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Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

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  • #31
    Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

    Originally posted by Serenity View Post
    [...]I checked in Longs for a Fridge thermometer, & they did not have one . Where can I get one?[...]
    Originally posted by tutusue View Post can buy a fridge thermometer at Longs, grocery stores, Walmart, K-Mart, Target, etc.[...]
    Serenity, if you've decided to buy a new refrigerator out of your own pocket you will need to know what the landlady wants done with the current fridge. One option might be to ask her if you can sell it and apply that money towards a fridge of your choice. Of course, you would have to leave the appliance there when you move.


    • #32
      Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

      I'll let you all know what the statues will be tomorrow (regarding our new fridge) sometime. BUT, although (from our old sh!t fridge), our freezer door's hinges, broke, so the Sears guy had ordered, another door for our piece of sh!t fridge, & will arrive around June 8 for them to put it on or fix, or what ever . Will update more on this sometime tomorrow (June 1st).
      Aches & Pains
      (through out our lives) knows no time!!.


      • #33
        Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

        Well, (don't get mad), we never got any thermometer for the sh!t fridge, although, the freezer just kept thickening & freezing up !., I wasn't about to take out ALL of our food to wait for it to be defrosted & crap!!.& put it in back later!. I opened the damn freezer door, & started to creek, & the the top corner (made of plastic), broke!. so it sits angled on our freezer !. I called the sears guy to look at it, & they came, & ordered a new door for me when they were here, when I told them (hoping that they would), to get a a new door for me (before hand so that they don't have to order it for later, & I would have to wait), which they didn't. So, I will get a new freezer door on June 8, & I will make appointments for them to fix it then. In the mean time, we had looked for another fridge, & found the height that best suited us, it is refurbished with one year warranty just like the piece of sh!t fridge we have now. The refurbished fridge will be delivered to us on Monday (for free), & the sh!t fridge, well, we will have the delivery guys move it for us to the lanai/patio, & have it covered with a tarp until those sears guys come in (they will fix it there while it is in the patio/lanai). Why should we have it fixed any way, you ask? well, if we ever move, we don't want the land lady charging us for the broken fridge, & plus the sh!t fridge has a one year warranty any way, & we want it in working condition in & out once we relocate later down the road. It will be the land lady's problem &/or her worker's problem to have it moved back to the kitchen when we are gone (in the future) . Regardless if the fridge is refurbished, at least my hubby & I will be happy (it is a sanyo frost free fridge) :-). In fact, it is exactly what our older fridge looks like too, but this one is just re painted, although it does looks like they rushed it, it is 98% good. If I was to grade it, it would be a B, as oppose to an A (brand new). Sears DID NOT have anything of the right height that we wanted on their floor for us to look at & to purchase (the closest one was 60 inch in height, & that would be scraping it), so we had to look else where, & we did. :-) Even if it is not brand new, at least it is ours :-) [even for a limited budget like us!!]. I just hope that the next place we live in down the road (in the future), we will have a better fridge that is included, AND we will also have a 2nd fridge to boot (which is ours). :-). Halelujah!!. :-)
        Aches & Pains
        (through out our lives) knows no time!!.


        • #34
          Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

          Sanyo makes good compact refrigerators...never EVER buy a DANBY brand, like I see in some complexes (I'm a S8 Housing Inspector)...repairs are only done by one firm locally, with parts I was told having to be ordered from New York...


          • #35
            Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

            Originally posted by Serenity View Post
            [...]The refurbished fridge will be delivered to us on Monday (for free), & the sh!t fridge, well, we will have the delivery guys move it for us to the lanai/patio, & have it covered with a tarp until those sears guys come in (they will fix it there while it is in the patio/lanai). Why should we have it fixed any way, you ask? well, if we ever move, we don't want the land lady charging us for the broken fridge, & plus the sh!t fridge has a one year warranty any way, & we want it in working condition in & out once we relocate later down the road. It will be the land lady's problem &/or her worker's problem to have it moved back to the kitchen when we are gone (in the future) .[...]
            Is the landlady aware that she'll have a fridge to store beginning next week or do you plan on storing it for her?


            • #36
              Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

              Originally posted by tutusue View Post
              Is the landlady aware that she'll have a fridge to store beginning next week or do you plan on storing it for her?
              We'll just be storing it outside on our Lanai/patio covered with a tarp . We'll have our very own fridge (in our name), placed in the kitchen for us to use. , if you ask me, the crappy new sears fridge, is not worthy of me to even use it as a paper weight. lol. I would like to see it, & video tape it being crushed down to a dust. [I am so mean. lol.], but it is not ours to destroy. dang it all. lol.
              Aches & Pains
              (through out our lives) knows no time!!.


              • #37
                Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

                Originally posted by hawaiiguy View Post
                Sanyo makes good compact refrigerators
                Thanks for that great insights

                Originally posted by hawaiiguy View Post
                ...never EVER buy a DANBY brand, like I see in some complexes (I'm a S8 Housing Inspector)...repairs are only done by one firm locally, with parts I was told having to be ordered from New York...
                ok, I will definitely NEVER buy a Danby brand. I would never want to complicate myself with having to wait for parts for so long, especially from N.Y. goodness. sheeesh. Thanks again for that info & your input as well.
                Aches & Pains
                (through out our lives) knows no time!!.


                • #38
                  Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

                  Originally posted by hawaiiguy View Post
                  Sanyo makes good compact refrigerators...

                  Did I mention that our refurbished fridge is from Sanyo? & it is working great, may I add [our freezer is way bigger now],any way, it was delivered yesterday (Monday 6/6/11), mid morning, & we had the Ross movers move our piece of sh!t fridge in the lanai/patio, & not plugged in to have it defrosted. At first, they were going to deliver it on Thursday, I said 'WHAT??" , & changed their mind, & decided that they would deliver it on Monday, & not Thursday. So they finally delivered it on Monday (06/06/11), thank goodness. I was going to angry about it, too. Ohhh, our Sh!t fridge in the lanai, the freezer door is broken, & the parts was ordered, They were suppose to fix it on Wednesday (on the 8th), but the last parts would be coming in on that day too, so they had to reschedule, & fix it on the 17th instead, cuz I only get 4 days this week, & wanted to enjoy my 3 day vacation from queens. So, I figured, once the parts are all here, & they would fix it next week Friday (the 17th), They will have to fix it outside .

                  ohhh, My hubby said that, once we move out (in the future), that we would have to move the piece of sh!t fridge back in the kitchen, otherwise we wont get our deposit, is that true? so we gotta move it back in for our last furniture move in the kitchen, before we close up shop & leave to our new place? is that true? [I hope we really don't have to]. hope to hear back from anyone. Aloha. June 7, 2011 Tuesday.
                  Aches & Pains
                  (through out our lives) knows no time!!.


                  • #39
                    Re:JUNK Fridge update...

                    Well, the Sears guy finally came today, & he fixed the damn door to our piece of sh!t fridge (freezer door) which is outside on our lanai/patio. Definitely for sure, they will never be hearing from us again ever!!!

                    We are so very happy with our frost free fridge that we purchase with our own money!!.
                    I wish we should have thought of it then to buy our own fridge, BUT the thing is, my hubby was sick from Nov. 2010 to sometime in Jan. 2011 or so, although, he has managed to bounce back . While he was sick then, I just didn't have the financial means, & the transportation to look for our own fridge, & only relied on our cheap ass land lady & his son in law to find us a piece of sh!t fridge!!!. (hey! land lady,)Thanks for nothing!! I wish they could get back their piece of sh!t fridge back!!! We don't need it!!.
                    Aches & Pains
                    (through out our lives) knows no time!!.


                    • #40
                      10 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes With Their Refrigerator (

                      Is your refrigerator running?
                      You bettah run after it.


                      • #41
                        15 Things You Should NEVER Plug Into a Power Strip (

                        Plug your refrigerator directly into the socket.


                        • #42
                          Your fridge isn’t built to last. Here’s why. (

                          They don't make it to last anymore.

