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wardrobe mal funshun

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  • wardrobe mal funshun

    in a current article, the hsb tells us:

    "Bras for every figure
    Goddesses come in all sizes"

    we demand equal opportunity, gender specific reportage:

    "Jockstraps for every Dirk Diggler
    Gods come in all sizes"

  • #2
    Re: wardrobe mal funshun

    Originally posted by kimo55
    in a current article, the hsb tells us:

    "Bras for every figure
    Goddesses come in all sizes"

    we demand equal opportunity, gender specific reportage:

    "Jockstraps for every Dirk Diggler
    Gods come in all sizes"
    I didn't realize that men run a similar range of sizes as do women's bosoms. Not that I make it a habit to stare at a men's crotch area, but I have never been unable to stop gaping due to a large bulge, whereas women run the range from cookie sheet to a pair of kegs screaming for reduction.

    I agree with your bemoaned disparity, and cannot wait to see those commercials on tv for an "18-hr cup" or "cross your bags" (with gel straps!).



    • #3
      Re: wardrobe mal funshun

      "The Bobbitt Cup: it lifts and separates." *shudder!*


      • #4
        Re: wardrobe mal funshun

        I could go on and on with this gag....the push-up cup, with the shelf inside to "prop the boys", and with all those seasonal colors to match your skin tone, or to be daring...microfiber or cotton? How about the "water-bag"? Or the one for the wedding night, dyed to match her garter....

        ...on second thought, this is so wrong. Women like me are going to scream "we want our feral men back! Fie on those meterophysical contraptions made for the Man™"




        • #5
          Re: wardrobe mal funshun

          Well, remembering how some female conservatives gushed over Bush in his flightsuit during his "Mission Accomplished" trip to that aircraft carrier...


          • #6
            Re: wardrobe mal funshun

            Originally posted by Linkmeister
            Well, remembering how some female conservatives gushed over Bush in his flightsuit during his "Mission Accomplished" trip to that aircraft carrier...
            I musta missed that one...still think Clinton should have said, "that was my dress with the stain on it not Lewinski's" Hey if he can get away with adultry and get the support from his wife and NOW, I can safely assume he'd get the support from America's cross-dressing crowd.
            Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


            • #7
              Re: wardrobe mal funshun

              Originally posted by craigwatanabe
              I musta missed that one...still think Clinton should have said, "that was my dress with the stain on it not Lewinski's" Hey if he can get away with adultry and get the support from his wife and NOW, I can safely assume he'd get the support from America's cross-dressing crowd.
              Oh, it was amusing in a sad sort of way. If you look at some of those photos, there's a distinct, um, bulge because of the tension the suit (or chute?) straps put between the legs. There were quite the number of admiring comments from the female writers on his side of the aisle.


              • #8
                Re: wardrobe mal funshun

                Originally posted by Linkmeister
                Oh, it was amusing in a sad sort of way. If you look at some of those photos, there's a distinct, um, bulge because of the tension the suit (or chute?) straps put between the legs. There were quite the number of admiring comments from the female writers on his side of the aisle.
                Maybe Dubya was wearing one of Laura's thongs?

                "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                • #9
                  Re: wardrobe mal funshun

                  Originally posted by Miulang
                  Maybe Dubya was wearing one of Laura's thongs?

                  Laura wears thongs? No wonder she's smiling all the time
                  Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                  • #10
                    Re: wardrobe mal funshun

                    Selective politics, rooted in cognitive dissonance, is demonstrated admirably by NOW's continued support of Slick Willy, even after he "came out of the closet". Too Funny.
                    Energy answers are already here.


                    • #11
                      Re: wardrobe mal funshun

                      Originally posted by timkona
                      Selective politics, rooted in cognitive dissonance, is demonstrated admirably by NOW's continued support of Slick Willy, even after he "came out of the closet". Too Funny.
                      At least his extramarital affairs didn't cause 2,500 soldiers and countless numbers of innocent civilians to be killed. I'd much rather have an adulterer than a murderer as my leader.

                      "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain

