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Pet Peeve of the Day

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  • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

    Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
    I've been in Adrian's shoes.
    So have I. Language can be a separator or unifier; it can be the prison bars or the key to the shackles. When a child says "pasketti" for "spaghetti," we don't get peeved. A person who asks about downloading iPods is developmentally a child in this field. What he or she needs is patience and understanding.

    There's a difference between typos that are errors, but it's clear what the writer intended - and then there's errors that cause confusion.
    I agree, but those weren't typos. And I didn't point the errors out to make anyone look foolish; I pointed them out as an example of how he's just as guilty of misusing the language.

    It takes one quick question to clarify what the iPod customer wants to do. Anyone in the repair business should expect to ask at least one clarifying question, wouldn't you say?
    But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


    • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

      Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
      And the difference is, if it was a guy who made the mistake, he'd never tell anyone about it because it would just show how stupid he was. (Unless he was bragging about how drunk we was. )

      But when it happens to a woman, it's all a man's fault. (The whole toilet lid thing has been one of my pet peeves.)

      But I know enough grermaphobic women that having to touch it makes way more sense. (My motto: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. )
      Ever hear of the South Philly Squat? Really helps firm the thighs. Requires concentration, but I'll do anything to NOT sit on a toilet, seat up or not!
      Aloha from Lavagal


      • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

        Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post Only the men, who need to raise it, would have to touch it. Women would only have to raise and lower the lid, not touch the seat itself.

        I'm with Scrivener on this one - seat AND lid closed when not in use. Always.

        And if anyone here fails to wash their hands anyway (with soap and hot water) after using the restroom facilities --- I don't want to know (nor do I want to shake hands with you.)

        Maybe everyone should sit and do their business, especially men, then we wouldn't have to worry what we touched last BEFORE doing number one in the standing position. That is something I often thought about; why it is more important to wash your hands after but not before.


        • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

          Originally posted by D'Alani View Post
          Maybe everyone should sit and do their business, especially men
          Good luck with the monitoring and enforcement of that requirement; there's another job I don't want.


          • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

            Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
            (My motto: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. )
            quoting Nietzsche with a happy grinning face eh?


            edit: (no sarcasm intended)


            • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

              Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
              "Death By Chocolate"
              I take those as personal challenges. Or at least used to. I do longer have my teenage ability to eat gobs and gobs of food.


              • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

                Originally posted by 808shooter View Post
                quoting Nietzsche with a happy grinning face eh?
                Well, I've lived thought food poisoning too. I got no plans to repeat that!


                • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

                  I hate the increased amount of spam I got in my inbox because of job applications. I'm running out of email addresses to make (or I can just use some from my website...)
                  How'd I get so white and nerdy?


                  • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

                    Hmmm....I must write a story in my blog about the squat kind of Turkish toilets, which are commonly found, here in France.


                    • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

                      Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
                      I take those as personal challenges. Or at least used to. I do longer have my teenage ability to eat gobs and gobs of food.
                      At my age, I can still do all the things I used to do thirty years ago - it's just that there's a much longer recovery time.
                      Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
                      Well, I've lived thought food poisoning too. I got no plans to repeat that!
                      Sometimes, GG, a typo makes for a better post than the original concept. "Thought food poisoning" - kinda "1984"-esque, isn't it?


                      • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

                        Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
                        I do longer have my teenage ability to eat gobs and gobs of food.
                        Yeah I miss that too. Used to remember in my 20's a friend and I would be able to get a Prince Plate from Patti's Chinese Kitchen and a pizza slice from Sbarro. I don't think I could do that at one sitting any more.


                        • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

                          Originally posted by adrian View Post
                          I hate the increased amount of spam I got in my inbox because of job applications.
                          Why are job applications leading to spam?


                          • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

                            Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
                            Sometimes, GG, a typo makes for a better post than the original concept. "Thought food poisoning" - kinda "1984"-esque, isn't it?
                            Along those lines, let me pitch "media poisoning" - the endless repetition of something in the media to the point that we believe it's true. Like shooting out the tires of a car will cause it to stop. (Seems to come up every time the cops end up having to shoot a driver that's a danger to everyone.)

                            I wonder how much media poisoning affects our love lives since most adolescents experience love on the big and small screens far more then in their personal lives.


                            • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

                              Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
                              Along those lines, let me pitch "media poisoning" - the endless repetition of something in the media to the point that we believe it's true. Like shooting out the tires of a car will cause it to stop. (Seems to come up every time the cops end up having to shoot a driver that's a danger to everyone.)

                              I wonder how much media poisoning affects our love lives since most adolescents experience love on the big and small screens far more then in their personal lives.

                              ah-ha! then here's my pet peeve for today:

                              the many fairy tales that tell girls that someday, some handsome, rich, and charming man will sweep her off her feet, marry her, and they will live happily ever after, simple as that = media poisoning.

                              damn you, grimm brothers!!! daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuu!!! *shaking fist*
                              superbia (pride), avaritia (greed), luxuria (lust), invidia (envy), gula (gluttony), ira (wrath) & acedia (sloth)--the seven deadly sins.

                              "when you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people i deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly..."--meditations, marcus aurelius (make sure you read the rest of the passage, ya lazy wankers!)

                              nothing humiliates like the truth.--me, in conversation w/mixedplatebroker re 3rd party, 2009-11-11, 1213


                              • Re: Pet Peeve of the Day

                                Originally posted by ericncyn View Post
                                the many fairy tales that tell girls that someday, some handsome, rich, and charming man will sweep her off her feet, marry her, and they will live happily ever after, simple as that = media poisoning.
                                One night some time back I was browsing Borders and ran across a book that said that many of our children's stories were programming girls for failure.

                                Since I was just browsing, I only read one example: Alden. The message? Disobey your parents, run off with a common thief, your love will reform him and he'll bring much excitement and adventure into your life.

                                OK, maybe the last part is true, but it's still probably not what most people envision.

                                I've often wanted to find that book again to read more, but I can't remember the author or the title.

