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How do you feel about smokers?

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  • #16
    Re: How do you feel about smokers?

    Meh, I don't hate people who smoke. I would prefer if people didn't smoke. I've been around second hand smoke all my life. My parents used to smoke. My aunts and uncles used to smoke. My brother used to smoke. They all quit and are happy now. My grandma still smokes despite heart problems, constant phlegm and warnings from the doctors. I love her, but I just can't stand the smoking. My mom smoked for as long as I can remember and I tried to get her to quit all the time, she wasn't having any of it. Then one day within the last 2 years or so, she just up and quit within 5 days.

    If people who smoke are considerate about where they do it, who they do it around, and are mindful of their surroundings, I don't have a problem. Likewise, I'm not going to go to a place where there will be some obvious, legal smoking and complain about it and try to get it banned. If I'm at someone's house and they smoke, I'm not gonna say "hey, put that out, I hate smoking and you shouldn't do it around me." I personally never understood the appeal of smoking, drinking, drugs, yadda yadda, so I can't understand the people who do it or why they do it. At the same time, I'm not gonna lecture them about it, I'll just stay away from them if I can.
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    • #17
      Re: How do you feel about smokers?

      Originally posted by kupomog
      If people who smoke are considerate about where they do it, who they do it around, and are mindful of their surroundings, I don't have a problem.
      a residual negative effect it has I sometimes can't avoid; buying and selling stuffs like books, etc. on ebay.
      I always ask the seller IF... the book comes from a nonsmoking household. More and more the listing sez so. but sometimes gotta ask. Cuz when gettum home, ho, da schteeeenk! Imagine da dissapointment; a beautiful rare leatherbound book, smelling like 10 full ashtrays.
      what a waste.
      a beautiful tome minding its own business for decades in fabulous condition, only to be ruined by an inconsiderate temporary owner.

      I personally never understood the appeal of smoking, drinking, drugs, yadda yadda, so I can't understand the people who do it or why they do it.

      I personally love yadda yadda.


      • #18
        Re: How do you feel about smokers?

        Originally posted by dick
        I'm wondering what this thread is trying to accomplish, aside from providing a forum for senseless vitriol.
        THAT was the first thing I thought also. Should've been "about smoking" per se not about THE "smokers". Mute question! To me, a GLIB (!) poll that doesn't accomplish to prove a damn thing and not warranting any response. Tsk, tsk on us/those that got suckered into it. But then again...look at who the "enquiring mind" wants to know is. Draw your own conclusions...

        BTW: I take it back what I said that it was a "valid question" in my previous post, I was actually referring to the "Smoking" question period, not the "Smokers."


        • #19
          Re: How do you feel about smokers?

          Originally posted by btwnc2c
          THAT was the first thing I thought also. Should've been "about smoking" per se not about THE "smokers". Mute question! To me, a GLIB (!) poll that doesn't accomplish to prove a damn thing and not warranting any response. Tsk, tsk on us/those that got suckered into it. But then again...look at who the "enquiring mind" wants to know is. Draw your own conclusions...

          Must be getting senile with all this clean air I am breathing, cuz this all went right over my head.. so, can you rephrase the above?


          • #20
            Re: How do you feel about smokers?

            While this thread is going downhill fast, I think a reasonable question one might infer from the context in which it was posted is, "If you were a non-smoker, how would you approach a relationship with a smoker?" Would it be a deal-breaker? If not, how would you adapt? Would you be able to let go of someexpectation that the person would quit, or even fantasize that you would be the person to help them do it?

            I've never been in the situation, but I always wondered how these match-ups work out. Smokers don't exclusively date each other, so some people, some where, definitely have to change to accommodate their relationship.


            • #21
              Re: How do you feel about smokers?

              how do I feel about smoking and smokers...
              I like the idea other cities have werein they outlaw smoking on the beach.

              Too often I see smokers using the beach as their own personal ashtray. The world is not their trash can, but ya can't tellem that. They will always believe it is.
              I'm on Waikiki beach often, and I see tourists walking along with dour looks on their faces. walking on the beach fully clothed.
              With shoes on. On da beach. Wet sand.
              imagine that. Not so bad; as bizzarre as that is, it's getting to be a standard sight, but when we see them puffing away and tossing their stinksticks into the water, that burns my butt to an ash.
              Often on the mixed sailing trips, (kama'aina and malihini both...) the tourists are the ones tossing cigarettes into the ocean.
              and you diplomatically point it out that this just is not done, whaddya get!? an arguement! of course! ha! well of course. what else! mainlanders! the universe revolves around them!
              hate all that. whaddya gonna do, tho!?
              that is what life is all about; sharing the planet with brutish unthinking biped animals.


              • #22
                Re: How do you feel about smokers?

                Originally posted by pzarquon
                While this thread is going downhill fast, I think a reasonable question one might infer from the context in which it was posted is, "If you were a non-smoker, how would you approach a relationship with a smoker?" Would it be a deal-breaker? If not, how would you adapt? Would you be able to let go of someexpectation that the person would quit, or even fantasize that you would be the person to help them do it?

                I've never been in the situation, but I always wondered how these match-ups work out. Smokers don't exclusively date each other, so some people, some where, definitely have to change to accommodate their relationship.

                Guess I didn't really respond to that issue with my previous post either. I've dated one smoker in my life (and thank goodness he wasn't a heavy smoker), but as many of you have probably heard non-smokers complain before (or experienced yourself), kissing a smoker is like kissing an ash tray. That one guy was enough for me. Even though he maybe smoked a cigarette a day and only outside, I still had to steel myself when I saw that kiss coming. No toothpaste can cover up that smell/taste on someone's breath! I dated the guy for six months, and since he knew I didn't like his smoking, he did his best to smoke rarely and at times/places where I wasn't around, which I appreciated. I made my opinion on his habit clear in the beginning, and after that I never brought it up again--he knew it was bad for him, I knew he'd quit if/when he was ready, and I guess at the time I was okay with this concept because his other qualities seemed to compensate for the smoking drawback. These days, though, it's an absolute requirement that the person be a non-smoker or in the process of SERIOUSLY quitting if we are to date.

                I have friends who do smoke, and I appreciate their consideration (staying downwind, smoking outside away from me, etc), but I would NEVER think about dating any of them, not only for the reasons in my previous post, but also because for me these reasons result in smoking being a complete turn-off. Once I see someone smoke, any physical attraction I may have had for them is gone--in a puff of smoke!

                None of my family members smoke, so I'm also grateful for that fact. As for my friends/parents of friends who smoke, when in their house or car, I silently put up with it and look for the most graceful way to exit the situation as quickly as possible! When around heavy smoker pals, I try to socialize with them outside where I can stay upwind of them when they talk, and I avoid going to their houses or riding in their cars, making up whatever excuses necessary. I'm honest if they ask me how I feel about their smoking, but otherwise I don't feel it's my place to lecture them about something they already know is bad for them. Of course if they ask for my help, I'll do what I can to aid them in quitting.

                I'm so happy that my boyfriend now is a triathlete in training who takes his health seriously...I'm so used to his lifestyle at this point that he's starting to influence me! (And since I LOVE unhealthy food, that's pretty difficult to do, heehee).
                Last edited by AbsolutChaos; February 22, 2005, 07:12 PM. Reason: grammatical error


                • #23
                  Re: How do you feel about smokers?

                  I'm enjoying the fantastic and wild generalizations that all smokers throw their cigs into the sand and the ocean and blow smoke into the faces of babes in arms.

                  Get real people.

                  Yeah, there are some who do.

                  There are others who don't. Others who throw butts away. Others who make the effort to keep a distance from those who don't smoke. Blahblahblah.

                  Until smoking is illegal (which it sure isn't, thank (insert favorite deity here)) I'll happily light up.

                  Frankly, there are much larger societal issues that should be dealt with before this.

                  This 'holier than thou' mindset that I see so often is mindboggling. And it really leads to a lot more sadness than it's worth.

                  But I find that comforting in a way. People on freakouts sit there weeping and moaning and gnashing their teeth, while I sit there, happy as the proverbial clam, thinking 'wow, it must be a bummer to have so much lusty hate broiling within.'

                  Hey, can I get a light?

                  Ha! (insert comical rimshot here)


                  • #24
                    Re: How do you feel about smokers?

                    Personally, I see way more holier-than-thou smugness from smokers than non-. They're all "I'm smoking and you can't stop me!", and as a mother of two asthmatic kids, I cannot even tell you how bad this pisses me off. I have absolutely no frigging patience for people who smoke around kids. Parents who smoke around their kids are bad enough; but when you get some inconsiderate assclown who's lighting up in a public area? There's no excuse for that. No, you're in my airspace. Get the hell out. Go smoke in your house. I'm not judging you; I just want your smoke out of my face.
                    Last edited by Kilinahe; March 7, 2005, 07:31 AM. Reason: edited for rage. never mind.


                    • #25
                      Re: How do you feel about smokers?

                      Number of non-smokers who "throw their cigs into the sand and the ocean and blow smoke into the faces of babes in arms": 0

                      Number of smokers who do those things: somewhere between 1 and a million.

                      Seems a pretty straight-forward calculation to me.
                      Get real people.
                      Get over yourself. And I know you, Dick, so you know I say this with love. Heh. Seriously. If you're a considerate smoker, good for you. But if you don't see the ass-ness of the things that some others smokers do, then you're blinding yourself with carcinogens.

                      I used to bike a lot, and I got a lot of grief for the dumb things bicyclists did. I hated that we all were being painted with a pretty broad brush. But rather than telling motorists to "just deal," I was realistic enough to acknowledge that there were bad bikers out there, and that I should be pissed at them too, for giving the rest of us a bad name.

                      Until smoking is illegal (which it sure isn't, thank (insert favorite deity here)) I'll happily light up. Frankly, there are much larger societal issues that should be dealt with before this.
                      Yes, that's it. If it ain't against the law, revel in your right to do it. Being a bad person ain't illegal, so why sweat what others think? Damn all these namby-pamby chicken-littles concerned about manini stuff like public health and litter when they should be worried about... terrorists! And that damn liberal media!


                      Err... and I see Kilinahe has retracted her retort, so I'll just have to fix this, too... I was agreeing that while I've seen my share of wrist-flapping freak-outs by non-smokers over a nearby smoker, in many cases the smoker was being inconsiderate - but not criminal, yes, Dick - and from what I've seen, the "to hell with the rest of you" sentiment from smokers is far more prevalent, proportionally.

                      I guess if you're not going to accept a tinge of guilt for having made someone else uncomfortable, you've got to push back in some way. Being rude certainly doesn't help their cause, sadly.
                      Last edited by pzarquon; March 7, 2005, 06:58 AM.


                      • #26
                        Re: How do you feel about smokers?

                        Since my grandson, Antonio was born on January 7, 2005, I told myself it was time to quit smoking. From 2 packs a day I'm down to 4 sticks a day. Still it's not good enough. Until I get to 0, then I can say I'm free of cigarettes. I enjoy the taste of foods, I smell better not like an ash tray, my doc doesn't get on my case, my home is smoke free, lucky for me I never smoked in my car so it's smoke free too! Best of all, everybody in my family and Antonio's daddy's side is changing their ways too!

                        No more DRYING COUGH!
                        Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                        Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                        • #27
                          Re: How do you feel about smokers?

                          Great input!

                          I'll take it all under advisement.

                          Trust me, as a chimney, I hate it as much as the next person when the so-called 'inconsiderate' smokers do their thing. I automatically get lumped into the same group. I used to drive a convertible. It's not much fun getting a butt tossed into your lap at high speeds, trust me.

                          I suppose the gist of my rants and raves is that not all of us do that kind of thing, and to have people go and make fantastic generalizations is kind of a bummer. But whatever. To each his own, I suppose. If you need to do that, then you need to do that. We all have to live with ourselves now don't we?

                          I smoke, therefore I'm evil.


                          • #28
                            Re: How do you feel about smokers?

                            <SARCASM>hmmm maybe we should have cigarette butt deposit tax to prevent people from littering there cigarette butts everywhere. seems to be a much bigger problem than cans. That way we can save the environment</SARCASM>


                            • #29
                              Re: How do you feel about smokers?

                              Heh. Yet, I'm not even sure I was being sarcastic.

                              Smokers are already taxed a pretty penny, though. They're a demographic that politicians are no longer particularly afraid of pissing off. Wonder if there's an AASP (American Association of Smoking People) out there, lobbying lawmakers against smoking bans and the like.


                              • #30
                                Re: How do you feel about smokers?

                                Originally posted by dick
                                I smoke, therefore I'm evil.
                                Yeah, me too.

                                The tobacco companies paid gazillions of dollars in settlements to the various states. I want to know, then, why the 'stop smoking' patches and gums, etc., are so incredibly expensive?!?! Shouldn't that settlement money go toward making those items free, so those of us who smoke can break the habit?
                                I met someone a few years ago who was on Hawaii's committee to determine how to spend the settlement money. I asked her that question, and she said she thought it was a terrific idea, though she obviously hasn't been able to make it happen.

                                That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

