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What does your garden grow?

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  • Jake's Ohana
    Re: What does your garden grow?

    We started a garden with our children's help. It was nice to get them involved and watch them with their excitement. So far, except for a tomato plant that turned against us (looking a little dried out) we have one more; japanese eggplant; zucchini, cucumbers, green bell peppers, lemons, oranges, plumeria and banana tree. Can't wait to make a salad and stir fry with some of these fixins

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  • snowbird
    Re: What does your garden grow?

    Pots: cymbidium orchids, phalenopsis orchids, schomberkia orchids, cilantro, thyme, rosemary, lemon grass, basil, italian parsley, kiwi, jackfruit, heliconia, ginger (I think, kahili), dracena, 4 types cactus, madagascar palm, pineapples asparagus fern, sword fern, yellow canna, deciduous redwoods, pine trees, spider plants, pothos, swedish ivy, aloe, airplane plants, staghorn fern w/Spanish Moss trailing from it, Ponytail palm, Sago palm, passion flower, lilacs, deadly nightshade.

    Trees: Naval Orange, Meyer Lemon, Key Lime, Hass Avocado, Macadamia Nut, many varieties Banana & Plantain, Solo Papaya, Babaco Papaya, Catalpa.

    Yard: Elephant Ears, bromeliads, ferns, cannas, Stephanotis, 5 types gingers (no Greene's! auwe.... ), many palms, hydrangea, Bird of Paradise, and Giant Bird of Paradise.

    Summer Garden: Thompson seedless grapes, rhubarb, Maui onions, 3 types tomatoes, Japanese cucumber, burpless cucumber, peanuts, potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, jalepeno peppers, green bell peppers, spinach, radish, bibb lettuce, and strawberries. I hope to improve and increase by winter's garden time. I know I forgot stuff, as I'm not near my home now.

    BTW, I follow the Jorge Garcia (Hurley from LOST) blog, and he is an avid gardener; he says he tried a lot of the upside-down, Topsy Turvy type plants, and said don't waste your money. Happy Growing!

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  • StinkyTheGrump
    Re: Air Growers Of America?

    In our little garden we grow a pineapple, basil, rosemary, a few kinds of tomatoes, hawaiian peppers, habanero peppers, oregano, thyme, cuban oregano, and parsley. We've totally been slacking with the garden lately and it's got choke weeds right now.

    We have many different trees; Manila palm, areca palm, really tall and skinny evergreen (don't know name), and guava. I recently sprayed the guava with some insecticide and it's doing really good now.

    We also have several hibiscus and about 60 feet of a certain flowering bush with a name that escapes me. The bush has long and sharp thorns on it and really pretty purple and white flowers.

    I really like gardening but haven't really planted anything this year besides new basil plants. There's nothing like picking food right out of your garden and eating it five minutes later

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  • Ron Whitfield
    Air Growers Of America?

    Anybody trying the upside-down methods of growing reachers like toms and squash?

    I gave cherry toms a shot once but they didn't survive the long haul.

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: What does your garden grow?

    I have everything and anything you could want and moa.

    In my GARDEN MIND!

    Reality >>> Weeds and Moa Weeds.

    And so wat?

    Come help me clean. Pretty plezzzzz.

    Have a nice day.

    Auntie Pupule

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  • Betsey
    Re: What does your garden grow?

    We've got pears and apples, strawberries, blackcurrents and gooseberries, rhubarb, and some experimental goji berries. Tomatoes in the greenhouse, and a green pepper that's not doing very well. Roses, and right now, the neighbor's mock orange hanging over the fence and perfuming everything. A squirrel who drives the dog crazy.

    My sister managed to grow a banana outdoors in London. It was MASSIVE, with dozens of keiki, but never fruited. It took over, and had to go in the end.

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  • Sharilyn
    Re: What does your garden grow?

    We've got potted basil, rosemary, okinawan spinach, green onion, chives, chili pepper. My hub tried growing veggies... at one point, we had a good supply of eggplant, tomatoes, escarole, bell peppers, etc. Then, we found ourselves feedling all the bugs on the island and gave up.

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  • KeleiGrrrl
    Re: What does your garden grow?

    I have a container garden on my deck and am growing sage, basil, cilantro, chives, rosemary, roma tomatoes, strawberries, some flowers, coleus, and a few plants whose names I can't remember.

    A few years ago I would never have thought I would enjoy or be good at gardening, but to my surprise I experimented with a few things and it actually worked! Isn't it neat when you discover new things about yourself? I would love to have a speck of my own dirt to grow things in, but I'm glad to at least have a deck where I can grow the above.

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  • acousticlady
    Re: What does your garden grow?

    Weeds.......ummmm, make that wild flowers! But only when my husband doesn't mow them down

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  • Adri
    Re: What does your garden grow?

    I'd like to make a nice potted herb garden. If I plant the herbs directly into the ground, something eats them right quick.

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  • cyleet99
    Re: What does your garden grow?

    Sadly, mostly gardening in my dreams now...I do have three orchids and a rosemary bush. Condo container gardening; I can't keep up with the watering needs, so I have to replant the basil. It does grow like crazy, though!

    I have considered hiring on to the local farmers to help. Every walk I take I am busy checking out the plants and trees.

    Oh, did I tell you I have ants, too? They seem to like my Terro baits, so far. And the spiders stay busy.

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  • leashlaws
    Re: What does YOUR garden grow?

    We have lots of ginger (red), several varieties of ti plants, lots of orchids,
    air plants (tilismansia sp?), basil, oregano, Bearss lime tree with lots of limes,
    papaya, akia, munroidendron trees, avocado, elepaio taro, bushes bursting with stephanotis, baby pineapples. We used to have lots of bananas but the
    high winds of winter knocked down about 15 of them and they've yet to return.
    We also have ants, rats and in the winter pigs and WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too
    many chickens

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  • Kaonohi
    started a topic What does your garden grow?

    What does your garden grow?

    I'd like to know what you grow in your garden.
    Be it a flower pot on a windowsill growing sage or dill, a corner of a yard, or a farm.

    I'm one of those people with a brown thumb, but thankfully Kahalu`u Mauka is VERY forgiving.

    My wife has herbs in pots as well as in the garden proper. She also enjoys flowers of different varieties, incl. roses, crownflowers for the butterflies, gingers: red, pink, torch, Greene's (rare), yellow, shampoo, hybrids with jungle queen, jungle queen. More heleconias than I can count, incl. sexy pink and platysdactus.

    Fruits: Rainbow papaya, apple bananna, williams bananna, Cuban Red, starfruit (ugh!), limes, lemons, oranges (few), coffee, macnuts, coconuts, bamboo shoots, strawberry guava, pomelo, `ohia a`i (mountain apple), creamy avocado.

    Ohi`a fern.

    Oh, and pigs and ants....

    We try to use it or lose it, give lots away to neighbors and friends in season. We used to sell flowers, but no more.

    Anyone else gardening?
