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Thielen vs. Akaka

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  • #91
    Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

    Originally posted by poinographer View Post a single-seat-per-district, winner-takes-all system, you have to accept that your vote for an also-ran is essentially irrelevant.
    I disagree. Voting for an also-ran is practically irrelevant, because it means that my vote didn't play much part in the outcome, but it is essentially extremely relevant, because it is the expression of my freedom to choose the candidate I favor, which in the grand scale of democracy is more important than any other consideration.

    Makes more strategic sense to hold your nose and vote for the better of the top-two candidates, then to start agitating for a change to multi-seat districts and/or a proportional representation voting system.
    Again, I must respectfully disagree. When the "lesser of two evils" consistently wins, it encourages the parties in power to continue to put forth their "not as bad as the other party" candidates, and I refuse to believe that this is the way the system is supposed to work. It's like when the Ravens won the SuperBowl and there was some talk of making Trent Dilfer the MVP because he didn't ruin his team's chances to win. Not screwing up is not a reason to be honored.

    Women's suffrage was once thought to be an impossible proposition, but it eventually came to be, and it was because a lot of people continued to campaign for and support what was a losing cause. The same might be said of medical marijuana. Someone needs to keep those losing causes alive, especially if they are right. When I vote Libertarian, I do two HUGELY important things: I vote for my ideals and I help keep the Libertarian party on the ballot. Some day, some major-party candidate is going to need all those Libertarian votes and is going to have to DO SOMETHING to convince me and people who think like me to vote for him or her. That's, again, practically irrelevant, at least for now, but it's essentially the process of democracy at work.
    But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


    • #92
      Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

      Originally posted by Palolo Joe View Post
      To me, she seemed to be saying that it wasn't worth it for a politician to get into a back-and-forth with snarky jackasses who would end up slinging insults.
      Yes, she also said that, in a separate point labeled #2:
      Originally posted by MadAzza View Post
      It's far too easy to be misunderstood on HT, judging by how often the simplest comment or observation is misunderstood or delilberately twisted into something it was never intended to be. Why should anyone risk that?
      So therefore, it’s unnecessary and irrelevant to post this:
      Originally posted by MadAzza View Post
      If I were running for office, or in office, I'd stay the hell away from HT and every other Web-based forum.
      ...which creates the appearance of a potential conflict of interest, since again, it is in SB’s best interest (and therefore MadAzza’s) to discourage ANY participation in web-based forums (which is a crown jewel of her competition, The Honolulu Advertiser).

      We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

      — U.S. President Bill Clinton
      USA TODAY, page 2A
      11 March 1993


      • #93
        Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

        Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
        since again, it is in SB’s best interest (and therefore MadAzza’s) to discourage ANY participation in web-based forums (which is a crown jewel of her competition, The Honolulu Advertiser).
        Says YOU. That's your opinion. Fine.

        MY opinion: You don't know what the hell you're talking about when it comes to the best interests of the Star-Bulletin. Stick to your political conjecture, since that seems to be your area of expertise.


        • #94
          Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

          FINE, and you can stick to being a nīele grouchbag, since that seems to be yours.

          We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

          — U.S. President Bill Clinton
          USA TODAY, page 2A
          11 March 1993


          • #95
            Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

            Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
            FINE, and you can stick to being a niele grouchbag, since that seems to be yours.
            Ah, yes. Call me names.

            Now you're just proving that on top of being an idiot, you're a jackass too. Good one.

            Oh, and you still don't know what the hell you're talking about.


            • #96
              Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

              Originally posted by Palolo Joe View Post
              Call me names. Now you're just proving that on top of being an idiot, you're a jackass too ... Oh, and you still don't know what the hell you're talking about.
              Pot calling the kettle black! Oh excuse me, pot with a stupid red thing sticking out the top and camo fatigues that don’t fit. But now you’re just attacking me in an off-topic kind of way, so how do your comments relate to Thielen or Akaka?

              We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

              — U.S. President Bill Clinton
              USA TODAY, page 2A
              11 March 1993


              • #97
                Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                Keep going. See how many idiotic things you can say before a moderator wakes up in the morning and notices it.

                I didn't need to resort to calling you names. But if you want to take it there, I'll be happy to accomodate you.

                Pot calling the kettle, blah blah blah blah blah... and you want to be moderator too, telling me to get back on-topic? Ah c'mon.


                • #98
                  Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                  Originally posted by poinographer View Post
                  That's your right, and there's a personal integrity (I know, how quaint!) argument in favor of doing so ... Makes more strategic sense to hold your nose and vote for the better of the top-two candidates, then to start agitating for a change to multi-seat districts and/or a proportional representation voting system.
                  I used to think this way too. But after what I’ve seen in D.C. over the last decade, I’m convinced the only real solution is a legitimate third party. It’s time to banish the two arrogant ones that have taken over American politics into historical lore, realizing that it could take some time.

                  We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

                  — U.S. President Bill Clinton
                  USA TODAY, page 2A
                  11 March 1993


                  • #99
                    Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                    Good Morning!

                    One day before the Election! I went to a Family picnic yesterday and the difference of who and why they were going to Vote for Akaka or Thielen was interesting...just like here.

                    Most of my younger nieces and nephews are voting for Akaka because they said Theilen is Pro Choice on many issues and would not represent Hawai'i well in Washington.

                    One of nieces works at the Capital for a Senator and sees first hand what goes on the floor and how our Politicians Vote. It was interesting as well as an eye opener.

                    My son is also voting for Akaka. He remembers how the Senator helped him when he entered the Army many years ago. He told me...I should too.

                    Voting is a right for each and every one of us Americans. When we enter the Polling Booth ~ it is only us who knows who we Vote for.

                    Tomarrow, we exercise that right again.

                    Good luck to the Cadidates.

                    Hawai'i no ka oi!!!!

                    Auntie Lynn
                    Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                    Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                    • Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                      Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                      Voting for an also-ran is practically irrelevant, because it means that my vote didn't play much part in the outcome, but it is essentially extremely relevant, because it is the expression of my freedom to choose the candidate I favor, which in the grand scale of democracy is more important than any other consideration.
                      And there you have it. Thanks, Scriv.

                      My daughter and I will be working the polling place all day tomorrow and I can say from previous work there that the average age of voters is middle-aged. The knuckleheads who are waiting for voting to become "easier" will get the government they deserve.

                      And anyone who thinks everything should become "digital" is encouraged to see the documentary "Hacking Democracy."
                      Burl Burlingame
                      "Art is never finished, only abandoned." -- Leonardo Da Vinci


                      • Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                        Did anyone catch the newspaper endorsements on the Big Island. First time ever they all endorsed the Republican - Cynthia Thielen. A lot of people here say a Republican can't win the Senate. Of course up to 4 years ago they said a Republican can't win state-wide - and then Linda Lingle did.

                        My mom may barely win, or she may barely lose. But it's going to be close.


                        • Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                          Originally posted by DavidThi808 View Post
                          Did anyone catch the newspaper endorsements on the Big Island. First time ever they all endorsed the Republican - Cynthia Thielen. A lot of people here say a Republican can't win the Senate. Of course up to 4 years ago they said a Republican can't win state-wide - and then Linda Lingle did.

                          My mom may barely win, or she may barely lose. But it's going to be close.
                          Whatever happens...

                          I hope you have fun cleaning the after election party...

                          Good luck to your mom.


                          • Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                            Originally posted by DavidThi808 View Post
                            My mom may barely win, or she may barely lose. But it's going to be close.
                            I've been lurking in this thread and while I don't support Ms. Thielen on many of her environmental issues, I did vote for her on the basis of being a party guy and fundementally opposed to the liberal platform of the entrenched incumbent.

                            I think like most others I believe Ms. Thielen's chances of winning this race is about as slim as seeing snow fall in Waikiki. I admire your optimism Mr. Thielen.
                            I'm still here. Are you?


                            • Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                              This one will be a painful decision for me. In a nutshell (though there’s way more at play here), Akaka would be better for the country, but Thielen would be better for Hawai‘i. As I enter the polling booth I will be considering this question: do I want to satisfy my burning desire for the Dems to re-take control of the U.S. Senate and Congress and preserve our seniority in the process, or do I want someone with a real platform (that I happen to agree with wholeheartedly, unlike Mel) other than native Hawaiian/Alaskan issues to represent our state?

                              Mahalo, David Thielen, for having enough guts to acknowledge that these are the choices, regardless of who you support. That takes a lot of class.

                              We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

                              — U.S. President Bill Clinton
                              USA TODAY, page 2A
                              11 March 1993


                              • Re: Thielen vs. Akaka

                                Thank you to everyone for the nice comments. It is definitely going to be an interesting night. And if I'm right, a long one as we wait for every last vote to be counted.

                                For those supporting my mom - have faith & thank you. This is doable. Difficult but doable. Plus think about how much fun it will be to prove every political pundit in the nation totally wrong .

