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Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

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  • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

    Ooooh a Paris Hilton dissing session!

    This is from her myspace...

    OMG! Check out this little emo fruit!

    Paris... I kno that you will prolly never even take a second glance at my comment... but just kno that i luv u. u are my idol. I dont care what everyon esle says about u, u have been my inspiration. When people say things about u at school ill tell them off or recite. Last year i was like a lot of people and didnt really care but when i read ur 22 rules in confessions of an heiress u became my idol and inspiration. Ur attitude, beauty, and riches are something that everyone wants and when they can't get it they hate the people who do. So just kno that ur fans are crossing their fingers+holding their breaths
    to get you out. That judge is just a prick, and u kno we all hate him now that he used u to get famous. And if i lived in LA... I would like egg his house for u.
    I Luv U Paris,
    SIncerely VIP Travis Skaggs.


    I can't believe anyone would say this kinda crap. Any man in his right mind wouldn't say something so sniveling and sucky uppy.

    Personally i would say, "SUCK IT UP B**CH!! hahahhahahhahwhah!"
    Last edited by Jack Hawksmoor; June 9, 2007, 08:31 AM. Reason: I just had to do it!


    • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

      If Paris had simply bit the bullet, eat the prison food even tho she despised it, and not make a scene, she probably would have been let out already based on the typical overcrowding situation in prison. But she threw a fit and the Hiltons basically tried tampering with the system. Notice this "medical condition" was presented by a private doctor? Not a doctor from the county? Then you factor in Lee Baca's crony ways and you had Thursday's release. So this new sentence of sitting it out in Twin Towers (maybe elsewhere after a psych eval at the facility) is considered making an example of her? Yes it is but rightly deserved. At the end of the day, she's not gonna get hurt. She's just going to get a dose of reality and I think this could be the best gift she would ever receive. If she comes out of this still her old self, then she's a lost cause.

      I still want a better explanation of this "medical condition". All I see is someone having reality set in and not liking it. Wow, if that's a "medical condition", we've all had it at one point in our lives.


      • Re: Paris Hilton

        Originally posted by joshuatree View Post
        At the end of the day, she's not gonna get hurt. She's just going to get a dose of reality and I think this could be the best gift she would ever receive.
        Exactly correct. And (only slightly off topic) I think that every child in America (or anywhere else, for that matter) of about 10 to 13 years of age should be given a tour of a jail, including the whole booking and fingerprinting procedures and a walk past all the cells, occupied or not. Maybe even have them spend half an hour in a cell.
        Teach 'em young, and maybe require it again when they're 16, as a reminder.
        When I was a teen and wanted my first motorcycle, my parents would only allow it if I would spend a few weeks assisting in the Emergency Room of a local hospital and seeing accident victims up close and personal. Damn, did that ever work! I'm the most cautious and defensive motorcycle rider on the planet. So I think the same concept would work with jails.
        And as my signature line below says...

        That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


        • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

          Originally posted by alohabear View Post
          Justice is served....
          I'll see your HA-HA and raise you;


          • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

            I can't believe how many people I know are defending her, saying
            she didn't do a hard crime. Court was too severe (solitary). They saved
            her butt by placing her away from the rest of the prisoners who would
            have definitely kicked her rich buttocks around the yard.
            Guards conveniently turn the other way and anything could happen.
            Now she's just having to confront herself and not a group of angry shat on
            chicks from the street who are doing 12 months for the same crime.
            Please and did she really cry for her Mommy?!


            • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

              Originally posted by blueyecicle View Post
              I don' t think they needed to send her to jail for 23 or 45 days.
              She is being made an example of, because of all the other reckless movie stars out there recently.
              Most people do not serve more than 10 days for what she did.
              So I may be the lone voice but that is my humble opinion.

              I think a few days ok but 23 - 45? No. That's not fair.
              But why argue about Paris Hilton? I mean really...what's the point?

              My kids want to go to the park, or I need to cook dinner, that I more important than arguing about whether or not Paris should serve time.

              And last time I checked "public" opinion did not send someone to jail (OJ) nor release them. It was the court system....not John Q Public. Shouldn;t even be plastered all over the news.

              WHAAAT ? Blue, please look at the ignornace of your statement (respectfully....I'm not calling you ignorant, just that statment)

              First of all....DUI is a VERY SERIOUS many horror stories do you have toi hear of people losing their entire families to a drunk driver accident, only for the drunk driver to live through it all ?

              You of all people, who has kids, I would think you would feel a little differently about DUI infractions.

              2nd...this is not even about the DUI part....Yes, we ALL have better things to do than worry about what Paris Hilton is doing(I'm in Hilo right now, typing this instead of enjoying dinner and my short stay on the Big Island)....except for the fact that this kind of thing affects EVERYONE...because it is the upholding of justice that is in question here.

              Justice....not just an American buzzword from the a document written by a bunch of guys in powdered wigs...This is about NOT giving special treatment to people with TONS of money.
              When someone like her blatanly slaps the American justice system in the face because she thinks her money will buy her out of anything, she needs to be made an example of, because alot of the time, the money DOES buy people out of stuff....

              That judge is right on, she needs to serve her time, like you, I or anyone else would have to.
              Need a place to stay in Hilo ?
              Cue Factory - Music for your Vision


              • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

                Yes, I am completely ignorant....or what I say is anyways.

                Oh well, like I said it isn't worth arguing about.

                I just feel the way I feel period, You have enough people who agree with you.
                My opinion is not hurting anyone.
                Since when is psycho a bad thing??
                Sharing withother survivors...


                • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

                  Paris who?????


                  • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

                    I really have to check myself on this issue because I am getting such pleasure out of someone else’s pain ~ not a good thing. After all she is somewhat of a harmless air head and victim of her own ego and Karma IS taking its course. True she does influence a lot of young people but in the grand scheme of things she is rater meaningless. Poor girl…

                    "When you dance there are two of you, your spiritual self and your physical self. The spirit has to dance." ~ Aunty Mae Ulalia Loebenstein


                    • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

                      Originally posted by greentara View Post
                      [...]After all she is somewhat of a harmless air head and victim of her own ego and Karma IS taking its course.[...]
                      So true. That damn media coverage is incessant, tho'...every channel. At this point I think I'd rather hear about the also over exploited Anna Nicole Smith!


                      • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

                        Originally posted by tutusue View Post
                        So true. That damn media coverage is incessant, tho'...every channel. At this point I think I'd rather hear about the also over exploited Anna Nicole Smith!
                        Oh Tutu that is so funny because as I was typing this I was thinking about ANS ~ and comparing the media blitz ~ don't know who is more annoying. Born at opposite ends of the economic scale, and both show blatant poor taste in how they lead their lives. How sad...

                        "When you dance there are two of you, your spiritual self and your physical self. The spirit has to dance." ~ Aunty Mae Ulalia Loebenstein


                        • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

                          This probably qualifies for a separate thread - but - why all the attention on celebrities?

                          Granted, part of it is because of ratings - but part of me think it's something darker. "The system" trying to hide real news by using diversions?

                          Or is it profit-obsessed media that's found it cheaper to hire reporters to follow some celebrity to breathlessly report every stupid thing they do then to is send out real reporters to find and report real news?

                          Whatever it is, the public is letting them get away with it.

                          Yeah, I've got my opinion about Paris. But there's more important things that I feel I need to deal with.


                          • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

                            Originally posted by acousticlady View Post
                            Paris who?????
                            Beijing 8-08-08 to 8-24-08

                            Tiananmen Square 4-15-89 to 6-04-89


                            • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?

                              Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
                              This probably qualifies for a separate thread - but - why all the attention on celebrities?

                              Granted, part of it is because of ratings - but part of me think it's something darker. "The system" trying to hide real news by using diversions?

                              Or is it profit-obsessed media that's found it cheaper to hire reporters to follow some celebrity to breathlessly report every stupid thing they do then to is send out real reporters to find and report real news?

                              Whatever it is, the public is letting them get away with it.

                              Yeah, I've got my opinion about Paris. But there's more important things that I feel I need to deal with.
                              Absolutely, why not preface each news bulletin re: Hilton with how many of our friends and family were killed/injured in’s difficult to avoid the fluff news it’s on every network channel ~ another point for Link TV.
                              "When you dance there are two of you, your spiritual self and your physical self. The spirit has to dance." ~ Aunty Mae Ulalia Loebenstein


                              • Re: Paris Hilton: Justice is Served?


                                Looks like the charade just keeps going.

