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God Bless Hapa Girls...

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  • #46
    Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

    Honestly Maddie...

    I never seen it done till I moved to Hawaii... I think it's a Japanese thing that local people have adopted... not sure though...anyone else with more input?

    However, after seeing the reflex's that my son did those first few month's I know those mittens saved him from at least a few scratches!

    I have also read both sides of the story in that it also inhibits the child... however, my son only wore them at night when he was sleeping for the first 4 weeks...

    The child soon learns to peel them off if they don't want to wear them.


    • #47
      Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

      Originally posted by manoasurfer123
      Honestly Maddie...

      I never seen it done till I moved to Hawaii...
      it's a NEW Hawapanese thang! In all my half a freakin century in this mortal coil, I haven't seen it till recently. and only here.


      • #48
        Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

        Originally posted by 1stwahine
        Maddie, the mittens are not hot. It is made out of fine and thin cotton.
        So's my bra, but it's the first thing that comes off when I get home from work!

        You are too funny.
        Yeah, well, so are you! That must be why you put up with me.

        I forgot to mention ... Antonio is adorable. But you already knew that, dintcha?

        I'm sad ... my neighbors who had the cutest kid ever (Kimo knows) moved out last weekend. Husband to Iraq, wife back to Kiwiland to be with her family. Little Maggie is a year (or so) old, and now the wife is about to have another baby in a few months, and with Daddy in Iraq. They're both just delightful people, and little Maggie is just precious, and I will miss them all. They were the best neighbors I've ever had.

        This might even be on topic, 'cause Dad is some kind of darker-toned type from the mainland, mixed ethnic like virtually all mainland folks, 'though you might not know it because some misinformed folks from elsewhere think "Caucasian" is an ethnicity, and Mom is of course a Kiwi, so Maggie is hapa-something, by the looser definition (don't wanna be startin' something!). That kid is beyond adorable, and so sweet. I hope to God her daddy comes home intact in every way. It will be his second tour to that godforsaken place.

        One day I happened to thank the dad for his service, and he seemed blown away by it, and explained, "Well, you know, so many people think we're over there raping women and killing children ..." and he kind of trailed off, and I said, well, I'm not the biggest Bush fan around, at all, but I know you guys are doing so much good over there, for so many people, and I think most Americans and Iraqis know that. And he choked up a bit and I walked away so he wouldn't be embarrassed.

        So maybe say a prayer for those folks, if you're inclined to do that type of thing, and if this isn't the right place for this post, I apologize, but like I said ... hapa!


        • #49
          Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

          Maddie, I was about to go to bed. I checked one last time and read your post. I cried.

          Kiana's daddy is leaving for Iraq on Sunday. My little granddaughter will be raised by my son and daughter while her daddy is at War.

          Yes, I pray for all our brave men and women who continue to fight and put their lives in harms way so we can live in freedom. May they return home to their loved ones safe and sound. God Bless Them Jesus name I humbly ask. Amen.

          Good night.

          Auntie Lynn
          Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
          Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


          • #50
            Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

            Crap. I don't have time to read all that BS.

            I am thinking that Hapa is half something and half something else.

            In that case, more than half of us qualify, I would think.

            Oh who really gives a crap. Life is too damn short.


            • #51
              Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

              I checked one last time and read your post. I cried.
              what you doing to us Maddie....

              I too was teared at that.... I get relatives there now too.

              Thanks for being yourself as always...



              • #52
                Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

                Originally posted by 1stwahine
                Maddie, I was about to go to bed. I checked one last time and read your post. I cried.

                Kiana's daddy is leaving for Iraq on Sunday. My little granddaughter will be raised by my son and daughter while her daddy is at War.

                Yes, I pray for all our brave men and women who continue to fight and put their lives in harms way so we can live in freedom. May they return home to their loved ones safe and sound. God Bless Them Jesus name I humbly ask. Amen.

                Good night.

                Auntie Lynn
                Praying for your little family, Auntie. Blessings on you all....


                • #53
                  Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

                  Originally posted by 1stwahine
                  Maddie, I was about to go to bed. I checked one last time and read your post. I cried.

                  Kiana's daddy is leaving for Iraq on Sunday. My little granddaughter will be raised by my son and daughter while her daddy is at War.
                  Aw, that's so sad. But also nice, that Kiana has so many caring family around. That's something to be thankful for.

                  Jeez, does anyone ever come *home*? Seems I keep hearing only about them leaving.


                  • #54
                    Read it and don't be a crybaby

                    Don't read if ya like babies.

                    I warned ya.

                    Much ado is made about babies.
                    I was one. and saw many and still do.
                    I worked Montessori school and many others years ago. Changed diapers. the whole nine yards.
                    I never in my half century on this dirt ball, have seen this strange new trend of hot mittens on babies and a tight ribbon with a bow around their head. prolly for a reason. Cuz from all my years working with lil ones of all ages, I have come to realise; elsewhere, the foreign practice of forcing an innocent baby, who can't defend itself, to wear a sweater on its paws, and a freakin ribbon around his head ....that borders on child abuse.

                    and inasmuch as i love deifying kids and have worked with them for years waaayyy back, when i was younger, I am much older now and still... well, I gotta side to a degree with Patton Oswalt:
                    If you saw a mini-homeless man with no hair holding a bag of crap walk up to you and go Heeeyyy! Wheee! heaaaghh googooo wapppity wheeeegurgle... You'd say what da hell's wrong with that guy? and you would go the other way fast.

                    But babies do it and it’s supposed to be cute.
                    Let's break it down; babies are shirtless hairless bald human beings with a bag of its own crap around its waist.
                    Babies own a big bag of kinda fresh poo that they carry around all the time who make noise. and grab stuff. and ruin movies. and our dinners at restaurants. But they are supposed to be so cute.

                    "Hey, i decided to get sober."
                    "okayyyy! let's give you a parade!"

                    hey. I squirted out a baby!
                    "let's burn your name on the surface of the moon!

                    "hey. i learned to stop at two scotches and don't have miniature versions of myself ruining the planet!"
                    "yuh, whatever..."

                    "WHAAAT!? I'm ten times better than BOTH those guys!"

                    rant over.
                    and thanks P.O.
                    everyone? go see patton oswalt.
                    Last edited by kimo55; August 5, 2006, 12:14 AM.


                    • #55
                      Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

                      Originally posted by MadAzza
                      me*? Seems I keep hearing only about them leaving.
                      yea. they come home. some to find "service over there" has done awful things to the mind. and their life is changed. and their relationships are sometimes irrepairably altered. not in a good way. and the government now no longer has a need for them, and does not want to recognize their needs now. so we thank those that are serving. and have served and remind the citizenry to help vets and donate when we can. lotta vet's organizations that will happily receive.


                      • #56
                        Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

                        Hi Auntie;

                        Love your new grand daughter!!!! The gloves are cute. Personally, I think they look like they want to brawl but I understand why some people do it. Baby fingernails are like razors.

                        My wife specializes in working with the 0-3 group and I asked her about it. Like Manoa said, they CAN (not WILL) contribute to a delay in tactile development but she said once the baby ditches the gloves, it is probably a good time to put the gloves in a drawer. Baby is ready to explore.

                        Different cultures practice different things (duh) and that does not stop with raising your kids. She related to me a story she had many years ago in California with a Hmong baby that had red marks on her upper body. Rather than call CPS immmediately, she talked to the family through an interpreter and discovered the asian healing art of "coining". If she was cultural insensitive and followed the "book" to the letter, she would have made that phone call. That is probably why she writes policy for the State now.........

                        I found a link to "coining" that has some other subjects as well.


                        The neatest thing I have learned about babies is that from a brain development standpoint, they learn more from 0-3 than from 3 to end of life.

                        Plus, the tops of their heads smell soooooooo good.
                        You Look Like I Need A Drink


                        • #57
                          Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

                          Jeez, does anyone ever come *home*? Seems I keep hearing only about them leaving
                          My sister-in-law made it home! Although her plane got delayed along the way for about 6-7 hours longer than expected. So when we did finally get word that we could meet the soldiers... it was out at Kalaeloa Hangar at 3 AM in the Morning! (The only good thing was that we didn't have to fight traffic) Seemed like the main place most the soldiers wanted to go after the ceremony and they were released to their loved ones.... ZIPPYS... I betcha that Zippys out there makes bank everytime the soldiers come home for at least that night!


                          • #58
                            Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

                            Originally posted by WindwardOahuRN
                            Crap. I don't have time to read all that BS.
                            So the rest of us are supposed to re-write everything we've written before, just because you "don't have time" to read earlier posts like the link Kimo gave you?

                            No can.

                            That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                            • #59
                              Re: God Bless Hapa Girls...

                              Originally posted by Mike_Lowery
                              That's all I wanted to say during my lunchbreak.
                              Thanks for sharing, Mike.

                              As we've subsequently covered babies, mittens, definitions, and deployments, I think we're about done here.

