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Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

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  • #31
    Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

    Originally posted by 1stwahine
    .....and if they find him GUILTY...then let the **** fly on me too!

    Ixnay on the itshay, and the other rofanitypay, too.
    There are ladies and children present.


    • #32
      Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

      Originally posted by pzarquon
      I don't think anyone here has said that Tanonaka's decision to remain silent (or to make excuses) after unfairly attacking Abercrombie was a smart one. Okay? We're all on the same page.
      So, that's where Lika's earlier comment comes in: Why did Tanonaka take the time to personally offer an explanation to someone here based on what was posted, without making an official statement or public mea culpa (be it here, or via any other public means)?
      Apart from what you received directly, Lynn - and it could've been anyone, this isn't about you - the Tanonaka camp has made no outright admission of error. In the eyes of the public, they left things hanging unpleasantly on the Abercrombie attack. It's odd that they'd be willing to say something behind the scenes, when it would be a good thing to say to everyone.
      Mahalo plenny for the clear, correct and understandable (hopefully) explanation, Ryan!
      Well done. Very well done.

      That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


      • #33
        Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

        Originally posted by 1stwahine
        I guess I got a bit angry when I saw the post, "of a reader here receiving a personal email"...that is only me! I got on the offensive and wasted alot of energy. [...] I apologize if I misunderstood anyone.
        Apology accepted, Lynn. No problem.
        The reason I wrote the words "a reader here" instead of putting your name in the post is that it's always wiser on the internet to keep discussions about the issues and not about the individual posters. That usually stops flame wars from developing.

        That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


        • #34
          Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka
          Tanonaka pleads guilty to three felonies, released on bond

          "The charges carry prison terms of up to 65 years."


          • #35
            Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

            Originally posted by 1stwahine
            When the accusations came out, Dalton didn't miss a beat, he held a television conference telling his side of the story and asked for the investigations to begin prior to the election.
            I'm certain that with time and when the truth comes out, Dalton will be found innocent.
            I firmly believe he is a victim of a Smear.
            That was from January 12... message #22 in this thread.
            After his Guilty plea today, I went back and read through this entire thread from the beginning and found some quotes I think folks may wish they could take back.
            (And Aunty Lynn, please don't take this personally! You couldn't have known back then that Dalton was guilty.)

            That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


            • #36
              Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

              Originally posted by Miulang
              Now he's undergoing investigation by the feds for disguising and hiding loans made to his unsuccessful campaign.
              His former campaign manager blew the whistle on him, although Tanonaka claims the allegations are false and just a way for the ex-campaign manager to stir up problems (they are in civil litigation now over alleged unpaid bills).
              The lack of an apology to Abercrombie pales in comparison to the doodoo he'll be in if he's found guilty of campaign fraud. If he is found guilty, I don't think he can get away with pleading ignorance over this one.
              Also from January 12, message #25.
              Guess he is "in the doodoo" now!

              That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


              • #37
                Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

                What an ignoble end to a political career. Of course, there might still be hope for a political career for him. After all, the Mayor of DC (Marion Berry) was re-elected Mayor after he got out of jail for illegal drug possession, which is also a felony.

                And then there was that hapless temporary Mayor of San Diego, who this week was named Mayor because the old Mayor was was forced to resign. He only got to be Mayor for a day before he was forced to resign too because of illegal activities.

                "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                • #38
                  Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

                  Let the SHIT fly on me too! Hahahaha! In all seriousness, it is unfortunate in what he has done...I still belive he is a good man. Nobody is free from skeletons in their closets. Let he/she without sin, cast the first stone.

                  and Life goes on! CRAP!

                  I just wanted you all to know that I have learned that is a place where we all come to share our ideas and comments. I have come a long way from the time, I first entered as a member here. There is absolutely no way I would take offense...except if it was against my children, my MAMA
                  and Antonio.

                  Auntie Lynn
                  Last edited by 1stwahine; July 21, 2005, 01:13 PM.
                  Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                  Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                  • #39
                    Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

                    I just went back and read the entire thread again, too. And there's definitely something I wish I'd never written:
                    Originally posted by scrivener
                    ...and I do want the constituency to encourage these guys to come out strong on whatever sides of the fence their on.
                    Ugh. Bad teacher! Bad!
                    But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                    • #40
                      Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

                      tanonaka is a crook and he admitted it in court with his plea...despite the fact that his slick schuyster green has been trying to salvage a shred of tanonaka's dignity, the fact remains: he bloody cheated the electoral essentially victimless crime on the face of it, but tell that to rene mansho and andy mirikitani...

                      tanonaka will likely walk with a hefty fine and probation, but faces 66 years in the joint...if there's a pool going, i'm in at a year and a half of time and a sweet consulting gig upon release...
                      Don't be mean,
                      try to help.


                      • #41
                        Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

                        Back at the beginning of this thread there was much mention of Tanonaka's mouthpiece, Ken Armstrong of Oregon, and there were links to Armstrong's two websites. I just checked both of them out, and gosh... no mention of the guilty plea.
                        As expected.

                        That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                        • #42
                          Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

                          Ian Lind reports that Dalton is asking his supporters to help him influence the court as to whether or not he gets jail time for his punishment.


                          • #43
                            Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

                            Originally posted by mel
                            Amen! ~ ~ ~ ~

                            Oh... ~~~~ looks like a Wikipedia signature to me... lolz....


                            • #44
                              Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

                              Former Candidate, TV Anchorman Sentenced to Prison

                              Judge Orders Tanonaka To Spend 3 Months In Prison, 3 Months At Home

                              POSTED: 3:36 pm HST November 3, 2005

                              HONOLULU -- A federal judge Thursday sentenced former political candidate and former television news anchorman Dalton Tanonaka to prison.

                              Tanonaka secretly funneled thousands of dollars into his campaigns, prosecutors said. However, his lawyer denied he was trying to hide anything.
                              Read the rest at KITV 4's website. I am sure more will be posted on this.

                              Dalton's a lucky guy to only get 3 months jail time for this crime. And yes, he is guilty as I laugh at a few of my friends who actively supported him on the last campaign.
                              I'm still here. Are you?


                              • #45
                                Re: Shame on Dalton Tanonaka

                                Originally posted by mel
                                Former Candidate, TV Anchorman Sentenced to Prison

                                Read the rest at KITV 4's website. I am sure more will be posted on this.

                                Dalton's a lucky guy to only get 3 months jail time for this crime. And yes, he is guilty as I laugh at a few of my friends who actively supported him on the last campaign.
                                Maybe someone will offer him a TV deal ala Martha Stewart, when he gets out! OC16 are you listening?
                                Listen to KEITH AND THE GIRLsigpic

                                Stupid people come in all flavors-buzz1941

