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Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

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  • #16
    Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

    interesting. No not really, what is to be expected. generic vague cursory reviews of various members here as a hook. Then the commercial. not surprised.
    and my age is in plain sight on each of my posts, chucko. Now go pray. For yerself. Or I, and my god will smote you and your god.


    • #17
      Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

      Eh Tiny being born and raised in Kalihi and still living in Kalihi I just took offense to your side remark. Craig Watanabe and Glen Miyashiro pointed me in the right direction with their responses to myself and Aunty Lynn.

      No hard feeling after all your father coached me in basketball way back in the day at Kalakaua the 50's.

      Good luck with your morning show.


      • #18
        Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

        Mr. Tiny, Small Head, I may be "stupid," "crazy," "PUPULE," YEAH...the God I know and love made me lil's dat. He also taught me to accept those lesser than me and love them for what they are. For he, who is without sin, cast the first stone. That is a true Christian! I may be imperfect, and I am. I am Stupid, very much so. I have never claimed to be better than anybody. Infact everyday, I learn something new espeacially from my fellow brothers and sisters here on the Forum or at my Church.

        How unfortunate that one as you, who claim that you are a Christain, get so caught up in your little world of self rightiousness that you forget, how to be humble and just be yourself. Sometimes, it is just great not to be the so called noticeable pubilc fgure that "you" think you are and just be "Tiny" the fellow man and become liked for you.

        You are the STUPID one. No, I take that back. If I say that, then I become just like you...throwing a stone too. I wish you well in your radio show. I hope you realize that as a Christian you have much more to learn and grow from. We all have to. He forgives. We all make mistakes. We are human.

        Auntie Lynn
        Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
        Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


        • #19
          Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

          wow... quick responses here... I love it!

          POMAI... I'm so sorry, I know you're not the ones who need credit here... but this is why I wrote that TINY REPUTATION reply... because of you. Yes, you stuck up for me throughout. I emailed you personally this morning and I think my head said I included you.

          Again I know you don't need to get this publicly, but I want to say it. POMAI you rock! Not sure if you are brother or sister, but a true good person of God. Plus I like Kikaida too. Thank you for letting me know I screw'd up here and missed you.

          And, I got Auntie to talk about Jesus!!! Amen. You retracted your "stupid comment"... transformation... It worked! God IS good.



          • #20
            Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

            Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
            And, I got Auntie to talk about Jesus!!! Amen. You retracted your "stupid comment"... transformation... It worked! God IS good.

            Then why don't ya walk yer talk, use the edit button and edit out your own accusation of 'stupid' eh?


            • #21
              Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

              Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
              wow... quick responses here... I love it!

              POMAI... I'm so sorry, I know you're not the ones who need credit here... but this is why I wrote that TINY REPUTATION reply... because of you. Yes, you stuck up for me throughout. I emailed you personally this morning and I think my head said I included you.

              Again I know you don't need to get this publicly, but I want to say it. POMAI you rock! Not sure if you are brother or sister, but a true good person of God. Plus I like Kikaida too. Thank you for letting me know I screw'd up here and missed you.

              And, I got Auntie to talk about Jesus!!! Amen. You retracted your "stupid comment"... transformation... It worked! God IS good.

              A quick note to you Tiny: You did not "make" me talk about "Jesus"...I always talk about him! I have him in my heart and mind 24/7! He is with me where ever I go. Only he knows what I've been through. He carries me when I'm tired, gives me strength when I'm weak and guides me through all the pain and suffering that have come into my life. Yes, Tiny, I am not Stupid...I have Jesus in my LIFE!

              Auntie Lynn
              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


              • #22
                Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

                Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                Alrightty now... I'm gonna lay it on the line so you can all freak out and respond... but here is my take of most of you.
                An amazing, mind-boggling effort. In response to comments about Tiny, the person and his persona, as a supposed counter to unfair criticisms against someone most of us don't really know... Tiny carefully constructs an extensive list of judgements against the individual members of this community.

                A community he only recently joined, and in which his only participation is in the couple of threads where he happens to be the topic of conversation.

                Unbelievable. The fact that despite his conduct - publicly, on the record even only here - that he still has defenders, frightens me. The fact that Tiny continues to laugh haugtily as he shills shamelessly, attacks people both directly and backhandedly, and - worst of all - waves the "God" banner both as a shield as a weapon, makes me feel quite badly for those who've hitched their wagon to his falling star.

                He gives local entertainers a bad name. He gives New Hope a bad name. And if there was any miniscule amount of worth to his own name before this latest round began, it's gone now.

                So bombs away and remember... Listen to me weekdays from 6-10am on The New 99-5 KHUI.
                Perfect. Brilliant. I'll say this. I have no doubt that we're seeing "The Real Tiny" here. And honestly, if that's to your liking, more power to you. But my poor opinion of him as an entertainer, a business man, and as a supposed man of faith, has only been reinforced in the past couple of weeks.

                The more Tiny posts, the more I'm reminded of the proverb, "Give a man enough rope..."


                • #23
                  Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

                  Originally posted by Tiny Tadani

                  MadAzza - What the heck does that mean? Kudos for putting your picture on the top of your replies. Is that you? You seem to be having a lot of fun... but sometimes you lose it and get pilau/nasty. You may either need God or a boyfriend. My guess is both.
                  MadAzzaHatter, now do you get it? No? See "Alice in Wonderland" for reference. Oh, sorry, that's a book. Never mind.

                  And thanks for the offer of a boyfriend, but I would have to be far beyond merely desperate before I'd ever consider your offer.
                  Although it is kind of cute how you obsess about me.

                  Now, how to get rid of that high-pitched whining I keep hearing in here ...?


                  • #24
                    Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

                    Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                    MadAzza -
                    you lose it and get pilau/nasty. You may either need God or a boyfriend. My guess is both.
                    ..she may either be with her boyfriend right now, or yelling "God, God, oh God..."
                    My guess is both.


                    • #25
                      Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

                      Originally posted by pzarquon
                      Tiny carefully constructs an extensive list of judgements against the individual members of this community. A community he only recently joined
                      Exactly right. His amateurish attempt at analyzing strangers is just laughable, nothing more.
                      And Tiny, you wrote that I can dish it out but I can't take it. Please elaborate. Nobody's given me anything to "take" that I've seen here, especially yourself. Please show specific instances where you think I couldn't "take it".

                      Originally posted by pzarquon
                      The fact that despite his conduct - publicly, on the record even only here - that he still has defenders, frightens me. The fact that Tiny continues to laugh haugtily as he shills shamelessly, attacks people both directly and backhandedly, and - worst of all - waves the "God" banner both as a shield as a weapon, makes me feel quite badly for those who've hitched their wagon to his falling star.
                      He gives local entertainers a bad name. He gives New Hope a bad name. And if there was any miniscule amount of worth to his own name before this latest round began, it's gone now.
                      But my poor opinion of him as an entertainer, a business man, and as a supposed man of faith, has only been reinforced in the past couple of weeks.
                      The more Tiny posts, the more I'm reminded of the proverb, "Give a man enough rope..."
                      I just wanted to quote Pzarq's excellent and spot-on comments so that everyone can re-read the truth. Tiny is rapidly proving himself to be totally shameless and inane, and his holier-than-thou attitude and his smugly egotistic misconception of his own superiority are rapidly switching me from merely someone who disagreed with his style into someone who now strongly despises the person.
                      Tiny: you sure don't have a clue about how to market yourself. People who play with fire usually get burned.

                      That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                      • #26
                        Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

                        Let's give it a try...
                        By the forgot the 'h', it's Peshkwe erm...what's a neggy'? A noogie with a toaster waffle
                        I meant to type in Pesky... nah, don't go off on me... just joking. and Auntie even called herself stupid... so I wasn't lying. But if that was too offensive... we know how you guys don't like that... then, I'll retract that and say she is soooo brilliant!

                        Look, I even figured how to do the smiley face thing. Life is too short to be complaining all the time. My long reply earlier was just honesty and trying to sincerely help.

                        There's people hurting in the Gulf States... there's people still mourning from 9/11... and even the family on the Advertiser front page who lost their little baby in a fire last year. And we're complaining about a little local DJ from Kaneohe who liked a Kalihi eatery and mentions God all the time!

                        Recycle that bottle of Haterade and pick up a Slush Puppie!

                        Last edited by Tiny Tadani; September 10, 2005, 12:16 PM.


                        • #27
                          Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

                          Yipee! More advertising... keep 'em coming! I love 'em all... good, bad, sarcastic, mad... you're responding. I guess broadcast rule does work... make 'em feel something and they will be there.

                          LikaNui... an example of you not being able to take it... was right in your response to needing examples. Gotcha!

                          MadAzza, I do hate to read... until I started reading thread... about ME! And sorry for the misunderstanding... but not interested... I'm too busy to be your boyfriend... I've picked up a new hobby that takes up all my time... READING.

                          Aunite... I even call myself stupid at times. No worries. And keep quoting scripture... you go girl!

                          And as far as my last line in the TINY REPUTATION letter... it was a joke!!! C'mon yall, have a sense of humor... but you can also catch me on Tiny TV on OC16 or the Tiny Page in the Advertiser every Thursday.


                          • #28
                            Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

                            Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                            Recycle that bottle of Haterade and pick up....

                            I seriously don't know what that mush dog stuff is, and moreso, do not care. been here damn near my whole life and never have seen it.
                            However, I do know that as Tom Cruise is to Scientology,
                            is what Tadani is to new Hope and that unknown slurp canine crud...
                            Last edited by kimo55; September 10, 2005, 02:34 PM.


                            • #29
                              Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

                              Originally posted by MadAzza
                              MadAzzaHatter, now do you get it?
                              OH. I always thought it was a reference to "Mad as a wet hen," as in angry, but Mad as a Hatter is more like mad as in crazy. I think they both work!
                              But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                              • #30
                                Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

                                Originally posted by mel
                                To get the topic started, I haven't yet listened to Tiny's show on 99.5 mainly because I have never been a regular listener of that show or the previous one. Also reception of 99.5 is not very good in my area.
                                I am more of a TV watcher that a radio listener, however between the 200+ posts on two threads, I still don't know when the show runs. I know it runs in the morning, but when in the morning and what days does it run?

                                Originally posted by mel
                                Anyway, Hawaii is a small radio market, and I don't find fault in Tiny striving for the best and aiming to become the number 1 morning show in town. It may not be an attainable goal, but certainly a worthy one.
                                I don't see a fault in plugging one's own radio show either, but I find it strange one doesn't have all the information to go and listen to it. Got the who and where but not the when.

