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Abercrombie running for governor

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  • #91
    Inclusive RANT Warning! re: gvt. deserters

    I think I'm missing something here.

    Isn't the position of a congressperson prestigious enough? Why are Hawaiipeople leaving congress (whether state or fed) to go on a crapshoot? And why are they deserting us, their constituents, in mid-term no less, leaving the jobs they begged for and to which we elected them because we trusted them, to go test their ambitious egos?

    I liked and trusted Abercrombie - now I'm not so sure. I never trusted Case, and he never disappointed my mistrust. I thought Mufi was a mistake from the beginning, and he, too is 'proving' his mettle.

    Ambitious opportunists! We put our trust in them to represent US - and they failed our trust. They are leaving long before the end of their contract with the people!

    This isn't like quitting a job because your boss is an _ss, this is letting your supporters down.

    Federal congresspeople receive, at a minimum, $174,000 a year, expenses paid, and a substantial retirement after five years!. Not sure what state cps get, but I'm certain it's substantial. Oh, and free health care for life. Automatic COLA raises unless they turn them down (they turned mine down this year, but not theirs).

    Paid for by you and me. Then they thumb their nose at their employers (us, again), to go play in another sandbox. They can't even lose.... they are set for life (but they may have to sell a few of their houses). While we have people living on the beach - sand without even a box.

    How did we get here? Were we just not paying attention? Did we fall for hollow promises? (Do we need it? Can we afford it? Oh, and let's build a railroad, but in the meantime, bye-bye! Hope YOU can pay for it.)

    I'm disappointed (bad) and disillusioned (good).

    End political rant.

    Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!
    ~ ~
    Spreading the virus of ALOHA.
    Oh Chu. If only you could have seen what I've seen, with your eyes.


    • #92
      Re: Abercrombie running for governor

      Abercrombie is leaving Congress, after 22 years no less, to run for the office of Governor. A prestigious National level job. Leaving office 6 months before his term is up.

      Hanneman is (potentially) leaving the Mayor's office to run for Governor. A prestigious local level job. Leaving office after 6 years - 2 yrs. before his term is up.

      Both of them, by law, are required to leave their current office to run for Governor. They don't have a choice.

      The election for Governor is THIS year, in mid-term. Again not something either of them has any control over.

      I think the difference between the two of them as far as their respective offices go is evident.
      Last edited by anapuni808; May 2, 2010, 06:39 PM.
      "Democracy is the only system that persists in asking the powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be."
      – Sydney J. Harris


      • #93
        Re: Abercrombie running for governor

        Washington Post chimes in on the dilemma the HI Dems are facing in this contest.


        • #94
          Re: Abercrombie running for governor

          Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
          Washington Post chimes in on the dilemma the HI Dems are facing in this contest.
          This contest? Chris Cillizza was analyzing Hawaii's congressional district 1 race, not the governor's race.

          Perhaps the moderators could move Leo's post to the proper thread, as Cillizza's article is worthwhile reading and comments regarding it would be more useful if it is placed in a discussion dedicated to the CD-1 race.
          Last edited by Frankie's Market; May 5, 2010, 02:52 PM.
          This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.


          • #95
            Re: Abercrombie running for governor

            Originally posted by Frankie's Market View Post
            This contest? Chris Cillizza was analyzing Hawaii's congressional district 1 race, not the governor's race.

            Perhaps the moderators could move Leo's post to the proper thread, as Cillizza's article is worthwhile reading and comments regarding it would be more useful if it is placed in a discussion dedicated to the CD-1 race.
            Oops! Sorry, folks - I was in a hurry, and I had an odd feeling I was going to toss it into the wrong thread. Thanks, FM.


            • #96
              Re: Abercrombie running for governor

              But you know what? We wouldn't be in this mess if Neil had not dropped out before his time.


              • #97
                Re: Abercrombie running for governor

                what do you mean "before his time"? The governors election is this year. Abercrombie's was up for re-election this year. What better time?
                "Democracy is the only system that persists in asking the powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be."
                – Sydney J. Harris


                • #98
                  Re: Abercrombie running for governor

                  I think Kimo is implying that if Neil didn't drop out and continued his term, there wouldn't be a special election to fill his seat. That special election is costing Hawaii Taxpayers quite a bit of money that they simply are running out of very fast.

                  Abercrombie may be leaving with just half a year left, but because he is it's costing the State of Hawaii a lot of money to find his replacement. It was his choice to leave his congressional seat early to run for Governor.

                  Bottom line is that if he didn't leave there would be no Hanabusa/Case debate and the possibility of the Democrats losing a left wing vote to the Republicans. As it is they can't afford to lose any seats in Congress. Abercrombie quitting his seat and Djou's rise in popularity only makes that scenerio more realistic.

                  Two reasons why Abercrombie should have stayed.

                  Plus with the way Lingle's ratings have plummetted, Aiona will be fighting an uphill battle to keep the Governor's seat in Republican hands. I hardly believe the Democrats would have a hard time winning the top office in the state. With Abercrombie in Congress and another high-ranking Democrat becoming the Governor AND controlling both the senate and HR here, Hawaii would guarantee an ALL-Democratic control from State to Federal.

                  If Djou wins, and Abercrombie loses in their respective races, it would be a tremendous loss to the DNC.

                  If Abercrombie stayed and Mufi wins, the DNC still controls the voice of Hawaii at the Federal and State levels with the Democrats controlling both the Legislative and Executive branches of Hawaii and National politics.
                  Last edited by craigwatanabe; May 6, 2010, 09:27 AM.
                  Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                  • #99
                    Re: Abercrombie running for governor

                    Ref: "before his time . . ."
                    Yes, I meant that Neil could have waited to officially "resign" - and STILL spend a lot of time running for governor (recent ads are pointing out that Ed Case missed more than 140 votes in the House, many while out campaigning for Akaka's seat) and saved the expense of the special election...just go with the regular primary in September.
                    (Speaking of which, if Mufi resigns to run - which he may do before the State Democatic convention over the Memorial Day weekend - do we have to have a special election for mayor, too?)


                    • Re: Abercrombie running for governor

                      Originally posted by Kimo View Post
                      Ref: "before his time . . ."
                      Yes, I meant that Neil could have waited to officially "resign" - and STILL spend a lot of time running for governor (recent ads are pointing out that Ed Case missed more than 140 votes in the House, many while out campaigning for Akaka's seat) and saved the expense of the special election...just go with the regular primary in September.
                      I guess partly, there's a matter of principle here. Rabid Democratic partisans are the ones thinking to themselves, "Abercrombie should have resigned later,.... even if it meant being an absentee Congressman for so many months while campaigning for another office back home."

                      If some people want to chide Neil for resigning when he did, fine. That's their prerogative. I'll give him props, for several reasons.

                      1) It shows me that Neil is serious about wanting to be the chief executive of this state. He's not just casually stepping into this race while at the same time, allowing himself to be distracted by matters pertaining to his old job in D.C.

                      2) Rather than hang onto his seat as an absentee congressman and being a placeholder for the Democratic party, he's made the choice that will allow for someone else to be elected as a replacement (to be elected by the people) who will actually be casting votes and making their voice heard in Congress. Hawaii's CD-1 seat, like every other seat in Congress, belongs to the people, not the political parties. (Anyone who is truly independent would see it that way, rather than a card-carrying Democrat/Republican who only gives lip service about themselves being independent.)

                      3) All this talk about how much money the State has to pay for the CD-1 special election is just a whole lot of political grandstanding coming from the old Democratic establishment, as well as Mufi partisans. (With a lot of overlap between those two camps, that's for sure.) The state election's office had the funds to do the mail-in election, but of course, the anti-Neil faction are going to make moutains out of molehills if you give them even the slightest excuse to whimper and whine.

                      Originally posted by Kimo View Post
                      (Speaking of which, if Mufi resigns to run - which he may do before the State Democatic convention over the Memorial Day weekend - do we have to have a special election for mayor, too?)
                      For the answer to that, read the Honolulu City Charter.

                      §5-106 states, for vacancies that occur in the mayor's office with an unexpired term of one year or more, the vacancy shall be:

                      Filled by a special election to be called by the Council within 10 days and to be held within 60 days after occurrence of the vacancy. If any special or general election is to be held in the City after 30 days and within 180 days after the occurrence of the vacancy, the election shall be held in conjunction with such other election.
                      Pending this election, the temporary vancancy shall be:

                      Filled by the Managing Director, or if no Managing Director or Managing Director is unable to act, the Chief Budget Officer shall then act as Mayor.
                      So if the Mufster resigns right before Memorial Day, the normal fall election cycle would be close enough in time so that the city does not have to hold a seperate balloting for a mayoral election run-off.

                      In that scenario, managing director Kirk Caldwell becomes the acting mayor. Then the winner of the mayoral run-off takes over at Honolulu Hale for the final 2 years of Mufi's unexpired term.
                      Last edited by Frankie's Market; May 6, 2010, 11:40 AM.
                      This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.


                      • Re: Abercrombie running for governor

                        Thanks for doing the research. Helpful . . .

