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What strike affected you most?

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  • #16
    Re: What strike affected you most?

    The Bus Strike affected me the most in a positive way. Due to it's pick-up/drop off station on Hotel Street, I was booming with business from Bus Drivers, Bus Personnel and Riders. I hated to see the strike end. Business went downhill and finally we had to close. Do I miss the resturant....NO! Everybody comes over the house (family and friends) so I still cook for what seems like an Army!
    Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
    Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


    • #17
      Re: What strike affected you most?

      For me.....

      It would definately be the bus strike, since My hubby is the only one that drives between the 2 of us.

      I simply refuse to learn to drive here in Honolulu Hawaii, because no matter how much of a good driver I could be, there will always be that person who is not paying attention.

      I remember when that happened, I either wait for my hubby to take me to:
      my classes, or to work. When I am not going any where in particular,
      I would just enjoy my solitude at home with my computer, t.v. &/or reading my book.

      Sometimes, I would walk to the stores,restaurant(s), &/or to the library(when it was open) that are near by to where I live.

      Self entertaining, you know?.

      Aches & Pains
      (through out our lives) knows no time!!.


      • #18
        Re: What strike affected you most?

        Guess not too many people are affected here on HT by the current hotel worker situation?


        • #19
          Re: What strike affected you most?

          I hadn't seen this thread before. Interesting that the strike involving RN's at three of the biggest hospitals on Oahu wasn't even mentioned.

          I'd have to say that was the one that affected me most, for obvious reasons.

          I wish the hotel workers luck with their negotiations. What the hotels are offering as far as pay increases go is rather sad---3.25% per year for four years. That will barely keep up with inflation. Might even have the workers slipping backwards in pay if inflation bumps up even a little bit.
          Last edited by WindwardOahuRN; August 23, 2006, 05:56 PM.


          • #20
            Re: What strike affected you most?

            Def the UHPA strike in 2001. Just over a week off from classes because of the strike, and I lost all motivation to get to class. Failed biochem.
            Twitter: LookMaICanWrite



            • #21
              Re: What strike affected you most?

              I was a senior during the UHPA strike and walked alongside my professors. I supported them 110%, even if it meant going to school on the weekend.

              My mom is a 33 year employee at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. I remember mom during the 1990 strike and she was not pleasant. She was a raging bitch. Back then it was no question whether or not she'd walk because we still had daddy's income to support us.

              Sixteen years later, everything's different. Dad's no longer with us. She's also a few years away from retirement.

              She came home tonight in tears because today's vote literally tore her apart. Scab to make sure she's financially stable? Strike to make sure she gets the benefits she deserves?

              Tonight, mom said "I'd hate to think I worked all these years for nothing..." and when she said that, I wanted to cry too.

              She voted to strike. Now I just gotta convince Uncle Eric to take her bullhorn away.
              Tessie, "Nuf Ced" McGreevey shouted
              We're not here to mess around
              Boston, you know we love you madly
              Hear the crowd roar to your sound
              Don't blame us if we ever doubt you
              You know we couldn't live without you
              Tessie, you are the only only only


              • #22
                Re: What strike affected you most?

                The two strikes that affected me:

                --The CA dockworkers strike (because I was moving to HI and all my stuff and my car took twice as long as normal to get here, so I actually had to get my company to extend my temporary furnished housing)

                --The Nurses strike (since the number of OR cases went down drastically with nobody working, and hospitals were and still are being affected by that event)


                • #23
                  Re: What strike affected you most?


                  I don't know if any else had posted this down....

                  but the most strike that affected me most.....


                  the bus strike, since I am one of many few who uses the public transit, that I ended up just staying home, unless my hubby went wanted to go out, & we would just hang out together.

                  I didn't use or buy the bicycle (from the store) for one personal reasons which I wont go into, & I didn't have a car at all ( I still don't.).

                  Thankgoodness it didn't last that long.

                  That's my two cents.

                  Aches & Pains
                  (through out our lives) knows no time!!.


                  • #24
                    Re: What strike affected you most?

                    The strike that affected me the worst was the shipping strike back in the early 70's. I had a small child and it was hard keeping track of everything & watching Chun Hoon Market's signs to see what they were getting in & when. Every shipment of paper products & rice or sugar was rationed. and it lasted about 3 months I think. To this day - I still keep at least 48 rolls of TP, stashed in my hall closet

                    Second worst was the bus strike a couple of years ago. I don't have a car so have to ride the bus everywhere. I actually got in trouble one day at my job because I had to leave early to have my daughter take me someplace. I could have gone myself if the buses had been running. I feel sorry for the drivers - some of them lost their houses during that strike. and most of them (if not all) have never seen a penny in compensation from the union.
                    "Democracy is the only system that persists in asking the powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be."
                    – Sydney J. Harris


                    • #25
                      Re: What strike affected you most?

                      The HGEA strike in 1996. It was brief but unnerving; I'd never been on strike before. I'm still bitter about how HGEA handled it.

