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Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

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  • #16
    Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

    Originally posted by scrivener
    I cook a lot of chicken, and you know what the garbage starts to smell like after just one day. I hate it when my garbage smells like garbage.
    or you could get a smaller garbage can and take the rubbish out every night, then no smell.
    when you get your groceries you could ask for plastic and wrap your chicken discards up in that (thinner plastic will degrade fasterI would think)
    Support Lung Cancer Research


    • #17
      Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

      Originally Posted by scrivener
      I cook a lot of chicken, and you know what the garbage starts to smell like after just one day. I hate it when my garbage smells like garbage

      Or, you can use on old plastic sack of any sort (groceries, bread, poi) and place the raw chicken gunk inside, then toss the whole mess into the freezer until rubbish pickup day. If you ever live or visit anywhere where it hits 100 degrees during summer months, you'll soon find that no matter how well you "wrap" the raw chicken scraps, you cannot stop the smell. Nothing like opening your outside rubbish can to toss out the daily trash only to get a whiff of yesterday's raw chicken!

      Freeze it until pickup day, then toss it out.


      • #18
        Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

        Originally posted by SouthKona
        Originally Posted by scrivener
        I cook a lot of chicken, and you know what the garbage starts to smell like after just one day. I hate it when my garbage smells like garbage

        Or, you can use on old plastic sack of any sort (groceries, bread, poi) and place the raw chicken gunk inside, then toss the whole mess into the freezer until rubbish pickup day. If you ever live or visit anywhere where it hits 100 degrees during summer months, you'll soon find that no matter how well you "wrap" the raw chicken scraps, you cannot stop the smell. Nothing like opening your outside rubbish can to toss out the daily trash only to get a whiff of yesterday's raw chicken!

        Freeze it until pickup day, then toss it out.
        Or, make stock out of the raw chicken scraps (bones, skin, gizzards, etc) to freeze for another day, then toss the cooked scraps in a plastic bag and then into the garbage. Won't smell as much and will take a whole lot longer to spoil!

        "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


        • #19
          Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

          Can wash those bags, just throw em inside-out into the machine, along with the rest of the laundry.


          • #20
            Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

            Originally posted by scrivener
            I'll be right over.
            I'm still waiting!


            • #21
              Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

              I use zip-loc bags to store all of my wires and cables. One thing I hate is a drawer full of wires that are tangled together. Computer Mice in each bag, USB cables in another, power adapters, you name it. It makes searching for these items in my gadget/electronic drawer from hell an easier task.
              Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


              • #22
                Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

                Originally posted by craigwatanabe
                I use zip-loc bags to store all of my wires and cables. One thing I hate is a drawer full of wires that are tangled together. Computer Mice in each bag, USB cables in another, power adapters, you name it. It makes searching for these items in my gadget/electronic drawer from hell an easier task.
                Oh yeah. I only started doing that a few months ago and what a difference it makes! I used to have a box full of old computer stuff, and it was a mess sorting through the cables and figuring out which power adapter went with which gadget. Now I bag 'em and label 'em with a big sharpie.


                • #23
                  Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

                  I'm with you, Scriv. Hell, I'm probably way beyond you.

                  I'm terribly neurotic about Ziploc bags (or, as Alton calls them generically, "zip top" bags). I live in constant fear of running out, so I'm always buying boxes of them, and thanks to Costco, this basically means we have a full cabinet in the kitchen devoted to storing them, in their multitude of convenient sizes.

                  Actually, as I think I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm obsessive about storage in general. Rubbermaid bins, Sterilite bins, Tupperware, and Ziploc bags and everything in between. My wife has joked that I'll probably want to be buried in a giant, sealed acrylic container.

                  For food? Definitely. Of course I try to store all leftovers in Ziploc bags, but I actually store food we haven't even eaten yet in 'em as well. We buy meat by the cubic buttload at Costco, so we separate all the pork chops, chicken thighs and breasts, hamburgers, steaks, etc. into Ziploc bags, label 'em, and freeze 'em. (Don't forget the labeling, as most meats are hard to tell apart when frozen!) I also hate, hate, hate stale food, and in a house full of kids you basically have to expect every box of crackers or cereal is going to be left opened, overturned, under a couch at some point. So as soon as I bring cereal or cookies or crackers home, into a series of Ziploc bags it goes.

                  And for other stuff? There too. Like Craig and Glenn, I use it for the inevitable "junk bin" to keep cables and gadgets and plugs organized. I just filled up a gallon bag with nothing but remote controls. When I travel? Almost everything is in a Ziploc bag. Recycling used bags for "smelly trash" is a pretty good idea... I just have to allow myself to accumulate a collection of used bags without throwing them away in a huff.

                  Our kids toys end up in Ziploc bags a lot, too, usually the small ones that need to be kept together but don't warrant their own bin. My neuroses actually drive my family nuts sometimes, as I'll often start organizing and sealing up toys as soon as I get home. "The point of toys," my wife has to remind me, "is to be taken out and played with!"
                  Last edited by pzarquon; May 15, 2006, 10:16 AM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

                    Originally posted by craigwatanabe
                    I use zip-loc bags to store all of my wires and cables. One thing I hate is a drawer full of wires that are tangled together.
                    Ah, dangit. Why did I never think of this? I'm one of three teachers with official access to the cabinets where we store all manner of cables, but you know how it is with community storage places. Zippered bags might be what we're looking for.
                    But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                    • #25
                      Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

                      Originally posted by craigwatanabe
                      I use zip-loc bags to store all of my wires and cables. One thing I hate is a drawer full of wires that are tangled together. Computer Mice in each bag, USB cables in another, power adapters, you name it. It makes searching for these items in my gadget/electronic drawer from hell an easier task.
                      I am totally stealing that idea.
                      Aquaponics in Paradise !


                      • #26
                        Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

                        We use to use ziploc bags to collect agates at the beach here (Oregon). Then I found thes cool zippered bags that our pillowcases come in!

                        They are re-usable because they are a little sturdier! So now in our beach box we have those instead of throwing them away!!

                        They zip up and don't break like ziploc's when my 3 year old wants to carry home a 6 inch 3 pound ROCK!
                        Since when is psycho a bad thing??
                        Sharing withother survivors...


                        • #27
                          Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

                          This is why I love the internet.


                          • #28
                            Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

                            I'm HOME!!!!

                            I observed years ago to my kids that probably, after I'm long gone and someone asks what their mother was like, they would be likely to say, "she was all about Ziploc bags."

                            We in this thread are truly kindred spirits -- hello brethren! (and sistren, of course).

                            I can SO identify with all the points made here ... and I picked up another one or two to further my ... dependency. (The first step is admitting one has a problem, right?)

                            I was amazed to read the Ziploc-omelette posts and how the bags neither melt, nor supposedly do the plastic/chemicals leach into the food.

                            I, too, stock up at Costco ... though I'm often disappointed to find they don't have quart size bags, which are quite the necessary intermediate size between sandwich and gallon size.

                            Ryan -- confession is good for the soul. I read, I empathized, I felt that we'd drawn closer.
                            I know a lot less than what there is to be known.


                            • #29
                              Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

                              Originally posted by Erika Engle
                              I, too, stock up at Costco ... though I'm often disappointed to find they don't have quart size bags, which are quite the necessary intermediate size between sandwich and gallon size.
                              Oh yes they do, or at least they did today at the Waipio Costco. Those are my favorite size! Of course, soon as the wife saw me bring 'em in the door, she said, "What, more?"

                              So... maybe I forgot we had another "box of boxes" waiting unopened in the closet, where they'd been stored because our "Ziploc bag cupboard" was already full of the other sizes.

                              Well, now we're really prepared for when the revolution comes!

                              Psst... Erika... if you need a fix, I think I can help you out... {twitch twitch}


                              • #30
                                Re: Confession: Now I'm Using Too Many Zippered Plastic Bags

                                she said, "What, more?
                                I think you can never have enough! It's not like they are gonna spoil... and you certainly don't want to run out! (Ok, I guess I'm talking about TP )

