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What pisses you off?

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  • #91
    Re: What pisses you off?

    So what is a hypocrite who admits being a hypocrite? Or a liar who tells everyone he's a liar? Hmmm kinda makes you wonder...
    Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


    • #92
      Re: What pisses you off?

      Craig, don't make it more confusing as it is. I'm bi-polar. I am guilty of being a hyprocrite in a fun kind of way. I am not a liar. I tell too much of the truth most of the times. Don't know when to shut up for my own good. Often times my truthfullness could have cost me my life but I still told the truth. It is when I will shut up for good that will worry my family. Take a look at my Blogg from start to finish and see what kind of truth I"m talking about. I don't have awards or seek certificates or recognition of any kind...I'm a fighter for those who can't fight.

      Eh, first you make me laugh and then you get me all wriled up! Just like one husband. nah, joke. thanks again craig!
      Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
      Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


      • #93
        Re: What pisses you off?

        Originally posted by 1stwahine
        I tell too much of the truth most of the times.

        aunty, it is NOT telling the truth. It is divulging too many observed details.
        To NOT divulge personal body function minutiae, would not be NOT telling the truth. It would not be considered "lying".'s a direct, exact example:
        One day was hanging at Don Ho's bar.
        One wahine and her two cute keiki where there. We were talking story when out of the blue, one o da lil girls blurted out;
        "Eh. Uncle! You got one BEEEG opu!"

        That stopped the conversation briefly. I just grinned at her.
        Her Mom said: "Oh kealani, you are too truthful!"

        I said, "No, it is not being too truthful. That is called indiscretion.
        Never chastise a child for telling the truth. But do caution them for blurting out each and every lil thing that goes floating past their brain"

        But ya know, 'out of the mouths of babes'.

        One may always expect to have problems while evading reponsibility:
        "Eh. You MAKE me laugh. you MAKE me riled up. YOU got me in trouble"
        "Well, no blame me. I was taught to always tell the truth." "that is who i am and not goin change for any standards."

        oh and yes, I bought freeweights for use at home and joined the gym.
        Last edited by kimo55; April 20, 2005, 10:43 AM.


        • #94
          Re: What pisses you off?

          Originally posted by kimo55
          aunty, it is NOT telling the truth. It is divulging too many observed details. To NOT divulge personal body function minutiae, would not be NOT telling the truth. It would not be considered "lying".

          oh and yes, I bought freeweights for use at home and joined the gym.
          Bro Kimo, I only know how to divulge too many details. That's who I am. As for my bodily function minutiae, heheheheh...I no lie about that too.

          you bought "free weights"? You joined the gym? Which one? I like come cheer you on, honest!
          Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
          Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


          • #95
            Re: What pisses you off?

            Originally posted by 1stwahine
            As for my bodily function minutiae, heheheheh...I no lie about that too.
            the point evades you.


            • #96
              Re: What pisses you off?

              "What pisses you off?" ??

              funny you should ask.
              I have never submitted anything to this query, but may as well do it now:

              dimwitted non thinking idiots behind the counter at fastfood joints and even semi upscale restaurants.

              first eg;
              taco bell
              "'yes, i would like two tacos and beans and rice, please."

              well, that's not what it's called.
              It is called;

              "blanketyblank, ickeybooteybettybop, whakka whakka etcetera this that and the other kine stuffs"
              oh and its not one order. it's two."

              THAT is what i get. Verbally. Nothing else.
              blank stare too.
              very appetizing.

              what da hell did I walk into; a fast food joint?!
              or the argument clinic!?

              "yes, i'm here for an arguement."
              "NO yer NOT!"

              "Hi. I'm hungry. I would like a taco."
              "No yer not! and No you DON'T!"


              so yer in a joint yer at alla tijme.
              You by now, know it takes a letter from the Governor to actually receive a requested second drink, cuz we all know, good service ends after you receive your food and the first drink.

              So. I siddown.
              Ax da wahine, "I would like THREE heinekens, ONE after the other, here, for me tonite."
              "With my dinner."

              What part of the foregoing would anyone NOT completely comprehend in a logical, adult fashion!?

              a couple minutes later. BEFORE any puupuus or dinner.
              I receive THREE beers at my place setting.
              all at once.
              Jayzeus Kee Rist!

              (maybe that is where road rage originates?!)


              • #97
                Re: What pisses you off?

                Auwe Kimo they did give to you one after another. They put one bottle down then another, then another. You see what you didn't say was, "When I'm finished with one I'd like another.
                Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                • #98
                  Re: What pisses you off?

                  Originally posted by craigwatanabe
                  Auwe Kimo they did give to you one after another. They put one bottle down then another, then another. You see what you didn't say was, "When I'm finished with one I'd like another.

                  actually, she grabbed em all in one hand, settum all down same time!
                  "When I'm finished with one I'd like another."

                  oh and that was another pet peeve of mine. You go into, say, Zippy's.
                  knowing full well, that they also are much of the time, very slow on anything after the first drop, I asked exactly that, matter of fact:
                  I would like 3 heinies, each one, as soon as I am low on the other.
                  I do this cuz, as i say, they are vveeerryyyy sssllloooowwww in bringing a second drink, and sometimes we don't see them for quite a while.
                  This still doesn't work. I haveta shake the empty bottle distreetly in their line of vision, and even that don't do it. They STILL come over and ask, "ya want the third one now?!"
                  the point is to discretely take care of my thirst needs. NOT to bring attention to the fact: "Whaaat!?, ya want aNUHther beer!?"
                  disctretion and expediency is not known in the restaurant industry...
                  Last edited by kimo55; April 25, 2005, 08:15 AM.


                  • #99
                    Re: What pisses you off?

                    Das part of da problem nowadays...everybody takes everyting literally...dey cannot tell da nuances of da language. Eida dat, or dey stay on autopilot and not tinking at all! (I mean, come see one guy sit down at the table and order 3 beers...what was the server thinking? That 2 other guys were going to show up at Kimo's table and watch him eat while they just downed their beer?)...sheesh.

                    "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                    • Re: What pisses you off?

                      Originally posted by Miulang
                      Das part of da problem nowadays...everybody takes everyting literally...dey cannot tell da nuances of da language. Eida dat, or dey stay on autopilot and not tinking at all! (I mean, come see one guy sit down at the table and order 3 beers...what was the server thinking? That 2 other guys were going to show up at Kimo's table and watch him eat while they just downed their beer?)...sheesh.


                      yea. and this, at a Hawaii kai restaurant I am at with a friend and associate. So the two of us are their about 4 times a month. And they know what we eat. Sometimes we nevah spok da menu.

                      and they know what i drink. and how much, and how soon.
                      "howzit. da usual."
                      is what we say sometimes.If get ahi, thats the usual.
                      and I always get three drinks. I don't want ONE drink. I want three through the dinner. (I'm a big guy) so, if I don't whip up a big engraved iinvitation in neon hanging above the table, I end up with only one beer all nite. same place that requires us to repeatedly request the check when pau.
                      ya just should not need to do this!


                      • Re: What pisses you off?

                        If they know all about you at that establishment and they still serve you that way, they probably already realize you're not going to be a generous tipper so why bother.

                        I treat all wait help with a level of gratitude for doing such an ungrateful job of serving another human being. Some customers can be so obnoxious in their demands for service and that pisses me off (getting back on topic)
                        Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                        • Re: What pisses you off?

                          Originally posted by craigwatanabe
                          If they know all about you at that establishment and they still serve you that way, they probably already realize you're not going to be a generous tipper so why bother.
                          Craig, your assumptions are leaning in a decidedly negative direction, fer sum reason...
                          We tip 15% always. And this adds up quick when the bill for dinner for two is about 70 to 80 bucks.
                          No, they get our money.
                          and frequently.

                          Some customers can be so obnoxious in their demands for service
                          an exception here. this is a fave restaurant and they are nice folks. I am diplomacy personified.
                          Last edited by kimo55; April 25, 2005, 11:51 AM.


                          • Re: What pisses you off?

                            Sorry to change the subject there...
                            but, after all, this a "What pisses you off" thread/post.

                            So, I do have something I want to get off my chest, so to speak.

                            I have a neighbor down a ways from me. They went on a vacation,
                            but thay had someone watch over their (old) dog while they were gone.
                            So, I got up early in the morning to use the restroom, & the darn dog, just kept yapping for godknows how long. Practically disturbed & disrupted the whole neighborhood around me. The person who was babysitting the darn dog, simply just didn't care & didn't do anything about it. I called the police dept, but they said that don't do animal control any more. They have to refer you to the Humane Society. Like they would do anything about it. I thought about shooting the darn thing, but unfortunately I don't carry guns. I heard from another neighbor that, he almost wanted to do the same thing. LOL. Well eventually later time, the darn dog shut up. Didn't know if the dog got tired of barking, or someone brought him/her in finally.Didn't want to go outside to peek, in fear of starting the dog all over again. That darn dog is way tooo old already, & the family should just put it out of its misery.
                            They use to have a Loud chirping bird, that chirps too early in the morning.
                            (sounds really do carry around here where we live.)
                            I'm glad the bird is gone.he he he he!.
                            Aches & Pains
                            (through out our lives) knows no time!!.


                            • Re: What pisses you off?

                              Hey Serenity have you ever heard of paragraphs?
                              Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                              • Re: What pisses you off?

                                Originally posted by craigwatanabe
                                Hey Serenity have you ever heard of paragraphs?
                                It's called "stream of consciousness writing" and that's perfectly OK. At least she's posting her thoughts, not like a lot of people who are shy and afraid to post anything.

                                "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain

