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The Kingdom

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  • shaveice
    Re: The Kingdom

    woodman, i just watched the movie today and you're right. i have no idea what that reviewer was thinking when he wrote that outrageous line. in fact, as you'll recall, that last scene where both "sides" ask what was whispered demonstrates that each "side" has their own perspective on tragic events.

    a very small criticism was the character played by garner. altho things could work out that way in real life, i'd guess that they'd try to assemble an all male team just to keep things as uncomplicated as possible.

    oh, one last thing: do you recall the first 5 minutes of the film? i thought whoever put that together was brilliant. it looked like something an expert flash designer put together to give a quick overview of the recent history between saudi arabia and the u.s. when the dvd comes out, i'll grab that little segment to watch again and again. very well done.

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: The Kingdom

    Mahalo foa the links. I will see the film.

    Auntie Lynn

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  • shaveice
    Re: The Kingdom

    thanks for the links. unbelievably horrible. i see what you mean. not having seen the movie, i'm not sure what kind of stereotype was portrayed but now i'm more curious to see the film...

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  • woodman
    Re: The Kingdom

    Originally posted by shaveice View Post
    i'll probably wait till it comes out on dvd but one review that got me laughing is this one:

    New York Post
    Lou Lumenick "Hollywood provides the Islamic world another reason to hate America with The Kingdom..."
    That NY Post line is just hog-wash!

    I've been to that part of the world years ago when radical Islam was not as "vocal" in local communities, and the movie actually paints a milder portait of that culture.

    Islamic radicals are sweeping over Africa and Asia.
    Here is what they are doing, now:,00.html

    ...and our leadership in the US is clueless about how to stop them.

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  • shaveice
    Re: The Kingdom

    i'll probably wait till it comes out on dvd but one review that got me laughing is this one:

    New York Post
    Lou Lumenick "Hollywood provides the Islamic world another reason to hate America with The Kingdom..."

    i'm still waiting for roger ebert to write a review of the movie....

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  • woodman
    started a topic The Kingdom

    The Kingdom

    Good drama and an interesting storyline that doesn't attempt to get too preachy.
