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Centipede stories

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  • #16
    Re: Centipede stories

    Eek!!!!!!!! Maybe he will be my friend?


    • #17
      Re: Centipede stories

      with friends like that, who needs antennaes?


      • #18
        Re: Centipede stories

        Kauai is known for it's centipedes, there are pretty big there, at least during the 60 and 70's. I suspect that the chickens maybe eating them.


        • #19
          Re: Centipede stories

          eeeewww! dunno if i want those eggs!


          • #20
            Re: Centipede stories

            Originally posted by Glen Miyashiro
            The centipede we see in Hawai‘i is called the Vietnamese Centipede (Scolopendra subspinipes). It isn't the biggest in the world -- that prize goes to this South American species -- but it's big enough, thank you very much.
            Eeeewwww! I hate centipedes with a passion!! When I was high school age kine, I was awakened in the middle of the foot was sore and I knew that I was bitten but had no idea it was by a centipede. I took a look at the bottom of my foot and there were two small red dots. Then out of the corner of my eye I spotted it! It was a 6 inch long, half-ingh wide centipede, and he was trying to make his getaway! I quickly went to wake my parents. At first they didn't believe me...hey, it was 2:30 in the morning! But after showing them the bite marks and telling them how big the sucker was, they got out of bed. It took my dad about 20 minutes to get it. The centipede crawled under the carpet but after much pounding by my dad, it came out and my dad smashed it! Centipede bites hurt!!!


            • #21
              Re: Centipede stories

              "Albert, I've never been bitten by a centipede but a friend told me that they're more sore than bee stings. True?"

              Definitely true. A bee sting hurts like hell for maybe half an hour but then goes away with no trace. A major centipede attack is swollen, itchy and uncomfortable for days.


              • #22
                Re: Centipede stories

                Originally posted by kimo55
                eeeewww! dunno if i want those eggs!
                I assume people on Kauai don't eat feral chicken eggs and beside those eggs would contain chicks ready to be hatched anyway.


                • #23
                  Re: Centipede stories

                  Originally posted by helen
                  I assume people on Kauai don't eat feral chicken eggs and beside those eggs would contain chicks ready to be hatched anyway.
                  And there are lots of Filipinos on Kaua‘i last time I checked. Balut, anybody?


                  • #24
                    Re: Centipede stories

                    I had the impression Balut was duck eggs.


                    • #25
                      Re: Centipede stories

                      In early '90s, my wife used to volunteer as a camp counselor during the summer. I would drop her off at the Kualoa Beach Park campgrounds for her 3-night stays. Anyway, one time on our way, we were talking about centipedes and how she saw one the week before having never seen one before growing up in Florida. So I'm telling her about how we always find them while camping and stuff...

                      Well, we get to the campsite and we kiss and say our goodbyes when I feel something bite the heel of my foot. I'm like "Ow!" and lift my foot up to see what was up... and there's this thing still biting me and dangling and wiggling! I'm freaking out yelling "CENTIPEDE!"... I'm trying to shake it off and my wife runs out of the truck and its still rolling lol! I almost roll into a concrete piling before I stepped on the brakes with my left foot. Man, turns out that it was one of my homemade barracuda fishing lures that I left on the floorboard (the fishermen out there know what I'm talking about: a piece of 6-inch long surgical tubing with a flexible wire leader inside and on the end a 3 pronged hook).

                      My wife was screaming and her co-workers ran over to see what was up. I was so embarrassed, I had to act like I was just pulling a prank on my wife... but I really freaked lol.


                      • #26
                        Re: Centipede stories

                        Originally posted by helen
                        I had the impression Balut was duck eggs.

                        Balut can be either chicken or duck eggs. I have eaten the chicken egg ones on Kauai.

                        Da Duck

                        *no can eat any kind duck eggs, could be one of my relatives*


                        • #27
                          Re: Centipede stories

                          This centipede video isn't from Hawai'i, but what the hell. It's pretty creepy regardless. I am not sure how big this particular bug is, but it can catch and kill a bat in midflight.


                          • #28
                            Re: Centipede stories

                            I think this should be moved to the you gotta see this video web find...

                            that's one scary centipede!


                            • #29
                              Re: Centipede stories

                              13" long... OH... MY...GAWD!!!

                              That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                              • #30
                                Re: Centipede stories

                                It always amazes me... the videography (is that a word?) on those nature shows. You know how we saw the one where the centipede kills and eats he mouse? There's another one where a mouse kills the centipede to protect her babies... yay mouse!

