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Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

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  • #31
    Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

    Now I gotta ack "STUPID", ROFLMAO!!!! Kicking my legs in the air, getting up, punching the air, bending over and farting! LAUGHING again! Way to go Helen! I love you!

    Auntie Lynn
    Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
    Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


    • #32
      Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

      Mel, tried not to promote the TV stuff since it was a radio thread... but since they're asking.. I'm on OC16 every Monday-Friday at 10:30pm right after the network newscasts. And it is repeated at 4am for you early or late birds. It is statewide... but if you don't subscribe to Oceanic Time Warner Cable... too bad. That's why all the local programming... to keep people from switching to a dish or something.

      Oh yeah, I do also simulcast the morning radio show from the KHUI studios for an hour... there's my tie in! From 7-8am Monday-Friday... you can watch and listen to me on KHUI & OC16 at the same time... like Howard Stern, but clean. Okay, that opens up another thread on how Tiny would dare compare himself to a national star like Howard Stern! Just comparing the simulcast folks. Look, you got me defending myself before the storm? Hahaha.

      Thanks for asking folks... sorry, gotta go emcee something... will check in late tonight. Boy, this'll be a lot for Pomai to read after the beach!



      • #33
        Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

        Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
        Let's give it a try...

        I meant to type in Pesky... nah, don't go off on me... just joking. and Auntie even called herself stupid... so I wasn't lying. But if that was too offensive... we know how you guys don't like that... then, I'll retract that and say she is soooo brilliant!

        Look, I even figured how to do the smiley face thing. Life is too short to be complaining all the time. My long reply earlier was just honesty and trying to sincerely help.

        There's people hurting in the Gulf States... there's people still mourning from 9/11... and even the family on the Advertiser front page who lost their little baby in a fire last year. And we're complaining about a little local DJ from Kaneohe who liked a Kalihi eatery and mentions God all the time!

        Recycle that bottle of Haterade and pick up a Slush Puppie!


        Ahh...Babiiwizhiinyiwag....amusing that lil name twist, so creative.

        You really do need to take a crafting class, your strawman is sagging something fierce.


        • #34
          Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

          Originally posted by helen
          when in the morning and what days does it run?
          Tiny's Morning show is on 6:00am to 10:00am, Monday thru Friday on KHUI, 99.5FM. Reception of that station is best in the greater Honolulu area.

          Whoah, just got back from surfing DH. Nice!
          sigpic The Tasty Island


          • #35
            Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

            Whoa Tiny... I know you was trying to make a point and all... but wow how come you gotta make like that?

            Yeah good luck on your new show!


            • #36
              Re: Twerp on KHUI FM

              Originally posted by Twerpy Tadani
              My long reply earlier was just honesty and trying to sincerely help.
              Oh. It was a Public Service thing, eh? Gee, I must've missed the part when anyone asked you to make an analysis of everyone else. And I must be too stupid to figure out how being rude and insulting people is trying to "help". Must be something that only the religious folks at New Hope learn.

              Originally posted by Twerpy Tadani
              LikaNui... an example of you not being able to take it... was right in your response to needing examples. Gotcha!
              You call that a Gotcha?!?!
              That makes less than absolutely no sense. Zero zip zilch nada.
              I asked you for examples and all you can say is "Gotcha!"? Oooooh, how excessively clever you are!

              They obviously don't have brains on the planet you came from. (I learned that one from my church.)
              And frankly, you've become even more boring than I thought possible. Your despicable insults of Auntie Lynn and others proves that you have no class, no morals, no ethics, and no wit. Your posts do, however, remind me of the screeching of a coqui frog, so I guess that's something.

              That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


              • #37
                Re: Twerp on KHUI FM

                Originally posted by LikaNui
                And I must be too stupid to figure out how being rude and insulting people is trying to "help". Must be something that only the religious folks at New Hope learn.
                That's kinda uncool.
                But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                • #38
                  Re: Twerp on KHUI FM

                  So it's down to altering names such as "Twerp Tadani" or even better yet, "Lick-a-My-Mac-Nui-Nut?

                  I haven't seen adults stoop to such childish behavior as I've seen here in this board.

                  Totally gay. Grow up.

                  See Mel, when people get hostile, the thread goes way beyond yonder.
                  sigpic The Tasty Island


                  • #39
                    Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM


                    Were you a radio guy before you were a TV guy?
                    The fact that you are checking your computer so often is sad. Is it consuming your day? (that's what I thought)

                    Let these buggas go...the fact that you trying to act like it dont bodda you, makes it look more like,,, IT BODDAS YOU.

                    And the god thing... are you really sincere about it or is it just an attempt at a "pity ploy" against the flamers. Because that would be even sadder.



                    • #40
                      Re: Twerp on KHUI FM

                      Originally posted by Pomai
                      Totally gay.
                      I was with you right up until this completely uncool offhanded remark. Using "gay" in this derogatory manner, whatever your beliefs, is juvenile and insensitive. There are gay members of the HawaiiThreads community, and to casually toss that word out there in such a thoughtless manner is worse than calling someone stupid; at least "stupid" is supposed to describe people in an unfavorable light.
                      But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                      • #41
                        Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

                        Sorry 'bout that. Wrong word. Sincere apologies.

                        We used to use that in school, but now I realize it's a sensitive word.

                        I should have said, "Totally lame".

                        I'll stick by "Lick-a-My-Mac-Nui-Nut" though. That's hilarious!

                        But in comedy at my own expense, classmates used to make fun of my name as, "Pomai-D#ck". lol

                        Fo real! lol
                        sigpic The Tasty Island


                        • #42
                          Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM


                          Also forgot to mention, my girlfriend and I have many gay friends who are the some of the best people on earth.

                          I apologize once again for that derogatory remark. It was strictly a figure of speech.

                          Peace and love,
                          sigpic The Tasty Island


                          • #43
                            Re: Twerp on KHUI FM

                            Originally posted by Pomai
                            See Mel, when people get hostile, the thread goes way beyond yonder.
                            Yep, sure does. When it builds up again, I'll put it under lock and key and transfer the topic somewhere else... I already scoped a section out.
                            I'm still here. Are you?


                            • #44
                              Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

                              Just got back from my pageant I emcee'd tonight... good fun event. I'll probably talk about it a little on the radio on Monday.

                              I guess I am addicted a little... I'm checking this when I jump on the computer. What can I say, I'm having fun! Isn't that what it's about Mel? I don't have too much time to jump all around the threads, but this one is cool. Although some of you are kinda mean sometimes. And yes, I was honest with you all and gave you my thoughts on what I thought you were about... but I didn't say anything like how LikaNui rips at me. I think it's funny though... and I like the attention. I just feel sorry for him. Read my words about you LikaNui... not calling you "twerp" or anything. Not even stupid... which when I used it... it was just describing Auntie's messages... which she even calls herself. I'm just trying to retrain the style of messages... so it's not so hurtful for some. LikaNui... what I meant when I said "Gotcha" is that you'll respond cause you can't take it when I speak the truth about you here... and then you ask why you can't take it? If you could take it... you may want to be like Pomai and just say sorry sometimes... or not respond. But you get all crazy and have to scream out. Relax. Just accept that you are not perfect. It's okay LikaNui. I bet you rip back soon.

                              Kimo, I'm just having fun now. Sorry, but seems like it gets so negative here sometimes that if a former writer here turns it around and starts using the thread for his benefit and likes it... you gotta trash 'em.

                              My take is that you're not used to someone you guys thread about... writing in and defending him/herself. And when it happens... you don't like that it's okay with me... and that I like it and use it to my benefit.

                              Others know what I'm doing and are probably having a good time here with me... you know who you are. And it's cool. Hey, I have my own little chat line with all my fans. Yes, LikaNui... you're the President.

                              Hearing a lot of people say they're listening to the new 99-5 KHUI and liking it. I think were going to do well in the ratings down the road. Look out KSSK! Sorry, I just had to say that.

                              Gotta give my puppy a late bath and get rest for my next day at the Zoo for the Children with Cancer Foundation "Jungle Adventures" from 9-4. I'll be there from 10-1pm. then it's softball in my CHURCH league... someone accused me of cheating in one of these treads before. No, I don't but I know all the rules of baseball inside and out... so I know how to win!

                              Busy Busy Busy... how am I gonna find time to check this site tomorrow???



                              • #45
                                Re: Tiny Tadani on KHUI FM

                                Good morning Everybody!

                                Just checked in again WHEW you guys are rippin' again... Saw Tiny @ the Ho'olaule'a (where were you Pomai? wish we had THREAD pins or a secret handshake! ) & it was great. i was surprised so many people were at that stage since they were off to the side & had the more mellow entertainment. But Kapena rocked, the Taiko drummers were fascinating & overall KHUI made a nice debut for themselves.

                                Too, the station--never really listened to Hawaiian music before, but since this thread (actually the first one about Tiny replacing Mahlon) i've been tuning in & loving it. SERIOUSLY. it's just mellow, positive & yeah, the music is classic "Old School." Lots of people are saying they're switching there too.

                                On Friday they gave away a spontaneous Vegas trip. HELLO! Yeah, they focus on prizes a lot but i think the station (KHUI) is seriously trying to give back. Like the Lex Brodie gas giveaway saying "Thank YOU, very much." In a time when we're all high on cynicism, flaming & bad news, i have to tell you that a small $9.95 of "Thank you" goes a long way. (Except maybe in my gas tank!)

                                & yeah, Pomai, you are hilarious, & we used to say that in school but chicklets to you for having the balls to say sorry. Okay, Happy Sunday all, & to all a good thread.

