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Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

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  • Serenity
    Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

    Originally posted by Kaonohi View Post
    You may also want to contact State Consumer Protection and ask their advice.
    Originally posted by Amati View Post
    Hawaii state consumer protection's contact info can be found by googling "Hawaii state consumer protection"

    I found it through google, & their # etc. & they gave me 2 numbers to calls: Complaint Section #586-2653 & Landlord/Tenant hot line-585-2634, unfortunately, the Complaint section was unable to help me out, & just suggested that hey send me complaint form, & the land Lord/Tenant, well, she said she was the ONLY one working there & answering the phones etc.(felt sorry for her), & she was also unable to help me out, although, she gave me another # to call; Legal Aid Service 536-4302 [non profit legal service], I haven't gotten the chance to call yet, BUT I will soon. What I am afraid is, IF this does go through, that, will my land lady have rights to raise our rent just because she is pissed off at us/me due having to do something about our junk crappy new fridge?? We can't afford her to raise our rent, cuz neither of us is working, & my hubby have gotten a heart attack & has a defibrillator (for his heart), & we are still waiting for his doctor to give him the ok to work, when ever that is.

    We haven't been able to go out today yet, we just finished doing our laundry, & I can't do & life anything that will cause my left arm & left armpit to strain due to my surgery (twice) on my left breast. The 2nd one, I had an internal bleeding, so we had to go to the emergency visit. .

    I hope hope that the Legal aid can help me. sigh. Do you think that the land lady will raise our rent? we are paying $1,109.00/mo. & My hubby is the only one putting up the money for it, & I am only getting $450/mo etc. . That is NOT much at all. That's probably enough to pay for my own Amer.Express bill if at all. Sigh. Any thoughts? we'll see if my hubby is able to go out today (so I can get that thermometer). I'll call that Legal aid, & see what they can do.

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  • Serenity
    Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

    Originally posted by Amati View Post
    Hawaii state consumer protection's contact info can be found by googling "Hawaii state consumer protection"
    Oh My Gosh!. , I didn't even think to google it. lol. , I was just thinking that I would have a hard time looking through the dang address book at home (either white or yellow pages). Thank you for letting me know. I guess with ALL that stress I am having, sometimes it is hard for me to even think straight to look into the internet, & google espcially. Thanks, though.

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  • Amati
    Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

    Hawaii state consumer protection's contact info can be found by googling "Hawaii state consumer protection"

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  • Serenity
    Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!!..

    Originally posted by Kaonohi View Post
    You may also want to contact State Consumer Protection and ask their advice.
    I hate to bother, BUT, what number would that be?, please. . Thank you .

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  • Serenity
    Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    Claiming it's "NOT cold enough" does not help your case. Get a thermometer and turn the fridge to the coldest setting. Give it plenty of time to adjust the temperature then, the next day, check the thermometer for the temperature. Report back to us.
    I definitely will, as soon as we are able to get out again, we got heat exhaustion after everything else, perhaps sometime tomorrow

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    Do you have the manual for the fridge? If so does it state it's frost-free? I purchased a new fridge from Sears 9 years ago for $500 that's worked like a charm ever since. It's frost-free but there are still a few models made, I think, that aren't.
    hmmm, how FUNNY!, it really does not say what kind it is , ONLY that it is a Kenmore "Refrigerator-Freezer" that's it!. I can tell you this much, that is not!, it is NOT a Frost free refrigerator!! . I hope we can go out tomorrow (Monday) for a thermometer & see about the other fridge that Sears are selling for the same height we need.

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    When Sears came by to assess the problem did the guy 1) check the temperature and 2) check the door seals?
    "Check the temp." ?? - NO!! "check the seals? [or gasket?]" yes, even pulled out the fridge to check for what? I don't even know. He really did not do a whole lot, so what ever!!. ALL he said was, it works!! what ever guy!! He did not do a whole lot. sigh!! :-(

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  • Serenity
    Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

    Originally posted by matapule View Post
    You may have a problem with the door seals. This happened to us with a new Whirlpool Fridge. This can happen with a new fridge during transportation. The door seals on both fridge and freezer are not "seating" properly.
    I wish there was a problem with the door seals, unfortunately no .

    Originally posted by matapule View Post
    I'm not sure, but I think Sears Kenmore appliances have a one year warranty.
    That's what I was told, that it does have one year warranty, I wanted to check up at sears today to check for more refrigerators after going to church, & my hubby's hour spiritual meeting, then costco, thereafter, it was just wayy too hot for us, & we got heat exhaustion, so we ended up just going home. Perhaps we'll try again sometime tomorrow. (I hope).

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!!..

    You may also want to contact State Consumer Protection and ask their advice.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!!..

    Originally posted by Serenity View Post
    we probably would have to get a fridge thermometer, but this much I can say; it is just cool, & NOT cold enough for the food to keep .
    Claiming it's "NOT cold enough" does not help your case. Get a thermometer and turn the fridge to the coldest setting. Give it plenty of time to adjust the temperature then, the next day, check the thermometer for the temperature. Report back to us.

    Do you have the manual for the fridge? If so does it state it's frost-free? I purchased a new fridge from Sears 9 years ago for $500 that's worked like a charm ever since. It's frost-free but there are still a few models made, I think, that aren't.

    When Sears came by to assess the problem did the guy 1) check the temperature and 2) check the door seals?
    Last edited by tutusue; May 15, 2011, 11:37 AM.

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  • matapule
    Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

    You may have a problem with the door seals. This happened to us with a new Whirlpool Fridge. This can happen with a new fridge during transportation. The door seals on both fridge and freezer are not "seating" properly.

    I'm not sure, but I think Sears Kenmore appliances have a one year warranty.

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  • Serenity
    Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!!..

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    Do you have a refrigerator thermometer? If so, what does the temperature show? If not, you can buy one for $5 to $10. and that should help to explain why your food is spoiling.
    we probably would have to get a fridge thermometer, but this much I can say; it is just cool, & NOT cold enough for the food to keep .

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  • tutusue
    Re: Regarding our JUNK Fridge!!..

    Do you have a refrigerator thermometer? If so, what does the temperature show? If not, you can buy one for $5 to $10. and that should help to explain why your food is spoiling.

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  • Serenity
    started a topic Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

    Regarding our JUNK Fridge!

    May 14, 2011 Saturday.

    We have had this JUNK newly replaced fridge from SEARS Kenmore (model # 461.62302) ; our old fridge WAS pretty good, the freezer section NEVER froze over, & ALWAYS kept our food from spoilage! It was time for that old fridge to be replaced, well, our new fridge is worse than the old one we got!! :-(, The new one, well, the freezer ALWAYS froze over!! :-(. & the AC .. well, I'll just say that, we had to throw away a few to a lot of food due to spoilage, & the AC is NOT that cold!! what it is really is ; its is a piece of SHIT!!. They told us that it had a 90 day warranty, I NEVER SAW IT!! & I was NEVER notified about it!!. Well, in short, the Kenmore guys came by to look at it (5/13) to asses it, what they really need to do is, to GIVE ME A WHOLE NEW ONE!!. I HATE THIS NEW DANG FRIDGE,!!! PLUS the freezer section is too dang small!!!.AND it freezer over!! The more it freezes, the more we don't have any space for food that needs to be frozen!! :-(

    We have had it since Jan. 2011. SIGH!!!. :-(. We did not have to pay for it, since, after all, we are just renters. The land lady paid for our new junk fridge ($600.00). I did not go out to look for it, & I did not went out of my way to have it dropped off. It was the land lady's son in law - Steven Dung (he picked it out & had it dropped off to us). lol. No kidding, that's his last

    When They finally came & ALL of coldness ONLY goes down from the freezer & it does not have any fan to circulate the cold air!!. :-(. I was told that I should get a "Force Draft", & that is NOT what I have :-(!!. I was told to call who ever we got the fridge for me, & I did, & all I got was a darn voice mail. :-(!!.Technically,the fridge we have now, is NOTHING BUT a Giant icebox!!. :-( When Steven Dung did call, & still did NOT help me at all!!. Why?, cuz, him & the Sears guy just told me that it is in working order, is not broken at all, & they don't want to help me to replace it. We can't afford it ourselves to buy another one or a better one, cuz we are both are not working because my hubby had a heart attack in Nov. 2010, & he has a defibrillator, & was told that he cannot work until indefinitely, my hubby even thought of looking at Rosses for a smaller & cheaper one, but the thing is, is that, Ross don't deliver for free :-(.

    I don't know what to do :-(. The Sears guy just told me (when he came by just to asses it) that it has one year warranty, that is not gonna help me one bit. The only thing we can do is MAYBE look at Sears & see if our land lady & Steven Dung will be able to compromise if we find one that fits our needs. The food spoils in that STUPID Kenmore Refrigerator!! We had to throw away 2 gallons O.J. one week before the expiration date, & among other foods. The Fridge we had before this one, ALWAYS kept our food & drinks from spoiling. The ONLY thing was the problem with it was the door rubber sealant around the door was not keeping the cool air in, & that they refuse to replace it, & just said that it was an old model, & they would rather replace it with a whole new fridge (between you & me, that's a lot of B.S.)

    Replace it they did, & all we got was a piece of shit fridge that continued to spoil our food & fruit drinks!!!!. We both are not working either, & no other means of financial help. We are only getting by with my hubby's savings :-(. SIGH!! I don't know what to do!!. We need a new fridge!!. UGH. SIGH!!. I even told the Sears guy that our new fridge that does not work, that it is a piece if shit. Unfortunately the size we need is very limited :-(. We need to find one that is Height: 58 inch, width: 23 & a half inch, Length:24 inch (58 by 23.5 by 24) & that is the measurements to our new one. Anyone here got any ideas for me?? Hope to hear back from you soon. Aloha.
    Last edited by Serenity; May 14, 2011, 10:06 PM.