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Lan Vo (psychic)

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  • #46
    Re: Lan Vo (psychic)

    I went to see Lan Vo 3 times in my life. And as time went on almost all of her predictions for me has come true! The first time I saw her, she said I would be working for the City and County of Honolulu. I thought, this is ridiculous and immediately discounted it because I was already working for the State, and why would I go over to the city?!

    Well, I just started working for the city not too long ago.

    The last time I went to see her, (last August 2006) she talked about a Chinese-American friend of mine who grew up in San Francisco, but loves Hawaii because of the amount of Asians here. (I wasn't going to bring him up, as I was interested in myself to be honest) But since Lan Vo started describing my friend in detail I asked about a bar/restaurant (La Mariana) that I went to see with my friend and friend's real estate agent because my friend was conptemplating buying the restaurant. (He LOVES tikis) Lan said, "Nope, too expensive!" "Your friend will invest in an old piece of Hawai'i land with another investor."

    Lan continued with my life saying that I've been crying too much at night because of all the loss of friends and close family members(all of them older than me) who passed away from either cancer, massive heart attacks or strokes. That was TRUE! She said I guarantee you will make more friends this October 2006, one will be a lifetime friend! The last thing she told me was I met some guy a long time ago, and I'll meet him again and another guy in the future & between the two of them I'll chose who I will live my life with.

    I called my friend (who was back in San Francisco) with the prediction, and the next day he called back and said his real estate agent called and said Annette was asking 3 million dollars for La Mariana and it was too expensive for him. Long story, short story my friend met another guy and they have a restaurant on the North Shore called Tropic Aina that used to be Maliko's and before that Paniolos in Punalu'u. And they are renting the land/restaurant from the Bishop Estate!!!

    I did make more friends In October 2006, and I'm much happier now. There was a time in 2004-2006 when I wondered if I would ever be happy like I was before 2004, before all the lost I experienced.

    I did meet a guy a long time ago in the 90's at the old Hula's while I was waiting for a co-worker/friend who I was meeting there and going to spend the evening with because he was leaving for Virginia to follow his partner of 16 years after they had lived on O'ahu for past 15 years. (Transferred by United Airlines) This guy came up to me and asked me if he could buy me a cocktail. I swear when I looked into his eyes, I briefly saw beyond the surface, into his soul. Ever since then, I've lived a mostly celibate life, hoping to met him again, I've never met anyone before, or since then who had that effect on me.

    I was raised a Christian, but the way I understand it the spirit world or heaven doesn't have any time like the physical world of earth, and a truly gifted psychic can communicate with dearly departed family members or friends (who because they are in heaven can see the past and into the future of family, friends who are still here on the physical earth), and this is how the psychic gets his/hers information. I believe in this because of my own experiences, and I now consider myself to be a "spiritual" person rather than a religious person.
    Last edited by Beau; October 28, 2007, 10:24 AM.


    • #47
      Re: Lan Vo (psychic)

      I know this is a very very old thread, but I am going to see her Next month, ending of june 2010. Anyone has visited her recently in late 2009 or early 2010?

      post up your experiences..



      • #48
        Re: Lan Vo (psychic)

        Oh my, this IS an old thread!

        I went to see Lan Vo in the late 1980's as I was getting over being dumped and exploring new relationships.

        The most notable thing was that when she entered the room she seemed to be 'followed' by two 'globes' of color. The larger one was blue and the smaller one was pink. I asked her if she used spirits in her work, and she looked over to them (to my left), then back at me and kinda squinted at me and said simply, "yes."

        I've had a raft or two of personal psychic experiences in my life (including a few times saving lives in VietNam), prophetic dreams, etc., but this was the first time I could SEE disembodied consciousnesses! (I've conversed with them, but not SEEN them!)

        Anyway Lan told me a lot about my past that was true - not cold-reading stuff, really private stuff - but didn't do too well on future things, except for one thing: I came with the woman who is now my wife, and she said something like: stick to this woman, she is your future. And she was, or rather the is. 22 years together this year.
        Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!
        ~ ~
        Spreading the virus of ALOHA.
        Oh Chu. If only you could have seen what I've seen, with your eyes.


        • #49
          Re: Lan Vo (psychic)

          Originally posted by Kaonohi View Post
          Anyway Lan told me a lot about my past that was true - not cold-reading stuff, really private stuff - but didn't do too well on future things, [...]
          This was also my experience.


          • #50
            Re: Lan Vo (psychic)

            Is it weirder than an avowedly religious person like me thinks this is poppycock, or that avowedly irreligious people like some of you think she's got some kind of psychic talent? I'm not trying to stir the pot; I'm genuinely puzzled by this. One would think I'd be MORE inclined to believe someone could have such abilities because I do believe in things I cannot see, touch, or explain. On the other hand, many of you disbelieve in the things I hold dearest because you cannot see, touch, or explain them, yet you believe a woman in Nuuanu can possibly know things in some other-than-earthly way.
            But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


            • #51
              Re: Lan Vo (psychic)

              Originally posted by scrivener View Post
              Is it weirder than an avowedly religious person like me thinks this is poppycock, or that avowedly irreligious people like some of you think she's got some kind of psychic talent? I'm not trying to stir the pot; I'm genuinely puzzled by this. One would think I'd be MORE inclined to believe someone could have such abilities because I do believe in things I cannot see, touch, or explain. On the other hand, many of you disbelieve in the things I hold dearest because you cannot see, touch, or explain them, yet you believe a woman in Nuuanu can possibly know things in some other-than-earthly way.
              Not weird to me at all. Most devout Christians I know don't believe in psychics and fortune-tellers and were taught by their church that seeking their help is a sin. The biblical tale of the Witch of Endor is cited as an example of a phophetess who got her powers from the demons.

              But leaving aside the morality issue aside, the motivations of a religious person and a true believer in the mystic arts are quite different, are they not? A religious person is motivated by faith, which is a strong belief in something that can't literally be seen or proven empirically. Heck, the belief in a heaven and hell destiny for people after they die can't even be attested to with the testimony of people still living among us, right?

              And yet, a faithful Catholic will believe there is a heaven and hell, regardless. Why? Because they have faith in its existence.

              But why do people flock in great numbers to certain psychics? Is it because of faith? Or is it because of that person's reputation and the testimony provided by satisfied patrons? Scriv, look at all these posts talking about the uncanny ability of Lan Vo to discern so many things that a normal person wouldn't know. That people are willing to pay a considerable sum of money to her isn't based on faith, but on other people's experiences and recommendations.
              This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.


              • #52
                Re: Lan Vo (psychic)

                Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                Is it weirder than an avowedly religious person like me thinks this is poppycock, or that avowedly irreligious people like some of you think she's got some kind of psychic talent? I'm not trying to stir the pot; I'm genuinely puzzled by this. One would think I'd be MORE inclined to believe someone could have such abilities because I do believe in things I cannot see, touch, or explain. On the other hand, many of you disbelieve in the things I hold dearest because you cannot see, touch, or explain them, yet you believe a woman in Nuuanu can possibly know things in some other-than-earthly way.
                I was trying to come up with a way to say basically what you wrote in a good tone.
                Well done Scriv. I am no longer religious and still not into psychics.

                I know it just comes down to 'personal' beliefs, which can be weird.
                I believe.
                Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


                • #53
                  Re: Lan Vo (psychic)

                  Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                  Is it weirder than an avowedly religious person like me thinks this is poppycock, or that avowedly irreligious people like some of you think she's got some kind of psychic talent? I'm not trying to stir the pot; I'm genuinely puzzled by this. One would think I'd be MORE inclined to believe someone could have such abilities because I do believe in things I cannot see, touch, or explain. On the other hand, many of you disbelieve in the things I hold dearest because you cannot see, touch, or explain them, yet you believe a woman in Nuuanu can possibly know things in some other-than-earthly way.
                  Having run into the paranormal on my own, and experienced things not taught in college textbooks, let me answer this one for you.

                  From childhood we are taught about God, church and religion - so we believe these things not through experience, but through trust and faith.

                  When you experience psychic (PSI) phenomenon, you believe because you trust your experience.

                  Each requires an act of faith because:
                  1. We know people can lie to us or be mistaken about things, and
                  2. We know our senses can be fooled and that people can hoodwink us.

                  I look at PSI as a GOD-given gift like our other 5 senses; some people just see or hear better than others. There is nothing "paranormal" about it, it's a normal human function that some have more than others,and which we don't fully understand. I see no conflict between science, PSI or religion, cause I have experienced all three.

                  What do I believe? I believe what is true. If I dream a detailed dream, and 3 days later I see it in the physical world in the same detail, I know that's true. I saw the future. Wish I could do it more often!

                  Most science I can witness as well, so I know there is truth in science.

                  In religion I can see how the honest practice of religion in society can improve that society, so I believe in the reformative powers of religion. I haven't seen God (yet), but I believe the teachings of saints like Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi (and others I haven't studied as much) can help us make this a better world. Unfortunately, most organized religions distort and corrupt the message.

                  I do not see any conflict among the three, although I can understand that a person only exposed to one or two of these might.

                  I know that there are things we are capable of, because I have done some of them. Jesus said: "All these things I do, you also can do. And even greater things you can do..." If you are a Christian, your scriptures demand a belief in prophecy, levitation, healing, etc., by YOU!

                  There is no "other-than-Earthly" way. The Kingdom of Heaven is within (or amidst, or amongst) you (depending on translation).

                  "Go, and do unto others as I have done unto you."
                  Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!
                  ~ ~
                  Spreading the virus of ALOHA.
                  Oh Chu. If only you could have seen what I've seen, with your eyes.

