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American Idol 6

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  • tutusue
    Re: American Idol 6


    I'm absolutely stunned. Even as VP of the Blakettes...I'm stunned!

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  • Lei Liko
    Tonight's Results.

    Of course I'm the loser who reads the play by play on AI message boards as the show's being broadcast to our friends in the EDT!

    I'm not going to be home tonight while the show's on, but DO NOT CLICK IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SPOILED:

    Maroon 5 performs and more footage of their homecomings are featured.


    MELINDA was sent home.

    I wanted a MELINDA AND BLAKE final 2, but I'm sure those in the music biz are already making her phone ring off the hook.

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  • tutusue
    Re: American Idol 6

    Originally posted by Lei Liko View Post
    Poor Blake last night. You could barely hear him sing because Destiny's Child was drowning him out.
    Destiny's Child? I get it. Bwahahaha!!! Did Blake sing last night?!
    I've been reading several AI discussions on various MBs and I just don't get the Jordin hype. Sure, the girl can sing...but simply singing well won't make you win AI these days, IMO.
    I completely agree with you. Jordin's really good but, except for being 17, there's nothing overly unique about her. A great set of vocal chops and a great smile are expected.
    I'm sure the teenyboppers of America (including tutusue and me) will fight to keep him in the competition!
    Heh! Tutu the teenybopper! Teenyblooper is more like it! And, yes, Blake's getting my vote. So is Melinda! That's what I find so interesting about this season. Blake's and Melinda's styles are diametrically opposed but I like them equally.
    Also...while I've faithfully watched AI this season (as opposed to the last 3 or 4 where I didn't really care), AI's turned into just one big commercial. First it was for Coca-Cola and Ford...and now they use it to market upcoming movies?
    I guess being on the fringe of the advertising industry I have a natural affinity for watching how advertising evolves. It's so interesting to me to see how AI manages to work advertising into the show. Personally, I think it's brilliant...from product placement to stars in the audience...but I do understand that it can bug people.

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  • nikki
    Re: American Idol 6

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    Nikki...shows like AI get pretty stale if the concept stays the same from season to season. So, new formats are tried to cheers and jeers and everything in between. AI already has longevity by TV standards but to keep it going and fresh they'll need to vary the concept. I look forward to seeing what else they come up with. I agree, tho', that limiting song choices to one artist or group is just that...too limiting. We'll see what next season brings!
    Of course, you're right. And I would probably be complaining if they did the same thing every year.

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  • Mike_Lowery
    Re: American Idol 6

    Originally posted by Lei Liko View Post
    How the hell did I know you were going to make a Jessica Alba comment? HOW DID I KNOW?
    LOL. I'm the resident HT ogler. and maybe ogre.

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  • Lei Liko
    Re: American Idol 6

    Originally posted by Mike_Lowery View Post
    word. jessica alba was a beautiful distraction tho.
    How the hell did I know you were going to make a Jessica Alba comment? HOW DID I KNOW?

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  • Mike_Lowery
    Re: American Idol 6

    Originally posted by Lei Liko View Post
    Poor Blake last night. You could barely hear him sing because Destiny's Child was drowning him out.

    I've been reading several AI discussions on various MBs and I just don't get the Jordin hype. Sure, the girl can sing...but simply singing well won't make you win AI these days, IMO. I'm sure the teenyboppers of America (including tutusue and me) will fight to keep him in the competition!

    Also...while I've faithfully watched AI this season (as opposed to the last 3 or 4 where I didn't really care), AI's turned into just one big commercial. First it was for Coca-Cola and Ford...and now they use it to market upcoming movies?
    word. jessica alba was a beautiful distraction tho.

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  • Lei Liko
    Re: American Idol 6

    Poor Blake last night. You could barely hear him sing because Destiny's Child was drowning him out.

    I've been reading several AI discussions on various MBs and I just don't get the Jordin hype. Sure, the girl can sing...but simply singing well won't make you win AI these days, IMO. I'm sure the teenyboppers of America (including tutusue and me) will fight to keep him in the competition!

    Also...while I've faithfully watched AI this season (as opposed to the last 3 or 4 where I didn't really care), AI's turned into just one big commercial. First it was for Coca-Cola and Ford...and now they use it to market upcoming movies?

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  • tutusue
    Re: American Idol 6

    Nikki...shows like AI get pretty stale if the concept stays the same from season to season. So, new formats are tried to cheers and jeers and everything in between. AI already has longevity by TV standards but to keep it going and fresh they'll need to vary the concept. I look forward to seeing what else they come up with. I agree, tho', that limiting song choices to one artist or group is just that...too limiting. We'll see what next season brings!

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  • nikki
    Re: American Idol 6

    I wish they'd go back to 30 minute result shows... one hour shows are such a drag.

    I think this season had too many guest coaches. It was rather limiting to have them sing only Bee Gee songs... they could have expanded it to all songs from that era. I liked previous seasons, where they would do songs from the 80s, 90s, etc.

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  • nikki
    Re: American Idol 6

    I did not care for Bee Gee night at all. The only standout for me was Jordin's first number. The rest were a yawn, especially Blake.

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  • Lei Liko
    Re: American Idol 6

    Dear Jordin,

    If you want to convince people that you're a "Woman in Love," try not to look and sound like you gotta go #2.

    That is all.

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  • tutusue
    Re: American Idol 6

    WOW! I expected so much more tonight! All the performances ranked fairly low on my chickenskin scale. Blake got more of my chickenskin than the 3 ladies but still not a whole lot more. A somewhat interesting hour but not interesting enough to interrupt my packing and keep me glued to the tube.

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  • tutusue
    Re: American Idol 6

    Originally posted by nikki View Post
    Oops, I just heard next week is Barry Gibb, not Abba...
    Oh, thank gawd! Then, again, that won't make the Barry Gibb detractors very happy!

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  • nikki
    Re: American Idol 6

    Oops, I just heard next week is Barry Gibb, not Abba...

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