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Local TV Ads You Don't Like

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  • mel
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    I hated the Harry & Myra BOH ads. Also hate the current "Das My Bank" campaign.

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  • DNR55
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    I also dislike the cpb ad with the dancing ipod people. I also dislike the Bankoh "Das My Bank" guy/series. Though I know some people love it. Sadly, IMO good taste in bank ads seems to have passed away with "Harry and Myra".

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  • mel
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    All of the Pro-Rail advertisments are annoying since most appear during the local news.

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  • Kittrick
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    the worst commercials ever in Hawaii:

    1) the Duke Bainum for Mayor ad where the young girl was singing off-key:

    "Let's live together, love one another, let's get together with Dr. Bainum". God that commercial still has me traumatized.

    2) Any Mike Gabbard commercial that reads the letters his daughter Tulsi wrote from the middle east.

    3) The Charles Djou ad that ended "Charles Djou...REMEMBER.THAT.NAME"

    4) a commercial that only aired late at night, and not very often for some furniture store I think, but I could be mistaken. Anyway, the commercial started out showing a weiner dog, then they went on with the commercial talking about the furniture store. then like out of nowhere, and like a subliminal message, they flash the weiner dog again on the screen. My wife and I laughed so hard because we were like "what the hell kind of commercial was that?". I wished I would have dvr'ed it, because I would have totally youtubed it.

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  • Karen
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    LOL "Gal" cuz of the 'ole texan coming out when I'm typing quickly and in a good mood, which I usually am. I could call ya "chick" and that'd be the old hippe gal coming out in me, but I know better since you might not appreciate the name "chick" as much as I do. I call old friends from the seventies that, sometimes.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Originally posted by Karen View Post
    Howdy again, gal!

    KGMB newstime it aired as recently as Christmas, and most of this winter. It wouldn't have come to mind if it had been that long ago for me.

    The dog, that beautiful and intelligent miniature collie, is it? Now those commercials with him and not all the goofy dancing, they rock. May even be the same bank, I can't recall.
    Aha! CPB did resurrect the iPod/Exceptional account offer last winter. That said, I didn't watch much tv during that time! If you haven't seen the commercial recently then the offer expired but could, once again, be resurrected in the future. That means the commercial can reair!

    The collie and the iPod offer are the same bank...Central Pacific Bank. The collie is the "mascot" for their general banking ads. The iPod is specific to a special account offer.

    Gal? Hmmm...

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  • Karen
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Howdy again, gal!

    KGMB newstime it aired as recently as Christmas, and most of this winter. It wouldn't have come to mind if it had been that long ago for me.

    The dog, that beautiful and intelligent miniature collie, is it? Now those commercials with him and not all the goofy dancing, they rock. May even be the same bank, I can't recall.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Originally posted by Karen View Post
    Thank goodness one that bugs me is one I haven't seen in weeks, but was seeing it every dang night during the ten PM news. It was some bank and they had people dancing like idiots in their bank lobby cuz they were giving some hand-held musical device away. Sigh....annoying as heck and not what would make me consider banking with anyone.[...]
    That commercial aired a year or 2 ago...for a brief time when CPB was offering free iPods when opening a new Exceptional account. That ad also won awards. It made me laugh every time I saw it! Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks! And, for the few of you who know my didn't work on that spot!

    I'm one who really likes when a bank breaks out of their traditional, conservative advertising mode. That doesn't mean I like all the non-traditional bank spots...just that I appreciate taking a leap of advertising faith and trying something different. That's always a costly risk.

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  • Karen
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Thank goodness one that bugs me is one I haven't seen in weeks, but was seeing it every dang night during the ten PM news. It was some bank and they had people dancing like idiots in their bank lobby cuz they were giving some hand-held musical device away. Sigh....annoying as heck and not what would make me consider banking with anyone.

    I doubt this is the only one that bugged me but it came to mind cuz I felt I saw it a thousand times and uh, two was enough.

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  • wildedrasco
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Can't stand the Zippy's ad where a local girl gives credit to
    Zippy's for her higher ed and then is proud to announce she
    got a degree and then went back to become manager of yes, a Zippy's!
    So contrived. Couldn't they at least have let her go on to manage
    a... Ross?

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  • ifcancan
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    The one I can't stand is the anti-smoking commercial with the young kids on it doing slam poetry reciting smoking statistics. Know the one I'm talking about? It's so irritating I actually forget what I'm watching and change the channel.

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  • pzarquon
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    First off, apologies for sharing this in the "Local TV Ads You Don't Like" thread... since it's not really a bad ad. Pretty conventional... mediocre, actually. But since it certainly doesn't qualify as a favorite local ad, and since I'm ultimately poking fun at it, this is the best place to do it.

    I'm talking about a recent First Hawaiian Bank commercial, promoting its "Priority Rewards" card. It talks about various benefits, as you might imagine, involving local stores and restaurants (Foodland and Roy's are depicted). But one video clip in the ad sticks out like a sore thumb to me... one, because it's a way, way overused piece of stock video footage (you see the same telemarketers in stock photo sets!), and two, because of the point it's ironically being used to emphasize.

    And because I'm feeling a bit loopy, I decided to make a little video to share my bemusement:

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  • tutusue
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    I just saw another one! America's Mattress.

    It's obviously a low budget spot but that's not what caught my eye. The concept did. And I know my perception doesn't match the intent of the concept. Still, considering the proliferation of childhood sexual abuse, I personally feel that it's inappropriate to show a young girl of about 9 or 10 in bed with her parents...between the 2 of them...her dad's arm under her neck. The spot focuses more on the "dad" and "daughter" with only a quick 3 shot. What message does this send to whacked out predators?

    I dunno...maybe my over-protective feelings for children in the industry are getting in my way. Intellectually I know the concept is innocent. I just don't think it's appropriate. Thirty years ago I wouldn't have thought twice about it. Then, again, 30 years ago married couples were still shown in separate beds on tv!

    Has anyone else seen this spot and, if so, am I way off base for feeling it's inappropriate?

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  • LikaNui
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
    I just saw one! Ooooh dear...
    Rachel's Tax Service...the tag jingle goes, "good ol' reliable Raaaa chel".
    Saw that one too, and it rings a bell. I think it ran several years ago, or maybe it was a radio spot, but I definitely recall that tag line.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    I just saw one! Ooooh dear...
    Rachel's Tax Service...the tag jingle goes, "good ol' reliable Raaaa chel".
    I'll shut up now!

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