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Thielen vs. Akaka

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  • #76
    Re: Can Cynthia Thielen win?

    Originally posted by manoasurfer123 View Post
    I still think the whole voting process should be made easier in general.
    Are you FUCKING kidding?? How is it NOT easy to vote, already?

    If anyone living in the United States really thinks voting is "too hard," he or she does not deserve to have the right to vote.

    What a disgusting, shameful mindset that is. "Oooh, it's so hard! I have to, like, register, and then show up someplace! And it's not in hip-hop slang, so how can I tell who I'm voting for? Can't they just put a chip in my brain so they know what I want? It's so haaaaard!"

    We should make it *harder* to vote, not easier. Screw "motor voter" and all that bullshit. We should have to crawl 100 yards through broken glass for the right to vote. My disabled 83-year-old mother would do that, but most able-bodied 30-year-olds whine about how much trouble it is drive or walk two miles to their precinct center. F*** them all with a hanging chad.


    • #77
      Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

      Maddie... I didn't mean it's hard to vote... What I meant is making it that much more easier for everyone....

      Hello...duh... I live next to a polling place...! I know it's easy... but it still seems like the government could put together some sort of onlin voting system!


      • #78
        Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

        Originally posted by manoasurfer123 View Post
        Maddie... I didn't mean it's hard to vote... What I meant is making it that much more easier for everyone....

        Well, that cleared up nothing.

        Hello...duh... I live next to a polling place...! I know it's easy... but it still seems like the government could put together some sort of onlin voting system!
        Why? What are you talking about? Why do you think we need "some sort of online voting system"? Seriously, WTF are you on about?

        What's hard about it now?

        Why should "the government" coddle the lowest common denominator? Oh, right ... because that's what's expected of it. That's the problem.



        • #79
          Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

          Originally posted by MadAzza View Post
          Well, that cleared up nothing.
          Why? What are you talking about? Why do you think we need "some sort of online voting system"? Seriously, WTF are you on about?
          What's hard about it now?
          Why should "the government" coddle the lowest common denominator? Oh, right ... because that's what's expected of it. That's the problem.
          Sorry I forgot to add a key "it's" into the statement I said.

          WTF am I talking about... I'm talking about until the government pretty much get's it's act together and figures out a way to secure the digital society that we as a people are moving into... then we will be able to have a fair and accurate and a paperless voting system.... It's not a question of's a question of when...

          I don't know why so many people are resistant to the move to a digital society?


          • #80
            Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

            Sorry for the thread drift... Whacks to us all?

            Back to Thielen vs. Akaka...

            Dave I have the upmost respect for you for putting your emotions and your time into your thoughts here on HT....

            I too would do anything I could to help my mom get elected to a public office if she were to run....
            However, what percent of voters do you think she will get?

            Also, did you go to a private or a public school? Why am I curious... because I am curious and niele.... I'm not asking what school.... just private or public.

            Dave.... You seem like a great guy... and I was going to vote for your mom long before you jumped on HT...and I still am!

            Just curious to get a first hand perspective from a candidates son.
            Last edited by damontucker; November 4, 2006, 11:47 PM.


            • #81
              Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

              Originally posted by MadAzza View Post
              Your conclusions are incorrect.
              The way you have continued to evade the crux of my argument, I doubt it. But I understand your pride is on the line, so agree to disagree. Whatever.

              We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

              — U.S. President Bill Clinton
              USA TODAY, page 2A
              11 March 1993


              • #82
                Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
                The way you have continued to evade the crux of my argument, I doubt it. But I understand your pride is on the line, so agree to disagree. Whatever.
                I have evaded nothing; my pride has nothing to do with it (honestly, what on Earth are you talking about?); and the tired phrase "agree to disagree" is a copout.

                The "crux of your argument" seems to be that I work at the Star-Bulletin, so I don't like blogs or Web forums. That is patently false, and I am not going to let you insult me with such condescending bullshit. You just refuse to read my earlier post without coloring it with your prejudice.

                Again, my original point: There is no point in any candidate trying to communicate effectively in an online forum such as this, especially three days before an election.

                My position is only supported by your insistence on twisting my words to fit your prejudice. If I were a candidate and had to try to defend myself against such underhanded tactics, I'd be pulling my hair out. But I do thank you for proving my point yet again.

                If you want to keep hammering away at it, I suggest you take it to PM. I'm sure this is getting as tiresome for others as it is for me.


                • #83
                  Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                  Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
                  SB sucks (or is clueless) when it comes to web forums. The Advertiser is doing well in this area.
                  I would hazard the guess that the Advertiser has a little bit more money to spend on staffing the Online department than the Star-Bulletin does. What was the number at last count, one person? Two people in the online department at the Star-Bulletin, compared to what, eight? 10? 12 people in the Online department at the Advertiser?

                  Clueless? More like no resources. The Advertiser kicks ass because they have the bodies to get the job done right.

                  Originally posted by MadAzza View Post
                  The "crux of your argument" seems to be that I work at the Star-Bulletin, so I don't like blogs or Web forums.
                  I thought editorial writers have nothing to do with the Online department. So why get on MadAzza's case for something she has nothing to do with?


                  • #84
                    Re: Can Cynthia Thielen win?

                    Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                    Forget about approval. Akaka is practically an institution in this state, and there is just no way the combination of history, incumbency, and being a member of the Old Guard Democratic Party can fail to win him re-election. By a lot. The neighbor islands will never vote for Cynthia, a haole from Oahu, against a guy like Akaka. His "approval rating" could drop below twenty-five percent, and in the absence of some kind of major scandal, he'd probably still win election.
                    Says the guy who voted Libertarian .

                    What you posted above is true - until the day it isn't anymore. Would anyone have predicted a haole female Republican governor 20 years ago? This will change. Maybe this election, maybe next. But it will change.


                    • #85
                      Re: Can Cynthia Thielen win?

                      Originally posted by DavidThi808 View Post
                      Would anyone have predicted a haole female Republican governor 20 years ago? This will change. Maybe this election, maybe next. But it will change.
                      I'm voting for your Mother - Cynthia Thielen!

                      Good Luck on Tuesday!

                      Aloha & Love

                      Auntie Lynn
                      Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                      Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                      • #86
                        Re: Can Cynthia Thielen win?

                        Originally posted by DavidThi808 View Post
                        What you posted above is true - until the day it isn't anymore. Would anyone have predicted a haole female Republican governor 20 years ago? This will change. Maybe this election, maybe next. But it will change.
                        Dang. That's a good point. And it's one of the arguments I give for voting for a candidate I know won't win. Well done!
                        But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                        • #87
                          Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                          Originally posted by Palolo Joe View Post
                          Why get on MadAzza's case for something she has nothing to do with?
                          First, shame on you PJ for not reading the whole thread. MadAzza started this, not me, by making this statement:
                          Originally posted by MadAzza View Post
                          If I were running for office, or in office, I'd stay the hell away from HT and every other Web-based forum.
                          All of my subsequent posts have been about this statement. It’s one thing for her to tell Cynthia Thielen she should stay away. I agreed with her on that point, because of the 3 reasons she gave in her rebuttal of Mānoa. But she’s saying “any and every politician” should stay away. And I completely disagree with that.

                          I’m saying it’s in her best interest, as ANY employee of SB, to discourage participation in web forums, because her employer has not or cannot afford to (take your pick) invest in this stuff. The Advertiser, on the other hand, can. So it’s like she’s taking a pot shot at the competition. She could have made her point without doing that, but she chose that route.
                          Last edited by TuNnL; November 5, 2006, 10:23 AM. Reason: Cynthia, not David!

                          We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

                          — U.S. President Bill Clinton
                          USA TODAY, page 2A
                          11 March 1993


                          • #88
                            Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                            Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
                            First, shame on you PJ for not reading the whole thread.
                            Shame on me? Who are you, my grandma? Stop getting your panties in a bunch.

                            Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
                            I’m saying it’s in her best interest, as ANY employee of SB, to discourage participation in web forums, because her employer has not or cannot afford to (take your pick) invest in this stuff. The Advertiser, on the other hand, can. So it’s like she’s taking a pot shot at the competition. She could have made her point without doing that, but she chose that route.
                            A pot shot at the competition? Huh?

                            To me, she seemed to be saying that it wasn't worth it for a politician to get into a back-and-forth with snarky jackasses who would end up slinging insults.

                            You, on the other hand, seem to have more sinister ideas. Whatever.


                            • #89
                              Re: Can Cynthia Thielen win?

                              Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                              one of the arguments I give for voting for a candidate I know won't win.
                              Whether for political office, a Hoku or Grammy award, or a poll on HT, I vote for the candidate I think is best; whether or not I think they will win is irrelevant.


                              • #90
                                Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                                That's your right, and there's a personal integrity (I know, how quaint!) argument in favor of doing so, but, in a single-seat-per-district, winner-takes-all system, you have to accept that your vote for an also-ran is essentially irrelevant.

                                Makes more strategic sense to hold your nose and vote for the better of the top-two candidates, then to start agitating for a change to multi-seat districts and/or a proportional representation voting system.

