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Animal shelter

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  • Amati
    Re: Animal shelter

    Originally posted by Kaonohi View Post
    A cat going blind will need to be restricted in any case. A fair-sized cage with cat litter, bedding and a feeding area would solve the "attack" problem.
    Also can be constructed a plastic corrugated roofed "walk in" size cage made of 2/4s and chicken wire, fairly inexpensive to build and safe for the cat.

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  • abunaitoo
    Re: Animal shelter

    I can see him once a week on Sundays.
    He seems to be doing good.
    I think his hearing is going.
    Eating well. Still groomed. Still likes to talk.
    If I could, I'd bring him home with me.
    Can't do it. Limited to one cat.
    I think once he get used to someone, he'd make a great friend.

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Animal shelter

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    Kaonohi, see post #1.
    A cat going blind will need to be restricted in any case. A fair-sized cage with cat litter, bedding and a feeding area would solve the "attack" problem.

    I've kept cats under such circumstances for up to years. My cat doesn't permit other cats, but I am brining in a stray next week, and we will use this solution.

    We recently did the same to save a dying kitten we found, and eventually saved it and found it a new home.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Animal shelter

    Originally posted by Kaonohi View Post
    What is preventing you from keeping him?
    Kaonohi, see post #1.

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Animal shelter

    I had a half-blind cat that lived with me for 10 years. We called him Jack (as in one-eyed Jack). He was a wonderful cat, got along with our revolving razorblade with spit inside cat, to a degree. We were sad when he lapped up someone's Antifreeze fluid, and poisoned himself.
    If you can, keep the cat. He knows you, he trusts you (by smell and taste if not vision), and farming him out would be cruel.

    What is preventing you from keeping him?

    I have had blind cats several times, and they learn where the litter is, they find the food, and they find you. All by smell. It can work, as long as you'e not moving to somewhere you can't take him (like Afghanistan).

    Jack was a joy to us. Don't give up.

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  • abunaitoo
    Re: Animal shelter

    Here's a picture of the cat.
    Attached Files

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  • abunaitoo
    Re: Animal shelter

    Thank you for all the help and suggestions.
    I wil work on it.

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  • Gfoxx
    Re: Animal shelter

    You can also contact Cat Friends at or phone 226-4561 to see if they have any ideas.

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  • Kaonohi
    Re: Animal shelter

    You can try 'Joey's Feline Friends,' but I'm sure she's already overfull. Still, she may have suggestions. If she can find a home for your cat, you may want to contribute your TIME! Since the cat knows you, it would probably make it's remaining years more pleasant if it has you visit seera times a week and reassure it.

    There are too many cats on O`ahu now. He`eia Park has over 100 healthy feral cats, some spayed, some not. Just feeding them is a labor of love several of us devote our time too. I have 3 feral colonies I help feed.

    The cat you describe needs close attention and care few people can give, and Joey's does specialize in physically challenged animals. Ask for Tedra, either at 554-2797 or 239-6826, or visit them onsite at to perhaps get an email contact where you can explain your situation.

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  • Amati
    Re: Animal shelter

    Originally posted by abunaitoo View Post
    Looks like he's been fixed. Ear notch.
    Ear notching is used for feral cats that have been spayed/neutered by a rescue organization. Is this a feral cat, that has informally "adopted" you? If so, the cat might also be ID chipped. Some rescue groups do that in addition to the spay/neutering, so that if one of their cats shows up in a shelter, they group is notified. If indeed that cat is under the care of a rescue group, they might be helpful in helping providing medical care. If it is a spay-neuter/release/maintain program, they'll probably re-release it to its colony once it has had health care.

    A vet would check it for free. But if you turn it in to a public shelter while unhealthy, and it turns out to not be ID'd, they will probably kill it. So, be careful who you take it to, if you decide to see if it is chipped.

    Another idea: many rescue groups that chip can also check for IDs, so a group might be able to assist you with that. Google "spay neuter program Hawaii", and "spay neuter release Hawaii", and see if you can find someone to ID scan the cat for you for free.

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  • abunaitoo
    Re: Animal shelter

    He's such a good cat, I just don't want him in suffer if, or when, he goes blind.
    He would make a great pet. Don't know if he'll take to being inside a house, but if he goes blind, he may.
    Seems to take to people. At least all of those around when I see/feed him.
    Can be carried, but don't think he likes it.
    Looks like he's been fixed. Ear notch.
    Not a kitten, but not old.
    Other than his eye's, he seems to be healthy.
    Just looking to see if I can find someplace that would keep him safe if he goes blind.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Animal shelter

    Did you try the BooBoo Zoo? It's on Maui, however. It's a refuge for orphaned and less than healthy animals...kind of the Hawaii version of the Gentle Barn.

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  • Amati
    Re: Animal shelter

    Do you mean "take in" as in to accept the cat and then them try to adopt it out although it is going blind?
    Or, do you mean "take in" as in to fix the eye (ie free vet fees) and then them return the healthy cat to you?
    Or, do you mean "take in" as in to fix the eye and then them try to adopt it out?

    Many animal shelters are overburdened, and cannot keep all the animals they receive. The decisions they make are to either (1) try to adopt out, (2) keep the animal forever themselves [sanctuary], or (3) kill the animal.

    The public shelters in Hawaii have a endless amount of incoming of animals (in part because there are irresponsible owners who do not spay/neuter their pets). Most of the animals are killed. If there is a decision to be made on which cat can be "saved", it is likely going to be the healthiest cat (not one that is going blind). That is the sad reality of Hawaii's overloaded public animal shelters.

    All shelters are overworked and underfunded. It is no surprise they ask for a donation, even if they cannot help in your situation.

    Just be aware that if you take in a sick animal to a public shelter, it has a high chance of being killed. The shelters are not to blame, it is the folks who don't prevent unwanted litters, an who abandon their pets, and who get tired of their pets and don't find new caring homes. [Not referring to you .... you are obviously caring because you are making the effort to find a solution.)

    You might be able to come up with a private shelter that is able to help you, if you can find a connections. And, you are doing right be turning to the internet as a resource. Don't forget social media, perhaps you already know someone who could help your cat.

    Good luck! I hope your cat has a healthy outcome.
    Last edited by Amati; January 3, 2013, 02:33 PM.

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  • abunaitoo
    started a topic Animal shelter

    Animal shelter

    Anyone know of an animal shelter that would take in a cat that maybe going blind?????
    I've contacted two of them through email, and they tell me their all full,
    BUT, they wanted to know if I would make a donation.
    They don't want to help, but they want a donation. Doesn't sound right to me.

    Cat is semi tame to those who he knows.
    I can pet and pick him up, but he dosen't like to be carried.
    Seems to be doing OK, but eye is not getting better.

    My cat will not have another around. She attacks any others animals that come in the yard.