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Kamehameha Schools Admissions Policy

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  • #16
    Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

    Most people here in Hawaii...especially Hawaiians don't give a rip what the maindlanders are saying unless its in support. Remember it's the mainland that screwed the Hawaiians. Point to Ponder.

    BTW I just registered to that forum so watch out O'dea craig watanabe the motormouth is heading your way!!!
    Last edited by craigwatanabe; August 2, 2005, 05:45 PM.
    Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


    • #17
      Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

      Originally posted by doc1456
      If you want to know what mainlanders think, I've posted the article here.
      Cunnfunnit! Why don't Mainlanders "get it"?! A PRIVATE school doesn't get government funding, and therefore is entitled to set its admission policies any way it wants can restrict admission to include only those people unfortunate enough to have polka dots on their skin and green hair, if they wanted to. This is most certainly not about's about preserving a cultural heritage for the indigenous people, and on the other side, about people who want to take economic advantage of what is not theirs. Grrr...

      "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


      • #18
        Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

        It's their ignorance to the history of Hawaii that makes them such ignorant F*CKS.

        My 21-year old was part of KSBE's JROTC when they were forced to disband several years ago because they were receiving government funding for their on-campus JROTC program which by the way was one of the ROTC's most honored JROTC program in the nation rich in heritage.

        KSBE said they'd rather disband than to be forced to oblige to the demands of the U.S. Constitution. KSBE doesn't receive a penny from the U.S. Taxpayer to educate it's people. It's discrimination only if you subscribe to the U.S. Constitution and they don't!!!!! DAMMIT!!
        Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


        • #19
          Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

          Read this from the Honolulu Advertiser:

          The ruling comes after the Kamehameha Schools and Grant settled a 2003 lawsuit by non-Hawaiian student Brayden Mohica-Cummings, who was allowed to attend the Kamehameha Schools through the 12th grade.

          If they settled the lawsuit then how come this family is still pursuing this to the 9th circuit court? If they did settle and they're still pursuing this isn't that a violation of the settlement?

          I tell you this kid won't be greeted very well at Kamehameha now that he can attend.
          Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


          • #20
            Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

            Originally posted by craigwatanabe

            I tell you this kid won't be greeted very well at Kamehameha now that he can attend.

            he better not be.


            • #21
              Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

              Originally posted by craigwatanabe
              Read this from the Honolulu Advertiser:

              The ruling comes after the Kamehameha Schools and Grant settled a 2003 lawsuit by non-Hawaiian student Brayden Mohica-Cummings, who was allowed to attend the Kamehameha Schools through the 12th grade.

              If they settled the lawsuit then how come this family is still pursuing this to the 9th circuit court? If they did settle and they're still pursuing this isn't that a violation of the settlement?

              I tell you this kid won't be greeted very well at Kamehameha now that he can attend.
              I'm telling you, it's the fault of his parents and his lolo attorney. They made him a poster child. You don't do that to a kid. That's child abuse. He's going to be treated the same way that the first black kids who entered desegregated schools in the South in the early 60s were, or how the first female cadets at The Citadel were treated, or the first women cadets at the Air Force Academy were treated (and still are being treated).

              Last edited by Miulang; August 2, 2005, 06:39 PM.
              "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


              • #22
                Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

                Too much pilikia they make for all Hawaii keiki`s. An den the lolo lawyer say this one new chapter for Hawaii......Go get a grip, cause you just wen start one more open wound for us Ka Naka Maoli. But only gotta remember
                ONIPA`A KAKOU...................... STAND TOGETHER HAWAII
                DA MAUI BOY
                bin dea-dunn dat.


                • #23
                  Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

                  If you guys want to start an online petition to gain more support for this, make one (I would, but I'm busy doing something else)
                  How'd I get so white and nerdy?


                  • #24
                    Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

                    Your so right about that sista. Don`t these parents realize what they are doing to this boy? Okay, they made an issue about something that was handed down by our Princess, to kokua our keiki`s of Hawaiian blood.
                    What these parents trying to do for there child is, as you put like child endangerment. Just like that boy KSBE Maui campus had to admit even if he no more Hawaiian blood.

                    It`s just not right when people act like this and make all kine scandal
                    MAUI BOY.....
                    bin dea-dunn dat.


                    • #25
                      Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

                      Originally posted by oggboy
                      Your so right about that sista. Don`t these parents realize what they are doing to this boy? Okay, they made an issue about something that was handed down by our Princess, to kokua our keiki`s of Hawaiian blood.
                      What these parents trying to do for there child is, as you put like child endangerment. Just like that boy KSBE Maui campus had to admit even if he no more Hawaiian blood.

                      It`s just not right when people act like this and make all kine scandal
                      MAUI BOY.....
                      Wasn't the excuse they gave for the kid on Maui was that he was hanai'd into a Hawaiian family and that's why he should get accepted by KS?

                      "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                      • #26
                        Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

                        Originally posted by craigwatanabe
                        If they settled the lawsuit then how come this family is still pursuing this to the 9th circuit court? If they did settle and they're still pursuing this isn't that a violation of the settlement?
                        It's a different student. It's an entirely new family pursuing admission. The news said that this student had applied for the past four years. How can he possibly want to attend Kamehameha with the reception he'll receive from other students? In his senior year! How uncaring and insensitive of his parents who are so concerned with "I can" and "I should be able to" that they NEVER stopped to think that to Hawaiian families, KS is more than just an inexpensive school that provides a good education. KS has a heritage and purpose that this family cannot possible understand or appreciate. It's a sick comment on society that people who have NO RIGHT to benefit directly from Pauahi will use the law to undermine the her intent in establishing the schools. Dee Jay Mailer said that should the courts rule that they have to admit the student, they (the school) will treat him just as they would any other. But what type of reception do these parents think their child will receive by peers? Shame on them for attempting to steal from the true beneficiaries of the trust.


                        • #27
                          Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

                          Originally posted by oggboy
                          Your so right about that sista. Don`t these parents realize what they are doing to this boy? Okay, they made an issue about something that was handed down by our Princess, to kokua our keiki`s of Hawaiian blood.
                          What these parents trying to do for there child is, as you put like child endangerment. Just like that boy KSBE Maui campus had to admit even if he no more Hawaiian blood.

                          It`s just not right when people act like this and make all kine scandal
                          MAUI BOY.....
                          Wasn't the excuse they gave for the kid on Maui was that he was hanai'd into a Hawaiian family and that's why he should get accepted by KS? And didn't he have a Hawaiian middle name?

                          "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                          • #28
                            Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

                            Wow, kill haole day at Kam School! Whodah thunk, except it'll be all year. Maybe they'll eat him when they're done-hey,Isn't that what happened to Captain Cook?


                            • #29
                              Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

                              One thing I do know is that the students will be instructed not to do anything hurtful and to welcome him into the family...then eat em

                              Nah nah nah, but one year this Hawaiian girl accused KSBE of sexual harrassment by fellow students while attending KSBE (word on campus was that she was extorting for money). She settled out of court and the students were advised not to say anything derogatory to her. She ultimately left the school to attend another private school ON KSBE's nickle.

                              According to my kids who were attending Kamehameha at the time, she was a real loser and was only looking for money.

                              This kid who will be attending his senior year I know will be embraced by the majority of the student body because it's in the nature of the students there to be as one. There will also be some who will express anymosity and will torment this poor child and will probably be expelled for those reasons.

                              The honor of KSBE, it's students,faculty and supporters cannot be tarnished by this event. Chastising this child will only do just that and I'm sure the family's lawyer is waiting to pounce on anyone willing to try.

                              One thing I know for sure as a Christian...the mother will probably go to Hell for what she is doing to her child as well as the Hawaiian people and in the end when she'll be judged by God Almighty, justice will be served. We are finite as mortal beings and we do bad things. But when we pass on, eternal life is forever and so is your judgement. It's our day of reckoning and her screams of dispair will go unheard as she is condemned to an eternity of Hell.Or she becomes fertilizer when she dies. Either way it's not an honorable way to end up.

                              That's why I believe in God because if there is one, then Heaven is a nice place to end up for eternity, if there isn't a god, then who the hell cares right. But if there is a god and you don't believe, well Hell can be a pretty crappy place to end up forever. Common sense dictates that it's better to believe and live eternally happy rather than die and end up as compost.

                              One thing about this child though. I think her persuing this so he can attend his senior year at Kamehameha will only turn him against his mom when he begins to understand the heritage of being Kanaka Maoli. He will understand the plight of the Hawaiians and will probably curse his mom for desecrating the will of the Hawaiian people. So let this child in with open arms. Let him understand the true meaning of all things Hawaiian and let him turn against his mother as God's wrath against her.

                              Yeah that's mo bettah than kill Haole day!
                              Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                              • #30
                                Re: Court rules against Kamehameha Schools admission policy

                                Maybe this latest turn of events can be used to the advantage of the kanaka maoli. Maybe this will be the last straw that will unite all of the different factions into one single strong voice, which is the only way the kanaka maoli will ever see justice served to them and their heritage. Since there is no Kamehameha to unite them, let this taking away of another part of their birthright unite them into constructive action. Imua, keiki o ka 'aina!

                                "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain

