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The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

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  • #76
    Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

    watched tiny's show the other nite... save for the frequent whip pans and jittery camera work, I haveta admit I was entertained and learned a few things about what's out there. It was fun to see tiny on kalakaua and then the top of dubya... now i know i gotta hit that place. mahalos, tiny, for reminding me of a good dinner spot.

    (still don't know what a slush puppie is...rainy day footwear?)


    • #77
      Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

      Originally posted by kimo55
      (still don't know what a slush puppie is...rainy day footwear?)
      It's a drink kind of like Icee.

      They have a website:
      I'm still here. Are you?


      • #78
        Re: Oh no... NOT AGAIN!?!?!!

        Originally posted by craigwatanabe
        Hi Tiny,
        I see a lot of humor in your writing (a bit sarcastic at times but...) and some of the criticism shouldn't be taken personally from you but some are pure literalists and take every utterance you speak of very...well literally.
        Oh geez, we couldn't just let sleeping dogs lie, huh?
        Well, since you asked... the following are a list of insults Tiny has thrown at various HawaiiThreads members in the mere 18 days since he arrived:

        I'm not sure if he is a he or she... but this person is also the type that you feel sorry for his/her spouse.
        Let's boycott the Likanui guy/gal. In fact, this is my last response and I am not even gonna read this anymore. So please... no more replies.

        I see a smile or welcome face when I'm filming... and I attack.

        Palolo Joe... you are not getting it.
        I have to say... you're wrong.

        I finally found a way to shut his (PaloloJoe’s) mouth!!! Ha ha ha.

        An entire lengthy post of insults at many HT readers is at

        I hope you (PaloloJoe) can become a better man from this.

        I pray for you (PaloloJoe) to grow up

        (To MadAzza You may either need God or a boyfriend. My guess is both.

        Kilinahe - You don't write often, but when you do... you show your imaturity and ignorance. (…) You should change that.. and your attitude.

        To 1st Wahine - I saved the best for last. What are you about? You seem to have a bunch of personalities... I hope you conquer your illness. Whether you're Autny Lynn or Auntie Pupule or whatever... at least you're humorous... but sometimes just plain stupid.

        Auntie even called herself stupid... so I wasn't lying. But if that was too offensive... we know how you guys don't like that... then, I'll retract that and say she is soooo brilliant!

        I know I left myself open for all the stones to be thrown. Let me just say... I am shielded by the strength given to me by the big Man up above.

        I do hate to read... until I started reading threads... about ME! And sorry for the misunderstanding... but not interested... I'm too busy to be your boyfriend

        Not even stupid... which when I used it... it was just describing Auntie Lynn’s messages.

        My take is that you're not used to someone you guys thread about... writing in and defending him/herself. And when it happens... you don't like that it's okay with me... and that I like it and use it to my benefit.

        I try to put some of the threaders in their place once in a while... and they can't take it.

        I just think it's funny that if someone like me that's been picked on for awhile... turns it around and has fun... even starts to enjoy himself

        Lolo Paka... you are so immature.

        Please, not for me... but for the others and most of all for yourselves... GROW UP.

        You're just like a little kid trying to hurt me with words. Won't work. I just feel so darn sorry for you. I know you'll say you're not a hater or mean... but you are.

        Come out of the closet... your little hiding places behind those names.

        Jay later left... then came back... this time with no toupee (did I spell that right?) and re-hired me as his morning partner. It was Jay Stone and Tiny Tadani... although he'd never show up since he was partying at Hula's every night.

        I think I write with respect... even when I get down on you a little.

        If I can be honest with you... sister... if you're gonna go by the name "1st Wahine"... try to live up to it and watch you pilau mouth.
        I did call you and your writings "stupid" once... I used it in a very loose descriptive/friendly way.

        Auntie Pupule! Another piece of advice... don't use your illness as an excuse

        I may claim not to be egotistical or stuck up... but I do like to be in charge. So, since my name is on the thread... I'd like to run it...
        Remember... be nice... or else I'll have to kick you off MY thread!!!

        I guess that's why many just let 1stWahine go off... and ignore her... she doesn't make much sense.

        I just said that to get him pumped up. He hates it when I do that.

        As for my Dad... he is very useful.

        Scriviner, you told us who you are and others have the bios and stuff... but if you're slamming and swearing and hurting others... SHOW SOME GUTS.

        If you try to respond any other way... all I can say is that you are a chicken.
        The only way you come out smelling good here... is to give your name or be quiet.

        Calling all fakers... come out of the closet and let us know who you are.

        You seem to have cleaned up your act... so keep it up

        Ty... you're only half the man I am.

        There you have it. All of those are direct quotes taken from his posts in the past 18 days.
        I used to just dislike his style of promotion and had no feelings one way or the other about the person, but now...
        Last edited by LikaNui; September 18, 2005, 01:58 PM.

        That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


        • #79
          Re:Oh no, NO AGAIN!?!?!!

          Now that you've had a chance to review his insulting posts, let's look at Tiny's stunningly egotistical quotes from the past 18 days, shall we?:

          Wow... I'm that famous that people would write this much about me?
          I know you must love me deep down inside too! why else all the thought about me?
          So stop satisfying Satan... and give God a smile by living more like his son Jesus. And maybe one day we'll meet in upstairs and you can thank me for saving you.

          Believe it or not, a lot of people still dig my show.

          I know I'm a public figure.
          I've been to raunchy bars and dated a lot after my divorce. I've gotten into fights... and even into the news when I got into an altercation with an ex-girlfriend in a public parking lot. No, I didn't beat her... but it was a fight in public and someone called the cops. I went in. But the newpapers have to say Tiny Tadani was arrested for abuse of a household member (we were living together at the time).
          I have to get a little cocky here
          I have a pretty good ear and feel for what would get airplay
          I'm very confident on this subject.
          I make good money
          I'm the only local show on OC16 that has lasted
          So please give me some credit for being successful
          I am very passionate of my craft (sorry it's not witch craft... so you'd have another thread about me)

          I want people to show that they know me
          I'm pretty on it and guess if people know me or like me... and I'm pretty friendly. I should know... I'm there.
          I still enjoy all the publicity here

          I was a part of some of the first BBTS contests.

          Unfortunately, there is no website for now. Maybe in the future. I figure you can get all da scoops right here on the thread

          I just wanted to add another dimension to the relationship here. You all can come see me live in action.

          I'm just showing some of what I can do.


          As I mentioned in earlier responses... I love the publicity

          Yes... that means you're all just like me! Welcome to the world of "Tiny!"

          I just wanted to get this out before all these threads are over. This run has been great. I do feel that it is all tied into KHUI because it is about me

          Especially people in the media business that I know personally... and I think they all get a kick out of this. And for those who know me... HOWZIT?

          I do hate to read... until I started reading thread... about ME! And sorry for the misunderstanding... but not interested... I'm too busy to be your boyfriend

          From 7-8am Monday-Friday... you can watch and listen to me on KHUI & OC16 at the same time... like Howard Stern, but clean.

          I like the attention.

          I'm just having fun now. Sorry, but seems like it gets so negative here sometimes that if a former writer like me turns it around and starts using the thread for his benefit and likes it... you gotta trash 'em.

          My take is that you're not used to someone you guys thread about... writing in and defending him/herself. And when it happens... you don't like that it's okay with me... and that I like it and use it to my benefit.

          I think were going to do well in the ratings down the road. Look out KSSK!

          I try to put some of the threaders in their place once in a while... and they can't take it.

          I just respond. In a fun way of course... that's just how I am.

          I don't need to advertise on this thread... I have radio, TV & print daily.

          I think this thread benefits when more people read and I've even made a few remarks on the radio about it... and I don't even charge you guys for that.

          I'm so confident in my honor... it's not ego...

          I win either way. I'm in a win-win situation here! (…) I end up getting what I wanted in the first place.

          Yea! I'm back in the thread! Missed the publicity

          I like the publicity.

          I may claim not to be egotistical or stuck up... but I do like to be in charge. So, since my name is on the thread... I'd like to run it...
          Remember... be nice... or else I'll have to kick you off MY thread!!!

          Hey everyone, back to my thread... me!

          I may not be GPA smart... but I'm street smart.

          I just want you to meet the real me so you can give me chance. Don't go by what you read about, heard in the news, heard on the radio, saw on tv, or even how I may have treated you in a busy situation in the past.

          I just feel I need to reach out right now and love you as a brothers and sisters right now.

          I'll field the questions and/or explain myself.

          The next thing some of you may be saying... "Who made you boss of this thread?" NO ONE. I JUST FELT A NEED TO SAY THIS... NOT JUST FOR ME, BUT FOR ANY CELEBRITY

          This thread title got my attention since I've been seeing so much "evil" on threads about me.

          Yes, I like the disagreements and the controversy

          Ty... you're only half the man I am.

          I'm proud of the way I represent myself.

          The reason why my sponsors and businesses support me (mostly cash sponsors by the way... and thanks for caring), is because I strike a true trusting friendship with me. They totally trust me and like me for what I am..

          As laid back as I am on TV or even in person...

          I think if there is a reason for me and some others who live the "good life"

          Lots of people who have either heard rumors about me or even knew some bad things I've done... can maybe realize that we all deserve a chance at redemption.

          I'm highly confident and somewhat arrogant
          Even more than arrogant... I am confident when I do use Jesus as my main sponsor.

          Again, the quotes above show why I and many others went from simply not liking his promotional style to having negative feelings about his personal style.

          That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


          • #80
            Re: Oh no, NOT AGAIN!?!?!!

            Care to see how many flagrant advertisements Tiny has posted on HawaiiThreads in just 18 days? Here ya go:

            So stop satisfying Satan... and give God a smile by living more like his son Jesus. And maybe one day we'll meet in upstairs and you can thank me for saving you... and of course I'll tape that meeting and sponsor that segment by (sponsor name deleted) Spa.

            I start my new radio show on Sept. 6th on (radio station deleted)

            Let me tell you how (sponsor name deleted) came about.
            In fact, performers keep coming up to me today wanting to be on my CD
            I'm the only local show on (cable channel deleted) that has lasted

            I still enjoy all the publicity here

            I played the theme song on (radio station deleted) this morning

            Forgot to mention... does anyone want to come out to the (sponsor name deleted) Restaurant grand opening? It's in Kalihi right past the post office across from 7-11. It features a Continental buffet for just $10 tonight. And were giving away a trip for 2 to Las Vegas in a drawing. If you can make it... it starts around 6pm and goes until around 10pm. I'll be emceeing from 5:30-8ish.

            Just got back from the (radio station deleted) promotion tonight

            I'll be hosting the (radio station deleted) stage at the (sponsor name deleted) in front of the (sponsor name deleted) Hotel. My morning partner, (xxx) will be with me introducing groups and giving away prizes. It's from 7-10pm... we'll start with (…)

            I think this (promotions/events) are a part of the thread theme. I just wanted to add another dimension to the relationship here. You all can come see me live in action... and then you can give your opinions back here...

            the events that I'm doing for (radio station deleted) surely fits in this thread since it's all a part of me

            Hey, I can promote and market the station! GOD GAVE HIS ONE AND ONLY SON TO DIE FOR US ON THE CROSS... THE LEAST I CAN DO IS EMCEE SOME EVENTS FOR (radio station deleted)!

            Well, I have to leave and get ready for my 6-10am shift at (radio station deleted)

            As I mentioned in earlier responses... I love the publicity.

            I did turn the thread into a whole publicity stunt to see how long I could carry it out.

            Once more... thanks for all the free advertising here on the "thread."

            He taught me alot about this thread business. Yes, you really can make it work for you

            Listen to me weekdays from 6-10am on (radio station deleted)

            Yipee! More advertising.

            C'mon yall, have a sense of humor... but you can also catch me on (program name deleted) on (cable channel deleted) or the (ad deleted) in the (newspaper name deleted) every Thursday.

            Mel, I tried not to promote the TV stuff since it was a radio thread... but since they're asking.. I'm on (cable channel deleted) every Monday-Friday at 10:30pm right after the network newscasts. And it is repeated at 4am for you early or late birds. It is statewide... but if you don't subscribe to (cable channel deleted)... too bad.
            Oh yeah, I do also simulcast the morning radio show from the (radio station deleted) studios for an hour... there's my tie in! From 7-8am Monday-Friday... you can watch and listen to me on (radio station deleted) & (cable channel deleted) at the same time...
            Thanks for asking folks... sorry, gotta go emcee something.

            I'm just having fun now. Sorry, but seems like it gets so negative here sometimes that if a former writer like me turns it around and starts using the thread for his benefit and likes it... you gotta trash 'em.

            My take is that you're not used to someone you guys thread about... writing in and defending him/herself. And when it happens... you don't like that it's okay with me... and that I like it and use it to my benefit.

            I think were going to do well in the ratings down the road. Look out (radio station deleted)!

            Gotta give my puppy a late bath and get rest for my next day at (sponsor name deleted) from 9-4. I'll be there from 10-1pm.

            This whole "Tiny replaces Mahlon" thread started by people knocking me for promoting my sponsors. I explained why I do it... and still got "wise-cracks" about it. So I started making jokes and adding (sponsor name deleted) and the "listen to me on (radio station deleted)" or my biggest sponsor of all... "God."

            I went a step further and promoted where I'd be.

            I don't need to advertise on this thread... I have radio, TV & print daily.

            Working on air at (radio station deleted) for a week now

            I'm still convincing (xxx) to let me do the opposite on (radio station deleted)... I'll do a show on Sunday night and play top 40 hits on (radio station deleted)!

            Yea! I'm back in the thread! Missed the publicity

            Just booked (xxx) (Tiny CD 2) for the morning simulcast interview and a new live lunch broadcast coming soon. (xxx) (Tiny CD 1) is calling me back too. Just played (xxx’s) "Ribbon In The Sky" (Tiny CD 4) on (radio station deleted) this morning... And (xxx) (Tiny CD 1, 3 & 4) and I just hung up talking story about all kinds of stuff.

            I like the publicity... not a ego thing... a business thing

            I'll be on the air tomorrow morning at 6am
            Then, on Friday night... I'll be in (sponsor name deleted). We're promoting (sponsor name deleted). On Saturday, my friends are putting on a (sponsor name deleted). I'll drop by.
            Wanna come watch with me?
            And that's my "tiny" schedule for now... I can feel the blood flowing thru some folks' bloodstream with this little promotional mention.

            In fact, if you all want to have big get together... I'll host it at one of my sponsor locations

            39 ads in just 18 days. And still yet he wonders why we don't want him here.

            That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


            • #81
              Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

              Holy, crap, Lika. Tiny annoys the hell out of me as much as he does anyone, but I'm really beginning to think you might want to take a break or something. These, and your previous, exhaustive reviews and recaps of Tiny's posts only serve to drag this ridiculousness on longer, and give him more exposure to boot -- something the guy clearly, clearly loves.

              The best way to stop a soulless, relentless, obnoxious commercial automaton is to ignore him.

              Of course, I saw in today's Star-Bulletin that the Battle of Tiny Tadani here at has been highlighted, so I'm pretty sure this ridiculousness isn't going to end any time soon.


              • #82
                Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                Likanui: "And still yet he wonders why we don't want him here."

                Who is "we"? You & your right hand? According to your own poll, you were outvoted 1-5 & stood alone out in a field in Mars somewhere, red-faced , alone, hot & bothered.

                Seriously, you have way too much time on your hands & hate in your heart. RETYPING THE WHOLE 18 days??? For your benefit or ??? Do you feel better?


                • #83
                  Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                  Howzit "Tiny-Threaders?" I know that bugs the heck out of a hand-full of you. If it didn't bother you... congratulations... you get it! You really know what I'm about and what I do.

                  Hey Craig... thanks for the response.

                  Kimo55... glad you liked the show. It is a big informercial... or as I call it... "tiny-mercials" in my show... but I try to make it fun and informative.

                  Pzarquon... Either LikaNui has too much time on his hands... or he really does love me. Thanks for letting me know that John Heckathorn had me in his "What The Heck" column in the Star-Bulletin. I just read it... and that was very cool that he mentioned us.

                  Kona Girl... thanks for being in my corner, but watch out... he'll come after you next! Seriously, I think he's not having fun anymore... so let's back off?

                  Mel... mahalos for the link... but there's a more local one at Don't tell LikaNui though... cause my picture is on that one.

                  LikaNui... Bummer, but I had a busy weekend... or else I'd highlight all the nice things you say about me and whip them on this thread. But you know that you've slammed me more often and with more hatred than any of what you showed from me. Does having more posts give you the right for that? When you clip and paste the way you do... it fails to show the comedy & yes, sarcasm at times that I express in my posts.

                  So if anyone is reading LikaNui's collection of my "Greatest Hits"... please keep in mind that he only takes what he needs to make me look bad and he pastes it that way. If I ever need a lawyer... I'll call you LikaNui. Oh wait a minute... I just remembered the "get the twerp off poll" you recently did... you lost! Maybe I won't ask you to represent me. I won! Maybe I'll represent myself.

                  LikaNui... I'm having fun... I hope you are. But if you are not... all kidding aside... let's call a truce. I feel bad for you, man. You shouldn't have to spend so much time doing what you're doing. So if I said something to offend you... well, I guess I know I did... I'm sorry. Let's move on. Didn't mean to make you crazy.

                  I just went for a walk with a good friend and my dog (not my slush puppie) and we saw a beautiful full moon. I flew to Hilo to emcee a C&K concert at the Hilo County Fair. I flew back in time to watch my son's first bowling match for Kalaheo (and they won). And I went to an old friends wedding tonight. Look what God gave us... even this computer... so let's not be nasty anymore on the thread, okay? Maybe we can get a little sassy once-in-a-while just for fun.


                  Last edited by Tiny Tadani; September 18, 2005, 09:31 PM.


                  • #84
                    Re: Oh no, NOT AGAIN!?!?!!

                    Originally posted by pzarquon
                    The best way to stop a soulless, relentless, obnoxious commercial automaton is to ignore him.
                    Ignore who?

                    Of course, I saw in today's Star-Bulletin that the Battle of Tiny Tadani here at has been highlighted, so I'm pretty sure this ridiculousness isn't going to end any time soon.
                    Gee, I wasn't aware of it until you mentioned it, so had to go look for it. John Heckathorn's "What The Heck" column included this tidbit:
                    "Byte Me: On local Web site, the online opinionizers were roughing up new KHUI morning DJ Tiny Nitro Tadani -- for replacing Mahlon Moore, for dressing up his son as a Sierra Mist can at the Na Hoku awards, that kind of thing. Tadani, a feisty guy, went online himself, upbraiding his critics for their lack of a proper relationship with the Lord. "Stop satisfying Satan," he told one opponent (screen name LikaNui).
                    Replied LikaNui: "You've met my ex-wife, then?" "

                    (End of HawaiiThreads-related item.)
                    Well, that proves once again that you just never know who's reading HawaiiThreads. And that's something that certain people should keep in mind, careerwise.
                    I wonder how many new readers HawaiiThreads will get from that?
                    It's pathetic but not unexpected that Tiny has already jumped in and claimed that Heckathorn's item was about him, when obviously what amused Heckathorn was the "You've met my ex-wife, then?" comeback. I hope that Heckathorn is a regular lurker here and realizes that there are far better writers than myself: Kimo55, Glen, Ryan, Scriv, MadAzza, Craig, and more. Even our dear Auntie! There's some talent for you, Mr. Heckathorn. Consider giving them a weekly guest column.
                    And I do want to remind everyone of something that I feel is extremely important in all this.
                    This all started over in the Hawaiian Media section (and as I recall, I started it) because I wanted to applaud and acknowledge Mahlon Moore and Skylark for having the guts and class to stand up for their convictions. These two highly admired, highly respected, and humble talents both quit their jobs because they had the courage to take a stand against discrimination. Their employer, 99.5 and Salem Communications, refused to run an ad based on their corporate anti-gay policy. Mahlon and Skylark refused to accept any more paychecks from them and instead quietly but firmly and with great class, simply walked out the door.
                    And that, dear friends, is what started all this.
                    Then Tiny goes in there, doesn't care about his new employer's discriminatory practices. Then he comes in here and figuratively pees all over our tribute to Mahlon and Skylark. He comes in here and repeatedly insults a member who has mental problems, repeatedly insults others, flagrantly advertises and self-promotes and whines for our attention to bolster his admittedly hyper-inflated ego, and does all of this whilst shamelessly -- and utterly astoundingly -- hiding behind a false curtain of religion!
                    And that, dear friends, is what this is all about.
                    Mahlon and Skylark have far more class than Tiny could ever dream about having.
                    There's a valuable lesson there, Tiny, if you'll stop your bragging long enough to pay attention. You need to realize that as long as your lips are moving, your brain isn't learning.
                    And learn some humility. Use Mahlon Moore and Skylark as role models, not Howard Stern, or your next career move will require you to practice saying "Would you like fries with that order?"
                    For you own good, think about it.
                    Last edited by LikaNui; September 18, 2005, 11:25 PM.

                    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                    • #85
                      Re: Oh no, NOT AGAIN!?!?!!

                      Originally posted by LikaNui
                      I hope that Heckathorn is a regular lurker here and realizes that there are far better writers than myself: Kimo55, Glen, Ryan, Scriv, MadAzza, Craig, and more. Even our dear Auntie! There's some talent for you, Mr. Heckathorn. Consider giving them a weekly guest column.
                      Thanks for the nice words, but forget that. I want a regular gig!
                      But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                      • #86
                        Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                        C'mon LikaNui... you're not waiting 24 hours before your responses and you're making yourself look kinda bad. I said... LET'S GIVE IT UP! Look, you're reading so into things that you think I was taking credit for Heckathorn's column. Try re-read my reply to Pzarquon. It says... he was talking about US. But yes, he ended on your quip about being married to Satan. LikaNui... that's nothing to brag about... even as a joke.

                        And back to the original Mahlon and Sky support. I thnk they're great too. In fact, Mahlon was the first program director that supported Tiny TV almost 6 years ago when I think it was 99-5 KORL. And I just saw Skylark in Hilo and we were both working, but whe helped intro my Taste Of Hilo Segment on a recent Tiny TV. I respect their decisions... at least they have one. And they stood by them. They've both been in the biz longer than I have... so you're right... I bow to them.

                        As a Christian... we fail. I know that. But I try my best. LikaNui, please don't rip on my faith. You can tease and insult me... but not my family or my God. LET'S STAY AWAY FROM THERE. I'd appreciate that.


                        Tiny "da Twerp" Tadani


                        • #87
                          Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                          Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                          You can tease and insult me... but not my family or my God. LET'S STAY AWAY FROM THERE. I'd appreciate that.
                          If you don't want others to discuss your faith, then please do the same. Make no mention of it, your church or any other religious-type subjects.

                          I'm sure a number of us here on HT would appreciate that. And I promise not to share with you my thoughts on faith or where I go for services each week, either.



                          • #88
                            Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                            Whoa. What's up with that avatar, Palolo Joe?
                            But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                            • #89
                              Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                              Originally posted by scrivener
                              Whoa. What's up with that avatar, Palolo Joe?
                              Arrr! Being talk like a pirate day thats the official howdy-do to the local winch's arr!!


                              • #90
                                Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                                Originally posted by Palolo Joe
                                If you don't want others to discuss your faith, then please do the same. Make no mention of it, your church or any other religious-type subjects.
                                I'd have to agree here. I recognize that Tiny's faith is a major factor in his life, but Palolo Joe's gotten straight to the point: if you don't wish your faith to be discussed (and possibly derided) in this forum, don't bring it into the forum with you - not once, not every time. If you do, however, then you are in no position to ask others to leave the subject alone.

