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American Idol 6

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  • speedtek
    Re: American Idol 6

    I haven't seen any outstanding contestants this season. It seems like last season had a big talent pool. All the people I was keeping an eye on messed up on group day. The Britnam twins from last season were the best for the drama dept. They tried to make some drama with the 2 girls who are best friends, I thought it was weak.

    In the auditions no one sang any Stevie Wonder songs, how strange.

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  • oceanpacific
    Re: American Idol 6

    The two "bad" contestants were:

    1) the alleged vocal teacher;
    2) the "Wizard of Oz" impressionist with those weird sounds trying to emulate the "Cowardly Lion," among others.

    They seemed to be genuinely confident of their "talent."

    Then, there are those who swear at Simon. It takes a majority of the judges to decide who stays and who goes.

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  • Vanguard
    Re: American Idol 6

    Originally posted by akrauth View Post
    Question: Do you think that all the bad contestants have truly gone on there because they think they're good singers, or do you think it's because they want to show off on TV? I think it could maybe be a bit of both.
    I think Simon is a good gauge of this, and has called a contestant on it on at least one occasion. Last year or the year before, someone was acting very goofy (I think it was 2005, someone trying feebly to be the next William Hung) and Simon was all like "You're here just because you want to be on TV, you're wasting our time" blah blah.

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  • akrauth
    Re: American Idol 6

    I've watched every season ever since Season 2 with Ruben and Clay. I like everything about Idol, even the bad auditions. They make me laugh.

    Question: Do you think that all the bad contestants have truly gone on there because they think they're good singers, or do you think it's because they want to show off on TV? I think it could maybe be a bit of both.

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  • Vanguard
    Re: American Idol 6

    Originally posted by buzz1941 View Post
    I'm always surprised that these contestants are surprised by the way they're handled.
    They're deluded because before Simon, Paula, and Randy get to hear a contestant, they go through 1-2 lower level judges (these auditions are never televised). They only accept the very good and the very bad. Although the very bad who pass have a 50/50 chance of being bad or good, a lot of people will hang on to that 50% chance of being really good for dear life.

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  • tutusue
    Re: American Idol 6

    Originally posted by Pua'i Mana'o View Post
    [...]That son is mildly autistic. It is obvious that some of those contestants aren't balanced, but learning that has me rethinking if I will continue to watch the show.
    "Challenged" contestants should be allowed to audition and, if they're singing skills are really lacking, they should not be put thru to the judges. Just by nature of being challenged there is no hope of winning the competition. Under no circumstances should they be put thru in the name of "good tv" and that damn almighty dollar. If my special needs nephew was the appropriate age and had a dream to audition for AI I'd encourage him to pursue that dream, regardless of his abilities...IF the show had a policy in place to honor such contestants for their desire and cut them with dignity. Shame on AI for doing anything less. The show's in a good position to help bring some joy and encouragement to these contestants, possibly with a sub-category that features it's own non-televised competition...along the lines of the Olympics and the Special Olympics. AI is making enough money to do that.

    Now that I think about it, a televised 'Special AI' (just a show or 3, not a full season) if done correctly, could also bring better understanding to special needs people and how they have hopes and dreams just like the rest of 'us'. It would be a real tear jerker...just like the Special Olympics.
    Last edited by tutusue; January 21, 2007, 09:53 AM. Reason: clarification

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  • oceanpacific
    Re: American Idol 6

    I anxiously await the discovery of the next WILLIAM HUNG, who has already released THREE CDs since his 2004 debut on AI! He is the reincarnation of the mid-'60's ELVA MILLER (MRS. MILLER, for all you trivia buffs).

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  • buzz1941
    Re: American Idol 6

    I'm always surprised that these contestants are surprised by the way they're handled.

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  • Pua'i Mana'o
    Re: American Idol 6

    I read o/l that the parents of the boy who blinked a lot, and whose audition clip is viral on the internet, were interviewed on a radio station saying how pissed off they are. That son is mildly autistic. It is obvious that some of those contestants aren't balanced, but learning that has me rethinking if I will continue to watch the show.

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  • joshuatree
    Re: American Idol 6

    Originally posted by LeiKaina View Post
    After 5 seasons people should be pretty darng aware how it goes. Especially the ones who swear they watch the show constantly. Then for sure you know what can happen to you, for all the world to see. Not to say I don't get a bit sad for the ones they so obviously set up.

    I think you hit a good point. It's not that there's anything unexpected with the harsh words from Simon. But it seems this season, they are unusually cruel by setting up the "losers". Extended time footage on a bad singer and the continuing gag with the stupid locked, left door. It is those little nuances that I find annoying. It's one thing to critique and tell it straight to someone that you don't have the talent or the looks. It's another to just set them up to look 100 times more idiotic just to boost ratings. Pathetic.....

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  • Vanguard
    Re: American Idol 6

    Originally posted by achow View Post
    I don't think that the judges are mean. It seems that some people who auditioned can't take the comments that the judges are saying. If you can't take the comments that the judges are saying, Why did you auditioned in the first place?
    I would agree with this statement 100% if Simon wouldn't occasionally inject statements about the contestants' appearance -- something they can't help. For example; saying that the guy in Seattle looked like a "bush baby" (I later googled "bush baby", and I was like wow, Simon's right! but still).

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  • Lei K
    Re: American Idol 6

    After 5 seasons people should be pretty darng aware how it goes. Especially the ones who swear they watch the show constantly. Then for sure you know what can happen to you, for all the world to see. Not to say I don't get a bit sad for the ones they so obviously set up.

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  • achow
    Re: American Idol 6

    I don't think that the judges are mean. It seems that some people who auditioned can't take the comments that the judges are saying. If you can't take the comments that the judges are saying, Why did you auditioned in the first place?

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  • speedtek
    Re: American Idol 6

    I can't believe people are saying the judges are mean. They sound the same to me and everyone I know is just waiting to hear the comments. Everywhere I have worked in the past their has been the same thing happen as soon as a customer leaves someone in the work group has to voice thier "stink" comments. I think it is human nature to do so. I have never heard of a nicey nice group.

    Maybe I am wrong maybe a lot of people think they are normal and can sing.

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  • pzarquon
    Re: American Idol 6

    The trainwrecks are certainly key to the draw of the show's early weeks, but I too have heard tsk-tsking that they were reveling a bit too much in the negative. They just let some of those disasters go on, and on, and on...

    And apparently, the show hasn't made many friends in Seattle and a couple of other cities where the judges' harsh comments went beyond the poor performance in front of them and essentially declared their host cities hopeless and lacking in talent. If they end up on the blacklist of enough towns, they might actually be back in Hawaii before 2032.

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