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More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

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  • #91
    Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

    Originally posted by kimo55
    maybe they have that setup at the Jesus theme park!
    RFLMAO! That beats Fields of the Wood in North Carolina by a longshot! (All Fields of the Wood has is the 10 Commandments on the side of a hill, the Stations of the Cross on the other side of the valley, and Hebron (where Christ was supposed to be buried...fake boulder resting next to the doorway too). That place was built by the UCC in the 40s. They don't charge admission and they don't have any fun rides...maybe that's their problem!

    Only in America, and only in Orlando...eesh. I guess there really isn't anything sacred in this society, is there?

    "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


    • #92
      The Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association

      Eh Kimo, you going LOVE this story! Now there's a Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association in Hawai'i that's going to work hard with the local businesses to correct some of the horrible and atrocious things related to Hawaiian culture that have occurred in the recent past that offend your and my sensibilities. It appears that this group has support from the HTA, because I think the visitor's bureau realizes that more harm than good is being done by businesses that don't respect the kanaka maoli culture...including, I might add, the use of tiki in advertising! 'sabout time, yeah?

      "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


      • #93
        Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

        I'm all over it like a cheap suit:


        • #94
          Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

          ok so I'm a casual christian and think my god laughs everytime man tries to make him seem well,like man.I'm only christian because thats the way I was brought up so my prayers have more emotional power praying to christians idea of god,but in the end all the worlds spiritual paths lead to the same place (just my .02)
          I think there are two reasons why the Hawaiin Gods get singled out more #1 there is way more cool factor whith Tiki full of anciant mystery and beauty to an outsider #2 there is way to much creepy christian big money groups in our government so less business's are gonna be inclined to poke fun at Jesus.
          I can see your point in feeling like these business's are belittleing your culture and support it being stopped

          Simple Thoughts
          I know there are some teachers in this forum,I wonder if my spelling has caused any physical pain or an urge to return my posts to do over correctly


          • #95
            Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

            I just have a quesiton. I read some of the posts about the subject at hand and i guess i'm just a little confused. I take it that the Hawaiian beliefs are being disrespected but why is the Christian faith being persecuted for it. And back to a comment that was made. Christianity for some of us is a way of life. And it consists in our daily life at least that's the way it's suppose to be. And it seems that every religion is dogmatic in someway. There are a whole lot of belief systems in this world. But no culture should be disrespected or counted as less than for what they believe in. I personally serve one GOD and I believe that, that GOD Loves us all. But I was just wondering because it seems here that Christianity is being taken as the worst religion and I would like to know what's so wrong about being a Christian. And if I'm misunderstanding this please tell me. Administrators I know you are watching what we post. I am not saying this out of offense or anger. I am just curious that's all.
            Last edited by junebloom; August 17, 2005, 06:35 AM.


            • #96
              Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

              Originally posted by junebloom
              I just have a quesiton. I read some of the posts about the subject at hand and i guess i'm just a little confused. I take it that the Hawaiian beliefs are being disrespected but why is the Christian faith being persecuted for it. And back to a comment that was made. Christianity for some of us is a way of life. And it consists in our daily life at least that's the way it's suppose to be. And it seems that every religion is dogmatic in someway. There are a whole lot of belief systems in this world. But no culture should be disrespected or counted as less than for what they believe in. I personally serve one GOD and I believe that, that GOD Loves us all. But I was just wondering because it seems here that Christianity is being taken as the worst religion and I would like to know what's so wrong about being a Christian. And if I'm misunderstanding this please tell me. Administrators I know you are watching what we post. I am not saying this out of offense or anger. I am just curious that's all.
              The historical pretext for suppressing Hawaiian religious rituals was the presumed correctness of Christianity by the missionaries. You knew that right? As far as Christian persecution here, I think you've got a bit of a complex.
              “First we fought the preliminary round for the k***s and now we’re gonna fight the main event for the n*****s."


              • #97
                Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

                sorry June if I seemed overly hard on christians and I should be more sensitive to the kind and gental christians that may read my posts again I am sorry.
                My problem with any religion is when it's used as an excuse for power and control over others and twisted to suit mans needs and since I live in the US I'm exposed to many aspects of religion in our schools and politics that I don't believe come from god but from corrupt men.
                Thank you for the gental way you expressed your feelings it made me stop and think.


                • #98
                  Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

                  Originally posted by junebloom
                  it seems here that Christianity is being taken as the worst religion and I would like to know what's so wrong about being a Christian. And if I'm misunderstanding this please tell me. Administrators I know you are watching what we post. I am not saying this out of offense or anger. I am just curious that's all.

                  how offended and angry you sound!
                  (Nah, jezz keeding...)

                  ok, can you show where Christianity is being dissed to such a degree? I think i missed it.


                  • #99
                    Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

                    June, it's because Christianity is the dominant religion of this land, so it's got the dominant share of the kooks and idiots. I'm sure that if I lived in a country where the dominant religion was, say, Islam, I'd be poking fun at the Muslim kooks and idiots instead.


                    • Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

                      Originally posted by Glen Miyashiro
                      June, it's because Christianity is the dominant religion of this land, so it's got the dominant share of the kooks and idiots. I'm sure that if I lived in a country where the dominant religion was, say, Islam, I'd be poking fun at the Muslim kooks and idiots instead.
                      Not for long.
                      “First we fought the preliminary round for the k***s and now we’re gonna fight the main event for the n*****s."


                      • Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

                        You'd be surprised at how tolerant some Muslim countries are. The crazies on the news aren't the only Muslims, just like Jerry Falwell and Rick Santorum aren't the only Christians.


                        • Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

                          Originally posted by Glen Miyashiro
                          You'd be surprised at how tolerant some Muslim countries are. The crazies on the news aren't the only Muslims, just like Jerry Falwell and Rick Santorum aren't the only Christians.
                          Within every Muslim dominated country there are presently those who would kill their own government officials for not being strict enough. I don't know of any Christian fanatics looking to kill someone for simply lampooning Christianity. Performing abortions maybe, but not simple disrespect. I see this as a problem for Islam, not a problem with Islam.
                          Last edited by sinjin; August 17, 2005, 08:37 AM.
                          “First we fought the preliminary round for the k***s and now we’re gonna fight the main event for the n*****s."


                          • Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

                            Originally posted by Glen Miyashiro
                            June, it's because Christianity is the dominant religion of this land, so it's got the dominant share of the kooks and idiots. I'm sure that if I lived in a country where the dominant religion was, say, Islam, I'd be poking fun at the Muslim kooks and idiots instead.
                            what she said x 2


                            • Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

                              Originally posted by sinjin
                              The historical pretext for suppressing Hawaiian religious rituals was the presumed correctness of Christianity by the missionaries. You knew that right? As far as Christian persecution here, I think you've got a bit of a complex.
                              I hadn't known that,I should have guessed being business as usual thru out the ages for war and plunder to um save the natives souls cough cough


                              • Re: More sacrilegious commercialisation of Hawaiian culture...

                                Originally posted by Fondoo
                                I hadn't known that,I should have guessed being business as usual thru out the ages for war and plunder to um save the natives souls cough cough
                                It would be unfair to attribute the plundering to the missionaries in Hawaii IMO. That was left to their descendants.
                                “First we fought the preliminary round for the k***s and now we’re gonna fight the main event for the n*****s."

