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Obama v. The Birthers

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by anapuni808 View Post
    seems he can't count either! Obama is in his 40's - not 50's!
    Seems like you're responding with a half wit. Obama says he's 52! I wonder what Michelle thinks...

    And since we're all present, here's an interesting article about Obama's Connecticut issued Social Security Number issued between 1977 and 1979 that belongs to a dead person who would've been 119 years old today. It was discovered by an investigator, Susan Elizabeth Daniels, who signed an affidavit, sworn under penalty of perjury.

    Obama's nutz are on the block, but it probably won't matter in the end, cuz the world will fall into chaos, and they'll declare martial law over the entire country, and suspend the Constitution. The elitists that Obama and every president going back decades would have set in motion what they've wanted.

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  • anapuni808
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    seems he can't count either! Obama is in his 40's - not 50's!

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  • tutusue
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Bobinator View Post
    Obama's facebook page says he's 52 years old. I thought he was born August 4, 1961? If he's 52, that would mean he was born in 1958. When's your birthday, Mr. Obama?[...]

    (Yes...I saw the myspace url!!! Bob's a little mixed up!)

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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Obama's facebook page says he's 52 years old. I thought he was born August 4, 1961? If he's 52, that would mean he was born in 1958. When's your birthday, Mr. Obama?


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  • Bobinator
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Adri View Post
    One can never tell what people might object to. There are some people, I venture to say mostly conservatives, who think that his having been born and at least partially raised in Hawaii (or if you're a birther, then his being exposure to other cultures) makes him too "foreign" and "un-american", just as his pronouncing certain countries' names (off the top of my head, I believe the "controversial" pronunciations were for Pakistan, Iran and Iraq) correctly (by that, I mean in the way that people from that country would pronounce it) makes him "un-american". As if mis-pronouncing things and being unfamiliar with other cultures are proud american traits.

    I think you're missing it entirely. I have never encountered, or even heard of a conservative in this country thinking what you just stated above.

    Here's another smoking gun Obama has to answer for-

    "The investigators believe Obama needs to explain why he is using a Social Security number reserved for Connecticut applicants that was issued at a date later than he is known to have held employment."

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  • Adri
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by Kalalau View Post
    /snip But because Hawai'i has many cultures mainly from around the Pacific (but not exclusively) he like other young people growing up in Hawai'i had the opportunity to learn from them and be influenced by them. And I think it does put him ahead of people who define him and expect him to be like their expectation of a Black youth from LA or from Mississippi or for that matter, Kenya. How can his youthful exposure to for example Japanese culture, or Chinese, or Portugese, and Hawaiian, be anything but a plus for him, or for anyone?
    One can never tell what people might object to. There are some people, I venture to say mostly conservatives, who think that his having been born and at least partially raised in Hawaii (or if you're a birther, then his being exposure to other cultures) makes him too "foreign" and "un-american", just as his pronouncing certain countries' names (off the top of my head, I believe the "controversial" pronunciations were for Pakistan, Iran and Iraq) correctly (by that, I mean in the way that people from that country would pronounce it) makes him "un-american". As if mis-pronouncing things and being unfamiliar with other cultures are proud american traits.

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  • Kalalau
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    How about modifying the post to "Many mainlanders..." I think mainland Blacks are probably about as likely to think of President Obama more in terms of being a Black man than as a person shaped by his youthful development among the cultures of Hawai'i as mainland whites are. It doesn't seem controversial or unreasonable to believe that the cultures you grow up in influence the adult you become. President Obama would be a much different man if he had grown up in South Central LA and had had some unpleasant experiences with the LAPD, or if he had grown up in rural Mississippi. But because Hawai'i has many cultures mainly from around the Pacific (but not exclusively) he like other young people growing up in Hawai'i had the opportunity to learn from them and be influenced by them. And I think it does put him ahead of people who define him and expect him to be like their expectation of a Black youth from LA or from Mississippi or for that matter, Kenya. How can his youthful exposure to for example Japanese culture, or Chinese, or Portugese, and Hawaiian, be anything but a plus for him, or for anyone?

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  • matapule
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Matapule putting everybody in "time out!"

    This is an interesting and worthy topic, but should have own Thread. Matapule have whole bunch observations.

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  • anapuni808
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    ah TG - I don't think you really understood what I was posting. No where in my post did I indicate that [B]I[B] was fearful. You're talking to the person who single-handedly integrated my mid-western neighborhood when I was 12! and I've had some very interesting conversations with tatooed, pierced people and learned about their lifestyles simply because I wasn't afraid to start a conversation. and I've found that most of the young men with the baggy pants etc. are actually nice if you really take the time & make the effort to talk to them.

    I don't want to start back on our bad times again - I really don't. But, you don't know me or anything about me or my history. and I don't know anything about yours. So please, to not become enemies again - can we just accept the differences in our thinking and not make it personal? Both of my postings were made from an intent to discuss how humans of all races look at members of others.

    I'm not going to post in this thread again because its already been derailed enough by some of us.

    Let's all just go back to that dark & scary place of Obama's birth certificate.

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  • turtlegirl
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by anapuni808 View Post
    SG - sadly, white people DO stereotype blacks. The same as all races stereotype those of other races. It's human nature. It subconsciously helps us to sort through things in a manageable way for our small brains to process. Thankfully, most of us manage to move beyond this initial "sorting" process and can open our minds.

    Think about it - can you truthfully say that you have never walked down the street and seen a black or mexican male, for example, with the low slung pants and baseball cap turned sideways, maybe some tatoos, and not held on to your purse a little tighter? We all do this type of thing all the time. We not be aware of it at the time but it happens. Doesn't mean we are racists. Again - it's human nature. Sad to say.

    Oh, wow, I don't even know where to start pointing out the flaws and, um, well, I dunno, this post has me flustered! Its wack. Why are you wary of blacks and Mexicans? Are you kidding me? I have black family members, and i"ve been to Mex many many times, from Tijuana driving all the way to Cabo and back , camping on the beach the whole time. I would never be wary of someone because of their skin color, but I am concerned about thugs, no matter what color they come in! Clothing, tattoos and skin color, or whatever else may concern you appearancewise--- do not make the man! I'll repost when i can gather the words to.....uh, ... I'll be back..

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  • anapuni808
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Cool! to both of you.

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  • surlygirly
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    I am not saying that this does not occur. I already explained twice that I felt his post about stereotyping was hypocritical because he was only calling out WHITE people stereotyping against black people, when in face there are other races that do the same thing, and white Republicans stereotyping against Obama is itself, a stereotype. I am sorry if I did not make that point clear in my last two posts. It hit a nerve, I posted too hastily. He apoligized, I apologized. I don't care to drag it out any longer.

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  • anapuni808
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    SG - sadly, white people DO stereotype blacks. The same as all races stereotype those of other races. It's human nature. It subconsciously helps us to sort through things in a manageable way for our small brains to process. Thankfully, most of us manage to move beyond this initial "sorting" process and can open our minds.

    Think about it - can you truthfully say that you have never walked down the street and seen a black or mexican male, for example, with the low slung pants and baseball cap turned sideways, maybe some tatoos, and not held on to your purse a little tighter? We all do this type of thing all the time. We not be aware of it at the time but it happens. Doesn't mean we are racists. Again - it's human nature. Sad to say.
    Last edited by anapuni808; May 5, 2010, 05:56 PM.

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  • surlygirly
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by anapuni808 View Post
    SG - I think if you go back & read his post over again, you will see that he did not intend it to be racist. My interptation of it was that he was stating that some (many?) people on the mainland, who may be unfamiliar with the multi cultural lifestyle here, have difficulties getting past the black male stereotypes that we have all been deluged with for so many years. You know the ones - either black men are ghetto drug dealer pimps. Or they are angry fist waving Black Panther types. These stereotypes don't allow for a man who was raised in Hawaii, bi-racial, Harvard Educated & successful. A man like that doesn't fit into any of the convenient little niches that people like to place others in, in order to feel more comfortable.
    I see what you are saying, however, since his post stated 1. it was white mainlanders who felt this way and held these stereotypes against black males and 2. there was no evidence or examples to back this up, I felt this post was a little stereotypical in itself: white people pigeonholing black males.

    I apologize, Kalalau, for pulling the Race Card. I should not have done that. I very rarely post while angry on here, and I should have calmed down first. For some reason, this just struck a nerve.

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  • anapuni808
    Re: Obama v. The Birthers

    Originally posted by surlygirly View Post
    Wow. Pretty nice speech about stereotypers there when you did a good job of potting and kettling youself. I'm a white mainland the hell does that make me racist? I would love to know. Those are some very strong words you put out, even by protecting yourself with "a lot of mainland whites." Are you a Mainland white? If not, I might think more carefully before throwing out posts like this.
    SG - I think if you go back & read his post over again, you will see that he did not intend it to be racist. My interptation of it was that he was stating that some (many?) people on the mainland, who may be unfamiliar with the multi cultural lifestyle here, have difficulties getting past the black male stereotypes that we have all been deluged with for so many years. You know the ones - either black men are ghetto drug dealer pimps. Or they are angry fist waving Black Panther types. These stereotypes don't allow for a man who was raised in Hawaii, bi-racial, Harvard Educated & successful. A man like that doesn't fit into any of the convenient little niches that people like to place others in, in order to feel more comfortable.

    This thread has drifted which may be a good thing because its obviously run it's course and should be avoided by thinking people (many of whom are already avoiding it) or closed for all time. I would vote for closing it but the originator would probably just go start another similar one.

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