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Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

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  • Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

    What are plausible reasons for drivers not to stop for pedestrians?
    Drivers don't see the pedestrians.
    Drivers have an important meeting to go to and they have to be there on time.
    Drivers want to deter jaywalking.
    Drivers want to make pedestrians pay attention to their surroundings.

  • #2
    Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

    From my experience and for the case of intersections where a car is attempting to turn right but is delayed because of a stop light. Some people don't want to wait until the light turns green again and not checking to see that a person is attempting to cross the street.


    • #3
      Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

      Drivers can be impatient, so I always watch out for them. I was in Kailua-Kona this past weekend and could have been run over at the corner of Palani Rd. and Kuakini Hwy. As soon as the light turned green, the driver going mauka on Palani turned right on Kuakini in front of us pedestrians. Guarans-ballbaranz a ticket if a cop was on the scene. Where are the cops when you need them?

      I was IN THE RIGHT, but I have no interest in being DEAD RIGHT!


      • #4
        Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

        I cross each morning the corner of Piikoi and So. Beretania. There is a wreath of flowers at that corner (corner where that building with the sky penthouse is) noting where a mother was killed a while back. I make sure I get eye contact with whoever is turning left onto Beretania.

        There's a crosswalk makai of Iolani Palace on S. king between Richards and Punchbowl that would save me time, but I do not dare use it.

        Even though Honolulu is a great walking town, I still feel more unsafe walking here than in San Francisco where I lived for many years.


        • #5
          Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

          Originally posted by IBadget View Post
          What are plausible reasons for drivers not to stop for pedestrians?
          Pedestrians underestimating the stopping distance of a car. It doesn't help when some pedestrians will step into the roadway just before a car intending to walk behind the car.

          Another issue is that pedestrians are not all that predictable. They can stroll right up to the curb and stop. Or not. The driver won't know until they have actually stopped and legally nothing happens until they put their foot into the crosswalk.

          Last but not least, at some intersections, if the driver waits for all the pedestrians to clear the crosswalk, they'd only get one car per light cycle because the pedestrians just keep on coming.

          Now, question for you: Are you just talking about obedience to the law or yielding to pedestrians anytime anywhere? Cars are only required to stop when the pedestrian on is their half of the roadway and are in a cross-walk. I'm not certain of the driver can be ticketed if the pedestrian has entered the crosswalk on a "Don't Walk" or a flashing "Don't Walk", but I do know the pedestrian can. I think you'll find a lot of pedestrians don't want to wait for the next light and cross when they shouldn't and it just makes things worse.


          • #6
            Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

            Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
            ...Now, question for you: Are you just talking about obedience to the law or yielding to pedestrians anytime anywhere? Cars are only required to stop when the pedestrian on is their half of the roadway and are in a cross-walk. I'm not certain of the driver can be ticketed if the pedestrian has entered the crosswalk on a "Don't Walk" or a flashing "Don't Walk", but I do know the pedestrian can. I think you'll find a lot of pedestrians don't want to wait for the next light and cross when they shouldn't and it just makes things worse.
            At my PR firm, one of my accounts is the DOT's Walk Wise Hawaii program. As of June 4, a new law on the books has spread the love. Police can issue pedestrian tickets if they step into the crosswalk against the pedestrian and/or traffic sign (if no ped sign is there) and that results in a $100 fine plus a $30 administration fee. I now work downtown, and I lead by example, calmly standing at the corner when the hand starts flashing. Even if you step into the crosswalk the instant the flashing hand begins, you are setting yourself up for a rookie cop encounter.

            For me, this account is like rolling a boulder up a hill. The job is never done. I am waiting for the client to approve a release that spells out the fines for pedestrians and drivers. Drivers are not only fined, but get automatic court dates. My sense of urgency is to get the word out to not only Hawaii's drivers, but tourists, as well. How would you like to go on vacation and get a $150 ticket AND a date with the courts?

            Each morning I cross Lunalilo Home Road at Anapalau in a crosswalk that has no traffic signals. I see the same white Japanese import excellerate at me two or three days a week. I do not get it. Are they trying to teach me a lesson? What lesson is that? I do not start crossing DESPITE there being cars on the road; I start off thinking that i've given myself a good break in traffic, and I move at a quick pace. What if I were to drop something? What if I were to slip or twist my ankle? What am I, two points, maybe three?

            The same thing happens when I get into town to cross Nuuanu at Merchant, right by the Irish pubs. This one old guy in a little old Mercedes coupe actually accellerates and waves at me, as though I'm some kinda big game fish. Drivers who are at the red light at Nuuanu and King see that the light has turned green at Ala Moana/Nimitz and King and fly down those two blocks to make the light. It must be truly an accomplishment. By now, if they are regular commuters, they should know that nearby there is The Cole Academy, and a lot of parents walking preschoolers across at Nuuanu and Merchant. Little kids on little legs don't move as fast as cars, trucks, and white panel vans.

            When drivers behave like that, I think that I'm not getting the Walk Wise Hawaii message out correctly. So think how ironic it would be if I were to be a pedestrian fatality. I guess we could all say I didn't do a good job. Each day I hear of someone getting hit, I think I've failed somewhat.

            I am training a couple who is retired to give talks at community clubs and senior centers to help them learn what they can do to protect themselves and to avoid fines. Senior pedestrians are a bit arrogant, or they are ready to die, or they just don't pay attention. They step into the intersection and drivers be damned. We give them little flashing red lights and a brochure written in 10 languages. Families need to talk to each other about changing that kind of behavior. Teenage boys do it, too. So do executives in Reyn Spooner aloha shirts.

            I know I've taken a lot of space here, but I think you can tell this pushes my buttons. We set up the Walk Wise Hawaii Slipper Display, the one that has a slipper for every pedestrian killed over a five-year period, at the Sunset on the Beach event in Maili last weekend. No one came over to see it. It will be at other events, too. Maybe it's too much of a downer at such a festive event. I'm glad Makaha is getting a pedestrian signal now; but I thought this display would get people thinking about taking care of each other. I hope they at least thought about its meaning.

            I better get ready for work! Walk Wise, Hawaii! Drive Wise, Hawaii!
            Aloha from Lavagal


            • #7
              Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

              As a driver, I don't stop when I don't see peds. Sometimes it's because they are hiding, sometimes it's because I was busy thinking about something. As a rule though, I give peds the right of way (good karma), but only if they are in the right. I hate peds that abuse the system, cross on a red, jaywalk. I'll stop if I have to (don't want to hit nobody just to prove a point), but I will not facilitate their behaviour.

              When I'm a ped, I let other drivers know that I have the right of way (wave, or gesture in such a way it is obvious that i want to cross), but I don't until I make eye contact. I know that reaction times are slow, and a car cannot respond as fast as a ped. Again, I do not want to get hit just to prove a point. I will jay walk, but only under those circumstances when I will not bother a driver or two.

              A friend of mine hit some dude who was jaywalking. He felt really bad for it, and thought he was gonna get in trouble, but the cop said no worries, and he fined the dude who got hit. Sucks to be him.


              • #8
                Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

                Originally posted by ItsGoTime! View Post
                I will jay walk, but only under those circumstances when I will not bother a driver or two.
                I hear you. I'd rather jaywalk when there's no traffic then cross with the walk signal with cars around. Just have to watch for cars pulling away from the curb. When I walk, I take responsibility for my safety because I know I'll end up on the loosing end of any collision - legal rights be dammed. The law is all about who can sue who. It's not physical protection.

                Oh, yeah, and when I walk across the road, it's "look both ways - all the way across". Because things change.


                • #9
                  Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

                  I've noticed with the newer cab-over design the front driver's side pillar is right in the way if you're turning left at an intersection and a pedestrian is crossing the street on that side. I've driven rentals that had that design and have had to look around that pillar to see if it was clear to turn left.

                  Another reason why drivers don't stop is simply because some pedestrians feel as long as they're on the road cars need to stop regardless if the car is twenty feet away and approaching at 35-mph.

                  They step out forcing cars to stop. But what about those drivers who can't react in time?

                  Pedistrians need to adhere to the laws like automobiles do. On the road cars are more common. On sidewalks pedestrians are. So when pedestrians venture on the roads they must do so cautiously. Just as if a car is driven down Fort Street Mall The driver has to be more aware of pedestrians.
                  Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                  • #10
                    Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

                    It may be my imagination but has seemed to me lately that least here in central island I am seeing more drivers slow down and stop for them.
                    Stop being lost in thought where our problems thrive.~


                    • #11
                      Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

                      where is "central island"?
                      Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                      • #12
                        Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

                        Originally posted by lavagal View Post
                        [...]When drivers behave like that, I think that I'm not getting the Walk Wise Hawaii message out correctly. So think how ironic it would be if I were to be a pedestrian fatality. I guess we could all say I didn't do a good job. Each day I hear of someone getting hit, I think I've failed somewhat.[...]I'm glad Makaha is getting a pedestrian signal now;[...]
                        DON'T DO THAT TO YOURSELF, LG...
                        Try putting another spin on it. Think of all the pedestrians who aren't getting hit because of your message. Unfortunately, you'll never hear about those but they do exist. Thank you for taking on that campaign. What a thankless but important job. I'm sure it will help in the long run.

                        And, yes, the new signal in Makaha (fronting Waianae Intermediate School) is in place but not yet operational.
                        Originally posted by craigwatanabe View Post
                        [...]Pedistrians need to adhere to the laws like automobiles do.[...]
                        Absolutely! Unequivocally! I don't know if pedestrians are becoming bolder with their law breaking or I'm just more cognizant of it now, but...DAYAM...I'm seeing some really bold, stupid, potentially fatal pedestrian faux pas of late. And some with holier than thou attitudes, no less. Pedestrians and drivers share equal responsibility.


                        • #13
                          Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

                          Tutusue, thanks for the kick in the pants. Because of you I don't have to go to that support group for those with insecurity issues, hahaha.
                          Aloha from Lavagal


                          • #14
                            Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

                            Originally posted by tutusue View Post
                            DON'T DO THAT TO YOURSELF, LG...
                            Try putting another spin on it. Think of all the pedestrians who aren't getting hit because of your message. Unfortunately, you'll never hear about those but they do exist. Thank you for taking on that campaign. What a thankless but important job. I'm sure it will help in the long run.

                            And, yes, the new signal in Makaha (fronting Waianae Intermediate School) is in place but not yet operational.

                            Absolutely! Unequivocally! I don't know if pedestrians are becoming bolder with their law breaking or I'm just more cognizant of it now, but...DAYAM...I'm seeing some really bold, stupid, potentially fatal pedestrian faux pas of late. And some with holier than thou attitudes, no less. Pedestrians and drivers share equal responsibility.
                            I'm with you TutuSue. At times, it almost appears as though the pedestrians are daring me/us to run them over. On Waialae Avenue, not a day goes by that I don't see a pedestrian step into a crosswalk when it is clearly unsafe to do so (without a dozen cars coming to a screeching halt, that is). That boldness is really quite scary.


                            • #15
                              Re: Why don't drivers stop for pedestrians?

                              Originally posted by lavagal View Post
                              Tutusue, thanks for the kick in the pants. Because of you I don't have to go to that support group for those with insecurity issues, hahaha.
                              Just remember, LG, you can lead a horse to water...
                              You know the rest!

