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Local TV Ads You Don't Like

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  • tutusue
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Originally posted by pzarquon View Post
    [...]Of course, I'm sure the actor is a really nice guy.
    He is! And if you watch closely, you'll see him in a couple of other spots. Can you name them?!

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  • pzarquon
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    There's an ad for a tofu company that just makes me roll my eyes... but I can't tell if it's locally made or not, and can't even remember the company. Basically the message is, "haole guy gets dating cred for demonstrating skill with tofu."

    I also reluctantly nominate the HMSA "Healthy Living" ad where the big guy gets into a fight with a snack vending machine. The concept isn't too bad, but the guy is presented in such an unflattering light I'm totally distracted from the message. Of course, I'm sure the actor is a really nice guy.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Least Favorite Local TV Ads

    That subject has been discussed here...but not in awhile. Maybe it's time for an update! I'll watch...quietly!

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  • Random
    Least Favorite Local TV Ads

    Anybody got one or some least favorite locally-made tv ads?

    Mine is that Taco Bell commercial where the ... ahem ... ladies are wearing tats.

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  • pzarquon
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    I think so. Whenever I see/hear that one, I have a hard time figuring out if its a bad ad for a company, or a bad PSA by the State Department of Health.

    The latest local -- well, I think it's local -- ad that makes me shrug is an ad for a tofu company. Stylistic for its own sake, and says basically nothing. I guess the scenario is, "Guy impresses date with discerning choice in tofu brands." Like they took the lighting rig and shot list for a wine commercial but threw in a block of bean curd instead.

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  • mel
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    I don't know if I won't like this yet, but I just heard and barely saw this ad pass on the KITV 4 News tonight. I heard nothing but 10 or 20 seconds worth of heavy breathing.... when I turned around, all I saw were the changing colors of Pacific Wings' logotype. Anyone seen this?

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  • tutusue
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Originally posted by LikaNui
    [...]Where is the truth in advertising? I'd sure to love to see someone look into this.[...]
    Hey, LN. Can you be the 'someone'? If you feel that strongly about it then go for it. Yes, I've seen the ad. No, I didn't work on it!

    For any of you who have a *legitimate* gripe with an ad, let the advertiser know. Write a non-confrontational letter. I'm always astounded by the truly frivolous complaints advertisers receive but if you honestly feel something is being misrepresented, bring it to the advertiser's attention.

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  • LikaNui
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    There's a new local TV ad that really infuriates me.
    It was created by the state Department of Health. A man named Dr. Paul Ho talks about how he went dancing at a local nightclub where people were smoking, and he says that because of the secondhand smoke he had a heart attack the very next day and that he died on the operating table but they revived him.
    PuhLEEEZE! One single incident with secondhand smoke and he DIED?!? Where is the hard evidence on this outrageous claim? Ya think maybe he had a prior history of heart problems? Ya THINK?
    Watch the ad closely. He never claims the heart attack was because of the smoke. It's just implied.
    Where is the truth in advertising? I'd sure to love to see someone look into this.
    I agree that secondhand smoke is a problem, but it is incredibly shameful for our Department of Health to use scare tactics like that. (And it's our tax dollars that paid for this ridiculous ad!)

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  • lavagal
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Originally posted by pzarquon
    I'm not a fan of Tania's voice, which is why I don't like her ads.

    However, from a marketing standpoint, I agree completely. She's practically the Sleepland brand.

    No lie! When my 6-year-old daughter was between 2-3, she used to do the Sleepland commercial: and sweep her hand artistically in front of her and say "NOBODY!" It cracked me up! Tania definitely imprints on many generations in one feel swoop. It's irritating to me, too, but she's making the big bucks (right?) and gawd bless her for her abilities. At least she isn't a fortune teller on the side!

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  • Glen Miyashiro
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Originally posted by sin
    oh man, which clinic was it for? that's hilarious.
    Aha, I saw it again and caught the name of the place. It's the Aesthetic Vision Center.

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  • sin
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Originally posted by Glen Miyashiro
    I saw a TV ad on KIKU the other day for a plastic surgery clinic. They claimed that getting your eyelids done would not only make you look younger, but that it would help you see better and improve your driving safety. Whaaaat?
    oh man, which clinic was it for? that's hilarious.

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  • kimo55
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Cathy Ttanaka cell fone commercial...

    "Oh I just love my new cell phone:

    I can call one friend, let alone many friends!...."

    da hell she tawkin bout!?

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  • tvguy
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    I DO NOT want to get in trouble with the law for this..... but here goes.

    The ad currently on air detailing what happens when drivers don't pay attention to pedestrians in crosswalks and the consequences.....featuring what I'd safely venture to guess is a real HPD officer. I hate stereotypes (like which private schools produce a good number of officers) and racial jokes, so I'll let you guys figure those things out, because couple things came to my mind immediately, but I'll just mention I enjoyed his Larry Price-like delivery.

    My favorite pronunciation: Dee-POT-ment of Transportation. Good stuff.

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  • Erika Engle
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    I have no ax to grind against Augie or Lanai -- in fact I think it's great that they're the regular spokesguys for Hawn Tel FCU. I'm sure it's nice to make the extra kala!

    Having said that, my 16-year-old daughter HATES the spot, describing it as stupid and lame ... for exactly the reasoning PZ stated. Trying too hard to be cool, etc.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Local TV Ads You Don't Like

    Originally posted by pzarquon
    Oh, I think it's obvious what they're trying to do. My point is, I think they're failing miserably. Taking that tack in an ad for a bank is like a teenager's grandpa trying to get the kid to listen by using the words "yo" and "dawg." It makes the teen roll his eyes and walk away, and it makes the grandpa's peers feel more embarassed for him than anything.
    Bwaha! Great analogy! Time will tell whether or not it fails. Advertising is always a crap shoot! BTW, my dad had an innate ability to get away with what you describe above, even into his 80s! How, I'll never know. But, he did!

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