or pawned it before the theft is discovered.The police would have kept the item for a certain number of days, and if no theft reports or owners come in , you are given the item.The 2 cigarettes story was suspect enough, but "I talked to The Police" is obviously not true. Is anything in this story true?"

                    I replied to him, with his quotes in black and my comments in red:

                    "It doesn't work that way. It never works that way. The "Burglary Detective" would have secured the item as possible evidence if a stolen item report comes in later."

                    Maybe that's how it's done there in Ohio, Paul, but certainly not here, as locals will verify for you. It also makes absolutely no sense that a detective would require anyone to turn over something that hadn't been reported as missing yet. What law would possibly require such a thing? What law in Ohio requires such a thing?

                    "They can't have allowed you to retain that mixer, you could have sold or pawned it before the theft is discovered."

                    Again, that doesn't make any sense. Since the mixer hadn't been reported as stolen, how could they require it to be given to them?!??

                    "The 2 cigarettes story was suspect enough, but "I talked to The Police" is obviously not true. Is anything in this story true?"

                    WOW. Just... wow. Every single word in my story is true. Do you want the detective's name and number so that you can confirm it? Do you want the information about the witness who saw the guy swap me the mixer?
                    And since you are blatantly calling me a liar, please explain what possible reason I could have for posting the original item on CraigsList and here and a couple of other places.

                    I don't get it.
                    Claiming the cops would force to me turn over something that hadn't been reported stolen makes no sense. That might happen in some third-world country, but not here.
                    And if I'd gotten the mixer in some questionable manner, why would I post it all over the place?


                    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                    • #11
                      Re: Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

                      It's okay Likanui.
                      Thanks for trying to see if you can find the owner.
                      Because there is obviously something wrong with the guy that 'traded' it to you.
                      And as we know some people just have to say negative things without knowing anything truly about the situation, eh?! Just ignore him.
                      Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


                      • #12
                        Re: Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

                        Originally posted by LikaNui View Post
                        WOW. I'd like to get your opinions, please. I got a totally bizarre and nonsensical reply from a guy who lives in Cleveland.
              's Ohio....

                        The cops have Vulcan mind melding....they know before you do.


                        • #13
                          Re: Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

                          The Gas Company had one exactly like that. I know I made the purchase for it way back maybe 10-20 years ago. It's so old it has a spring reverb in it. Great mixer for general PA use. Powerful enough for it to shoot 100-yards into the wind outdoors.

                          Try checking with the Gas Company on Kamakee Street if they can account for theirs.
                          Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                          • #14
                            Re: Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

                            Just got back from a trip; I was off island for several days playing some gigs.
                            Craig, thanks for the Gas Company tip. I'll check with them. Any idea what department I should ask for?
                            Still zero responses from the Craigslist ad, and it's still on there. I'll leave it up until it expires after 30 days, I guess.
                            As for the stupid reply from that one person, I discovered the source. The person's comments in that reply were so dumb that I had a hunch who had steered them that direction, and it proved to be right.
                            I'll test the mixer this weekend and see how it runs.

                            That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                            • #15
                              Re: Peavey XM-4 Mixer: Was this item stolen from you?

                              that mixer bounced from department to department, however it was procured thru the Distribution Department.
                              Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.

