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TheTransit starts on November 8

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  • mel
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    It was reported on the Channel 2 News tonight that the E route will be phased out. Lack of budget to maintain it says Mayor Mufi.

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  • helen
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    Noticed today that the new buses still have the gray paint scheme but now they say TheBus instead of ThETransit.

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  • helen
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    No changes to the A route other than adding those new buses to the route. From what I read from Wednesday's Star Bulletin the E route will still stay but with using other buses, I suppose using the standard 40 foot models.

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  • Albert
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    Well, I heard on the radio yesterday that the "E" bus will start running the "A" bus route next month.

    I suppose it won't run as frequently as it does now.

    (I'm still wondering what happened to the "D" bus, and now I wonder where the "A" bus will run .... )

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  • adrian
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    Originally posted by pzarquon
    Mayor Changes Course with E-Transit Buses

    What a boondoggle. On top of being ugly. Though I suppose we're stuck with the paint scheme, hopefully these high-capacity, hybrid buses can be redeployed on existing, heavily-trafficked routes. Keep 'em out of Waikiki... send 'em on Route A or Route C out to Ewa.
    Money wasters.

    I bet if Harris wasn't a mayor for that long (or if he wasn't mayor at all) we'd be a better place right now.

    Send some of those down here, and we'll use them.

    What about placing them on Route 43? The last time I rode that route, it was always full coming home, but there wasn't enough of them in the morning, when a 45 minute ride from Waipahu to Ala Moana is really needed (15 minutes does wonders for school-bound people)

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  • pzarquon
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    Mayor Changes Course with E-Transit Buses
    The city hoped the buses would serve as a rapid transit system shuttling people through Honolulu's urban core - but now Mayor Mufi Hannemann says its time to shift gears. "Bus rapid transit is not an option for the Hannemann administration. There's going to be other things we're going to be doing." Hannemann says the city lost two million dollars on the Downtown to Waikiki route.
    What a boondoggle. On top of being ugly. Though I suppose we're stuck with the paint scheme, hopefully these high-capacity, hybrid buses can be redeployed on existing, heavily-trafficked routes. Keep 'em out of Waikiki... send 'em on Route A or Route C out to Ewa.

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  • adrian
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    Originally posted by mel
    Today one of the new, $750,000 E Transit busses was sitting at the Ala Moana Blvd. bus stop broken. For several hours. One of those bus maintenance vehicles was behind the disabled bus and the engine compartment of the $750,000 bus was open with someone in there tinkering with it. I guess they needed to get it started. Saw this on my late afternoon walk to and from Ala Moana Park. I hope these things have a warranty.
    For that much money, it better come with an onboard mechanic that will jump out and fix that thing!

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  • helen
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    Originally posted by sheik yerfani
    I assume that "E" stands for Express, so they simply skipped D.
    I think the "E" would stand for Electric since the buses that they are using are Diesel/Electric hybrids.

    Or maybe the "D" route is something that is planned for the future.

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  • mel
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    Today one of the new, $750,000 E Transit busses was sitting at the Ala Moana Blvd. bus stop broken. For several hours. One of those bus maintenance vehicles was behind the disabled bus and the engine compartment of the $750,000 bus was open with someone in there tinkering with it. I guess they needed to get it started. Saw this on my late afternoon walk to and from Ala Moana Park. I hope these things have a warranty.

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  • sheik yerfani
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    This new E bus has me stumped. Why does it go down Kalakaua? Most tourists are in walking distance to begin with. I read the new Mayor is going to use them where they are needed more. I assume that "E" stands for Express, so they simply skipped D. You know, like our football team. I made use of this bus just by chance the other day. A viviting friend and I were near Kapiolani Park and knew E was coming down Kalakaua now so we started walking. there was no Bus stop until we got near the Police Station. My friend asked the driver how many stops there are on Kalakaua and he said that this was the only one???

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  • adrian
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    Either they're running out of High-Capacity buses for Route 42, or the Route E buses aren't getting used that much.

    I just came off a Route 42 bus that was using the eTransit bus (some people looked at the bus and thought that it was going somewhere else).

    First of all, I liked how the acceleration felt: I was thrown back into my seat when the bus accelerated from the bus stop. The bus was quieter, but since I was sitting in the rear the whole time, all I could here was the loud fans of the AC.

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  • scrivener
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    Originally posted by adri1456
    Why are they running at 6:45am in the morning?

    I seen two Route E buses on my way to school, and they're empty!
    Two suggestions: first, give it time.
    Second, the occasional near-empty bus is going to happen if frequency is a priority. I know you're a bus-rider, so you know that sometimes two buses will pass a stop, nearly empty, with nobody waiting, and immediately after, twelve people will walk up to the stop in the space of thirty seconds. If you're shooting for efficiency, you're talking about a lot of packed buses. If you're shooting for convenience and comfort, you're talking about a few nearly-empty ones. It's a fair trade. I ride the 2 from Kalihi into town, and because of the frequency, I know that if I just miss a bus, it's not something I need to stress about; there will be another one soon. I also know that I never have to run for a bus. This takes a lot of the stress out of the commute, and it's one of the things I most appreciate about the bus system, especially during peak hours.

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  • adrian
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    Originally posted by Albert
    They are indeed ugly and I just don't see the point. There are PLENTY of buses running between Waikiki and Ala Moana already .... and how many people want to go from Waikiki to Aala Park?!
    Why are they running at 6:45am in the morning?

    I seen two Route E buses on my way to school, and they're empty!

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  • AuntieNellieKulolo
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    It's the same as NYC- $2 for a bus/subway ride. The monthly passes are much cheaper in Honolulu though- a monthly unlimited ride MetroCard costs $70/month and there is talk of it being raised this year, though the base fare will remain the same.

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  • Glen Miyashiro
    Re: TheTransit starts on November 8

    It's been years since I rode TheBus. I was poking around at and only just now discovered that one-way adult fares are up to $2.00 these days. Auwē, I'm getting old - I can remember when it was a dime for kids and a quarter for grownups! But $2.00 one way? That seems like a lot. How does that compare to other cities' bus fares?

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