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A novel way to reduce traffic congestion

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  • #16
    Re: A novel way to reduce traffic congestion

    Incentives always work, mandates seldom do. Taxes are a mandate. One incentive is the rising cost of gasoline to consider as an alternative.

    Really, if we focused on giving people opportunities to be self-sufficient and give them incentives to do their parts in keeping our country from going bankrupt then we wouldn't need so much taxes.

    Realistically because we are a market-driven economy we need to let the markets determine the viability of better traffic management. The problem is that the government controls our public streets. Hmmm that same old equation seems to come to my mind:

    Government + Control = Chaos

    Ironically that's the formula for a Socialistic form of government, something we Americans strive and fought against...what have be become or are becoming? More government intervention of our lifestyles will only result in this catostrophic formula.

    We must change the equation by lobbying for less government intervention in our lives and part of that effort is greater responsibility in governing our own destinies. comes from within to make our nation better, not higher and more taxes.
    Last edited by craigwatanabe; June 20, 2005, 10:21 AM.
    Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.

