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New smoking ban

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  • Re: New smoking ban

    Originally posted by jdub View Post
    My neighborhood pub doesn't give two turds about the law.
    If it's downtown, I was just there a few days ago. Saw much of the same thing.

    Unfortunately, I think the state will end up making an example out of a few bars. I'm sure a few donkeys have called the state to complain.

    The law needs to be repealed.


    • Re: New smoking ban

      Originally posted by Palolo Joe View Post
      If it's downtown, I was just there a few days ago. Saw much of the same thing.
      I'm certain we're talking about the same place. I hope their civil disobedience continues. We'll have to toss one back one of these days, man!
      Don't be mean,
      try to help.


      • Re: New smoking ban

        Originally posted by jdub View Post
        I'm certain we're talking about the same place. I hope their civil disobedience continues. We'll have to toss one back one of these days, man!
        The dorks behind this law excepted this. It just seemed to take a little time. In a survey of over 5 dozen bars, enforcing the ban will cause a 25% to 75% drop in sales on average. What does a bar do then? -cheat


        • Re: New smoking ban

          I predict that unless the smokers come up with better arguments than "hey I like to smoke while I drink and close up the bar", hiccup , and unsubstantiated (i.e. made up) statistics, the new law will hold strong.


          • Re: New smoking ban

            Originally posted by SouthKona View Post
            I predict that unless the smokers come up with better arguments than "hey I like to smoke while I drink and close up the bar", hiccup , and unsubstantiated (i.e. made up) statistics, the new law will hold strong.
            How about the owner on the windward side whose business is down 75% according to him. Will it take owners losing their businesses for the gov. to listen. A lot of places are hurting (with a few exceptions ), get the facts from the owners and managers and not the doctored, biased data that the coalition for tobacco free Hawaii spews and gives to the media which blindly accepts it as fact. They could care less if single moms lose their jobs or if an owner looses their business and their home get foreclosed. I talked to the coalition and their excuse for this is " Well the bar was going to fail anyways, it is just a coincidence [ that it started on Nov16 ]" - yah sure. Maybe those displaced can " go back to school, [ they don't have any bills ]". I feel sorry for the bars. It's not fair to them, they never asked for this.

            All that matters to these fanactics is "Smoke Free, Smoke Free, and Smoke Free".
            Last edited by AlohaKine; December 1, 2006, 04:09 PM.


            • Re: New smoking ban

              AlohaKine, Hey, it could be worse. Under the current law, a smoker is someone with a lit cigarette. Snuff the thing out, and you can go and join the non-smokers for awhile.

              But now for something completely different. Link

              "Massachusetts is one of 20 states where the law provides private companies with latitude to terminate employees for a host of reasons, including the use of tobacco" That's not just on the job we're talking about. We're talking about any use.


              • Re: New smoking ban

                Yes, it's actually been happening to a lot of people. Keep smoking -- get a pink slip. I'm pretty anti-smoking, but even I draw the line before that.


                • Re: New smoking ban

                  Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
                  AlohaKine, Hey, it could be worse. Under the current law, a smoker is someone with a lit cigarette. Snuff the thing out, and you can go and join the non-smokers for awhile.

                  But now for something completely different. Link

                  "Massachusetts is one of 20 states where the law provides private companies with latitude to terminate employees for a host of reasons, including the use of tobacco" That's not just on the job we're talking about. We're talking about any use.
                  That's another reason to bitterly fight this law now. The antis say "well you can still smoke at home, just step out side at the bar - just go with it." NEVER!!!!!!!!!, because the antis are hate mongering lying pieces of human waste. A year or two from now these depraved scam will break their word yet again and demand things like you stated.

                  The Coalition for tobacco free hawaii should be listed as a hate group and have RICO laws imposed on them. Enough is enough. Their director belongs in a women's prison, she'd love it there because women's correctional facilities just went "smoke free" this fall on the island. She could go 20 years totally smoke free - her twisted fantasy would be an "inescapable" reality.


                  • Re: New smoking ban

                    Originally posted by Bard View Post
                    Yes, it's actually been happening to a lot of people. Keep smoking -- get a pink slip. I'm pretty anti-smoking, but even I draw the line before that.
                    The ACLU states it will not fight smoking bans like SB3262, however it will take cases of workers not being allowed to smoke in their own homes.

                    The anti's deserve all the lawsuits we can possibly file against them and in particular lawsuits against individuals in their leadership themselves. It is their draconian laws and excessive attacks on smokers that removes my will to comprimise and polarizes me into a militant pro-smoking activist. Back someone in a corner enough, hit them where they live, and F with somebodies livelyhood, guess what the response is. Did someone ever take the time to explain these things to the coalition's leadership when they were children or are they just sick in head?
                    Last edited by AlohaKine; December 2, 2006, 12:51 PM.


                    • Re: New smoking ban

                      As much as some would like to challenge the law allowing businesses to require their employees to be non-smokers, I kinda doubt this case will challenge the law itself. It will end up forcing on just how this company hired someone who didn't fit the requirement, promised help to quit smoking, then then fired them on the first test.


                      • Re: New smoking ban

                        The petition against the ban has over 1200 sigs at least in one week and most have not even seen it. Ask the bar for their copy, about 1/2 of the bars already have one. Let your voice be heard. Let the people speak, not some corrupt anti-smoking goon with looted money buying media time. Over 25% of the people outside the club that signed the petition were non-smokers, concerned about civil liberties.
                        Last edited by AlohaKine; December 3, 2006, 03:59 AM.


                        • Re: New smoking ban

                          Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
                          because the antis are hate mongering lying pieces of human waste.
                          And I'm sure that sorta thing will help your cause so much.


                          • Re: New smoking ban

                            Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
                            Over 25% of the people outside the club that signed the petition were non-smokers, concerned about civil liberties.
                            I don't know where people get off thinking smoking is a "right" or a "civil liberty". Before you start throwing around such statements please cite the constitutional language (state or federal) that creates your so-called civil liberty. All this whining doesn't change the fact that the law's intent, while somewhat arrogant, is essentially in the right. The language in the law is sloppy, almost amateurish in its failure to contemplate unintended consequences (extra litter generated, enforcement issues, etc.), but then the anti-smoking movement creates such a stink about politicians who look tobacco friendly it hardly comes as a surprise that the Legislature was in a hurry to pass the damned thing rather than making sure it was written well. BTW I'm a smoker, not an "anti".


                            • Re: New smoking ban

                              Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
                              How about the owner on the windward side whose business is down 75% according to him. Will it take owners losing their businesses for the gov. to listen. A lot of places are hurting (with a few exceptions ), get the facts from the owners and managers and not the doctored, biased data that the coalition for tobacco free Hawaii spews and gives to the media which blindly accepts it as fact. They could care less if single moms lose their jobs or if an owner looses their business and their home get foreclosed. I talked to the coalition and their excuse for this is " Well the bar was going to fail anyways, it is just a coincidence [ that it started on Nov16 ]" - yah sure. Maybe those displaced can " go back to school, [ they don't have any bills ]". I feel sorry for the bars. It's not fair to them, they never asked for this.

                              All that matters to these fanactics is "Smoke Free, Smoke Free, and Smoke Free".

                              Nobody asks for anything negative including smoke getting in one's eyes, nose and throat.

                              Isn't there anything you can do to have fun in life other than to smoke? Having fun and the freedom to do things is one of the things we can do but it has to be in a way that doesn't hurt others in the process like kids who can't control their environments. If you don't like this law then please think about those who will be impacted by your smoking. Kids are one of them, pregnant women are another, people with respiratory illnesses.

                              Smoking is know's also expensive, like auto racing, it's risky and an expensive hobby, but you see racers do it on approved race tracks not on public streets where it can be dangerous for innocent bystanders. For those who do race on our public streets they are considered being disrespectful and arrogant to the well-being of others.

                              For a long time smokers have been viewed that way by the rest of the non-smoking public but because there was no law against public smoking there wasn't much that could be done. Now there is and it's the non-smokers turn to get back at all those decades of smokers who decide to make the air around others bad to breathe.

                              FACTS: Smoking is bad for your health, the public's majority don't smoke, if businesses fail, so be it. Businesses like that have no business killing it's patrons.

                              And if having fun equates to smoking then you really need to get out and experience what life has to offer in the form of fun. Kids have fun all the time and they don't need to smoke. You're not a kid? Okay they are so think of them the next time you light up in their vicinity.

                              Oh you don't light up near kids? Why? Is it because you know it's bad for their health? If it's bad for them, then you should also realize it's bad for you as well.

                              There's one word for that epiphany and that word is: DUH!!
                              Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                              • Re: New smoking ban

                                Originally posted by Deep Thought View Post
                                The language in the law is sloppy, almost amateurish in its failure to contemplate unintended consequences (extra litter generated, enforcement issues, etc
                                The enforcement issue was discussed during legislative hearings, and the lawmakers know that the reality is that in many instances, first laws are passed, then enforcement comes afterward. It is not the most efficient method, but that is the method Hawaii employs for many new laws.

