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Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

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  • Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

    Let's go for the good!

    1) My wife and I are healthy.
    2) I have a job.
    3) There's a full tank of gas in my car.

    There's so much to be thankful for when we think about it. Everyone please post something.
    Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!

  • #2
    Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

    I am thankful that I have a home to go to and be protected by the weather. I am thankful that I have a family.
    I am thankful that I am able to feed my family.
    Whoa, Mista Buss Driva, eh, you can stop the buss o wat?


    • #3
      Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

      1. I am thankful that I live in Hawaii.
      2. I am thankful that have a computer.
      3. I am thankful that I have food to eat.

      Lots of people do not have the necessities of life. We that do, are some times not appreciative. I want to thank you for starting this thread.

      Turquoise Duck
      Last edited by TurquoiseDuck; September 15, 2005, 02:42 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

        1) my computer and DSL connection
        2) my 5 cell phones
        3) my family being safe and out of harm's way.
        How'd I get so white and nerdy?


        • #5
          Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

          1. Mom, dad, brother, and doggies are here with me.
          2. Our house still lives on! (I hope I didn't just jinx it )
          3. We can manage to afford to live here.
          myspace | facebook | puppy moonwalk


          • #6
            Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

            1. My immediately family are all healthy and full of love for one another.
            2. My two sons are good citizens and lead productive lives.
            3. I was able to retire in good health and enjoy the good life.


            • #7
              Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

              1. for my hardships
              2. for serendipitous solutions
              3. for all the blessings; the hard-won and undeserved

              you rock for bringing this up, btw.



              • #8
                Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...



                • #9
                  Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

                  I'm thankful that KahalaBrah is gone.


                  • #10
                    Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

                    1) Money in the bank
                    2) No major debt
                    3) Decent health benefits for the family
                    Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                    • #11
                      Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

                      I'm grateful MadAzza reads my mind.

                      I'm grateful for my family whom I love so dearly.

                      I'm grateful that I am employed and love my job.

                      I'm grateful for the teachers my girls have because they love their jobs, too.

                      I'm grateful for living in Hawaii.

                      Great thread. I think I'll rate it!
                      Aloha from Lavagal


                      • #12
                        Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

                        we having turkey and the family over, with this?


                        • #13
                          Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

                          I'm thankful for my husband's love.

                          I'm thankful for my children being healthy and happy.

                          I'm thankful to be from Hawai'i and have family values so deeply instilled within me that I won't ever forget how much all my family means to me.

                          I'm thankful for a great best friend though she lives all the way in New York.
                          I'm disgusted and repulsed, and I can't look away.


                          • #14
                            Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

                            I'm thankful for:
                            Wonderful friends
                            Love of a good man, three good dogs and a cat
                            The wherewithall to make a go of it in this world
                            Mountains, ocean and everything inbetween


                            • #15
                              Re: Three things I'm Thankful for Today...

                              MY GOD, as I understand him
                              My 81 yr old MAMA
                              MY GRANDSON, ANTONIO
                              MY CHILDREN
                              Mark and My Life

                              Auntie Lynn
                              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

