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What can we do to help the homeless?

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  • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

    Originally posted by kimo55
    Not be one oh dem
    That is true. And most of us work really hard to avoid to avoid it, but sometimes "stuff" happens, even stuff we thought was pretty harmless at the time. So we all have to not judge too harshly upon others and help out as we can. I hope someone will help me if or when I need it.
    Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


    • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

      Originally posted by Menehune Man
      That is true. And most of us work really hard to avoid to avoid it, but sometimes "stuff" happens, even stuff we thought was pretty harmless at the time. So we all have to not judge too harshly upon others and help out as we can. I hope someone will help me if or when I need it.
      There are Agencies, compassionate people who care. Govt. Programs that exist (cough, cough) and recently other ones that will be initiated into place to assist the Homeless Poplutation.

      For those who truly need these programs - it is a Blessing! For those who are parasites, who prey on hand-outs as another job opportunity, it is yet another Free LOAD of Goodies!

      Think about it. Out State is very generous. Food Stamps, Medicaid, Money, if they qualify - Housing with HCDCH. There is always room for improvement. I believe there should be a separation of need to help those who deserve and who does not. That is only my opinion.

      For example: Take a look at the Bus Stops near and across Aala Park. It is Skid Row at it's best. Alcoholics and Chronics who are Homeless by choice. Women and Men. All look alike. All holding brown paper bags wrapped around their beers, wines, or whatever from morning till night. Some sleeping on the benches. Yep, occupying the benches instead of giving it to the riders.

      It is a disgusting sight. Riders are intimidated. HPD should do a sweep but it would be a waste of Taxpayer's money. Why? They are all HOMELESS BUMS and Chronics! LOSERS of the worst extreme. Ready to die and meet God. All swollen with poison. Yet, pass them by and listen to their conversations...they are a lively bunch! hee hee hee

      When I became Homeless and a Drug Addict, nobody else helped me get out of my misery. Nope. It was only the God I believed in and the Love I have for my children. Even today, I don't expect anyone to help me when I am in trouble or in need. I just go on my knees and call upon my Lord and Savior...Jesus Christ.

      Auntie Lynn
      Last edited by 1stwahine; April 28, 2006, 06:57 AM.
      Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
      Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


      • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

        Homeless migrate to Kakaako facility
        More than 100 homeless people moved yesterday from the coziness of church halls to the newest roof over their heads, a warehouse large enough to hold a basketball court and bleachers... The warehouse will be nighttime shelter for people who lived in Ala Moana Beach Park before they were evicted by the city March 27. It was refurbished in a three-day construction project that cost the state about $200,000.
        State helps homeless take the 'Next Step'
        The temporary shelter is in a 36,000-square-foot site comprising half of a former storage facility off Forrest Avenue and can house up to 200 people, said Stephanie Aveiro, director of the Hawai'i Community Development and Housing Corp., the state housing agency. Aveiro said the site, which is owned by the Hawai'i Community Development Authority, is expected to be available for about the next eight months. The state is working to find a permanent solution after that.
        Interestingly, the new facility is specifically for the former Ala Moana homeless, plus any families, not any and all homeless. Deputy sheriffs will control access. No showers, and cots and meals are still being arranged. But it's a start.

        Of course, Hanneman and Lingle continue to bicker about who's at fault in the latest escalation of the homeless crisis, and who's responsible for fixing it. Lingle's focusing on the Ala Moana closure as where all the trouble began... even though I'm convinced the state's raid of the area under the H-1 viaduct was what triggered the city's action. Meanwhile, I agree that the city's parks department should hardly be expected to manage homelessness, but I certainly don't think Hanneman can just foist the whole mess onto the state, either.


        • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

          Congrats to Governor Linda Lingle and Staff. It is a step in the right direction. As for Mufi - yes, he better step up to the plate and do his utmost in taking care of the Homeless Population Problem. It is a problem that will not go away. It is "OUR" problem and needs full attention from every Govt. Agency not just one. Everyone has to come together and deal with it in order for it to be solved.

          Granted, as I've stated often, there's various catagories of the Homeless Population. Those I advocate for are the families, men and women who work but are unable to pay for shelter due to the high cost of rent.

          I could care less for those who choose to live Homeless because of their afflictions with Substance Abuse, Parasites of the worst kinds of Crimes, or being LOSERS of Life. I have no PITY.

          I was born and raised in Chinatown. I have seen it all. I too, was a victim by choice. I was fortunate and got out. Today, I can write about it because I have many years under my belt staying clean and proud of it.

          Homelessness is real and ugly. My children and I were fortunate to have lived at Kokua Shelter for Women and Children. It is no longer there. It was an apartment complex where familes can live for two years or until they find permanent dwelling. The rent was based upon income.

          Household members had to go to weekly night classes. It was a requirement. It was a small price to pay. I would hope and pray that another apartment complex will be found just like Kokea Shelter fo Women and Children. The three months my three children and I lived there prepared us to live in Public Housing and also made us a bit more at ease without my late husband. We were in mourning.

          Sorry, I wrote a bit to long about this today.

          I am a Blogger. The topic of Homelessness is one of my PASSIONS.

          Love and Aloha,

          Auntie Lynn
          Last edited by 1stwahine; May 2, 2006, 12:05 PM.
          Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
          Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


          • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

            That's pretty heartwarming a story. I can't recall ever seeing anything like it in any of the media stories regarding the homeless on the mainland. If that's not an example of aloha, I don't know what is.

            That kind of setup, the warehouse with lockers, is a perfect transitional place so people can get their act together, get jobs and get going again.


            • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

              In the StarBulletin this morning
              "Group of homeless criticizes state shelter"

              Aiyah! The Saga continues....

              "We're not society's rejects. We're humans. We're not children. We're all adults," Matautia said. "We're self-governed. We've proven that for the last 30 days."

              According to the article, many of the homeless have jobs and work all hours. One woman gets off at four in the morning. They have to vacate the premises by 8:00 a.m. every morning.

              Auwe! The Saga continues....

              I know Lei Matautia many years. She is a strong woman. She now has a purpose. She will succeed. I betcha ya!

              Auntie Lynn
              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


              • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                Originally posted by 1stwahine
                They have to vacate the premises by 8:00 a.m. every morning.
                Isn't that stupid?! Are they still enforcing that rule?
                When are they allowed back in? It just wouldn't work for too many people.
                Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


                • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                  Good thread,
                  I may have missed it but why isn't there a proposed "rent cap" It would help the older generations that rent and live on a fixed income, and also those that have families have a chance to stay on their feet.

                  New builds are great but when land costs, and developers get involved the idea of affordable housing goes out the window per se.

                  The new mil+ builds that just opened up over look Ala moana park....I wonder?


                  • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                    Originally posted by idvfilms
                    The new mil+ builds that just opened up over look Ala moana park....I wonder?
                    Definitely destroys their Ocean front view!

                    Money talks. Homeless walks.

                    Auntie Lynn
                    Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                    Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                    • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                      Originally posted by Menehune Man
                      Isn't that stupid?! Are they still enforcing that rule?
                      When are they allowed back in? It just wouldn't work for too many people.
                      Yes, Menehune Man, the rules still applies to those that stay there. Unfortunately, many Homeless people work all hours. They can not go by those hours to sleep and rest. Once again, they find themselves in a Catch 22.

                      Stupid, Idiotic and Dumb Rules and Regulations that are supposed to assist and help. is creating a mockery of the whole process!


                      Auntie Lynn
                      Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                      Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                      • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                        Any change in this situation or still a SNAFU? Inquiring minds want to know.


                        • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                          Aloha from Canada

                          When I was living in Hawaii last year, I learned of a group called Ke ola Mamo
                          I was helping the homeless in Ala Moana Park and I called them to see if they could direct me to some free services for the homeless.....who by the way, I see them as houseless, and I do believe there is a differance. They are a very supportive group who help with housing and free medicare etc....
                          I am not sure of the phone number but I think under Aloha Care they can be reached. They have social workers who go to parks to speak with the homeless.

                          What I did, was just hang and talk stories with the homeless in the parks, find out their needs and then as best I could, time and money providing, I would bring food and clothing on a regular basis. Some of the kindest people are living in parks, and my 6 month stay in Hawaii would never have been as good if I had not met and helped these people......

                          We cannot judge and it is so important to open up your heart and be compassionate.......


                          • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                            there is a great letter to the editor in today's HNL AD.

                            "After all, we houseless who go to work pay state and city taxes and have as much right to use the park as anyone else does. I have a regular job and pay taxes. We just can't afford the high rent here in Honolulu for families."



                            • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                              Economics Economics Economics

                              When enough dwellings exist, the price of a dwelling does not escalate. We have plenty of million dollar condos at 1400 square feet. What we need are more 300 square foot studios.

                              Densities must increase everywhere so we do not continue to cut up all the land for dwellings.
                              Energy answers are already here.


                              • studio condos

                                Originally posted by timkona
                                What we need are more 300 square foot studios.
                                Assuming they were built wouldn't mainlanders snatch them up as vacation/rental properties?
                                “First we fought the preliminary round for the k***s and now we’re gonna fight the main event for the n*****s."

