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Stopping the cold flu

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  • alohacandy
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    First my daughter came down with it...then it's my turn. Gonna try the Vicks on my feet tonight. I hate being sick!!! Grrrrrrrrr!

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  • cyleet99
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    Originally posted by lavagal View Post
    Vick's Vapo-Rub on the feet, sox over the rub, go to sleep.
    Thanks, lavagal...I meant to tell you it worked and knocked the illness out the rest of the way. I used it on my little guy a couple of days later when he tried to get sick. He had a sore throat and a lowgrade fever. He laid down on the couch with the rub on his feet and chest, slept a little bit, and broke a sweat and got better soon after that! Back to school the next day!

    Much mahalos, Dr. Lavagal! Send me the bill.

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  • Seeking Penance
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    i do wish everyone well.....i've been really blessed for the last past 3 years - not the cold nor the flu!!! comes at me every other 3 years....weird as it may sound!!! but when it comes it pours!!!

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  • Menehune Man
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    Originally posted by lavagal View Post
    Vick's Vapo-Rub on the feet, sox over the rub, go to sleep.
    I do the "Vick's" on my neck with a cloth wrap. Alittle by my nose too.
    Seems to help.
    What I hate most is the heavy head feeling.

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  • cyleet99
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    I'm gonna try that!

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  • lavagal
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    Vick's Vapo-Rub on the feet, sox over the rub, go to sleep.

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  • kani-lehua
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    thank you. of course the cough happens at night when i'm trying to sleep. no rest for the weary.

    hope you get better, too.

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  • cyleet99
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    I'm headed out to buy some good cough drops. It's gonna hang around a while.

    Kani, hope your cough stops soon!

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  • kani-lehua
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    the same.

    congestion has abated but coughing is going on now for 2 1/2 weeks.

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  • cyleet99
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    Yup. Day five. Started last Thursday with scratchy throat..on to body aches, "sinkin' spells" (where you gotta lay down,) dry cough. Has morphed now into head congestion, runny nose. Never any fever, but I'se tired of bein' sick!

    Took two days off last week; there goes the sick time, but that's what it's for. I'm sure my coworkers would rather I stay home anyway. Lotsa hot teas with cinnamon, peppermint and black pepper, lemon, whatever strikes my fancy.

    I hope you feel better more quickly.

    I wonder if the cayenne spoonful really works; (probably burns going in and coming out!)

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  • Menehune Man
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    Anybody else got sick lately?
    Last week my wife came home with a bad cold. Sneezing, coughing, etc.
    Now I've got it. I rarely get sick, but during the "change in weather" here is when I'm most vulnerable.

    Carry on...

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  • Pua'i Mana'o
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    Originally posted by kimo55
    that's called affirmations.
    To the cynics, it's brainwashing.
    But i see it as positive brainwashing at the very least.
    and it works.
    But you shouldn't take that slow approach.
    ...what you are using are two strong negative words:
    and the subconcious picks up on these.
    Rather, Come from the end positive result:
    I am feeling great. i am clean and clear..
    i am healthy. I am filled with energy and vitality.

    and use your imagination:
    see yourself as the above images.
    imagine your body and soul pulsating with white light.
    Corny I know, but it doesn't cost anything to try it.
    It takes more energy to be negative than positive...

    and of course, for hundreds of years, the wise are familiar with the concept; clean blood, healthy body.
    Get rid of cold and flu by the natural anti-biotic (anti-biosis = against life)
    and also cayenne. african prefereably.
    put in double ot capsules and wash down with tons of water.
    two or three caps a day
    <waves hand, like that enlightened twerp in the first Matrix movie>

    There is no germ.


    I gotta say: cayenne. A big assed Tablespoon's worth. Ice water back. Very few things impress my husband, but watching me dose myself gains me a high-five.

    Baring that (or a few shots of airborne), when the flu sets in (for pesky germs that didn't, ya know, take the blue pill) the orange box of Alka Seltzer Cold&Flu is the bomb.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    Originally posted by Kilinahe
    One word:

    I second this one word! The stuff is amazing. So many people I know swear by it. I even like the taste!

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    OMG! Talk about going back into a time warp and not remembering if you wrote something! Das just how I felt when I read my posts! Spooky...

    and now, ten months later, I stay suffering with the same symptoms again. When I going learn? What is the name of the product? I'll take ten!

    Auntie Lynn

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  • Kilinahe
    Re: Stopping the cold flu

    One word:


    Works every time. It's an effervescent, like a big Alka Seltzer. The directions say to dissolve it in water. It tastes kind of nasty (that's its only drawback) so I've taken to dissolving it in Gatorade. It's only herbs; there's no pain medication or antihistamine in it. It's designed to boost your immune system. I swear by it.

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