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What can we do to help the homeless?

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  • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

    Originally posted by SusieMisajon View Post
    How much of the homeless situation is down to plain old GREED?
    How much can "plain old GREED" be used to explain most of the problems of today's world?


    • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

      Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
      How much can "plain old GREED" be used to explain most of the problems of today's world?
      The fact that I cannot afford a Ferrari doesn't make Enzo and family greedy IMO.
      “First we fought the preliminary round for the k***s and now we’re gonna fight the main event for the n*****s."


      • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

        Breaking News from The Advertiser

        Last of homeless at Ma'ili Beach leave peacefully

        By Will Hoover

        "WAI'ANAE — The last of the homeless campers at Ma'ili Beach left peacefully this morning as city crews moved in for cleanup and renovation.

        At least two dozen police officers were on hand to assure that the campers left as required. But the atmosphere was nonconfrontational.

        Hundreds of onlookers — service providers, members of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government and others — watched as a handful of homeless packed up their belongings."

        Good. Nobody got arrested. But das dat solve the PROBLEM?

        I think not.

        Auntie Lynn
        Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
        Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


        • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

          It's not so much GREED as it is SELFISHNESS.

          Selfishness is the driving force in politics in Hawaii. The Politics of NO is based solely upon the notion of selfishness. The PoN is the root cause of much of our dwelling crisis. This is the truth in many places, not just Hawaii.

          The irony is that many who participate in the PoN are also the victims of their protest via rising dwelling costs. By their protest, they exclude only themselves and those that they love. It's classic cognitive dissonance.

          Energy answers are already here.


          • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

            Originally posted by timkona View Post
            It's not so much GREED as it is SELFISHNESS. ... This is the truth in many places, not just Hawaii.
            I'll side with you on these points, Tim. "Selfishness" is a better word than "greed" in so many cases. It includes a lack of empathy for the circumstances of others.


            • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

              On onnada Forum(heheheh) I posted "The City was at it again. Evicting the Homeless outta Ma'ili Beach."

              How can? But they did!

              Da nerve!

              Auntie Lynn
              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


              • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                Don't know if this was mentioned in previous posts before? But what does anyone else think of prevention? Resources cost money. I'd rather spend all the resources on prevention. More funding for planned parenthood, contraceptives, morning after pills, abortions, orphanages, foster parents, adoption agencies, daycare centers, preschools, life/career counseling, and vocational training. I think by the time the children of society end up in the homeless or inmate category, the money spent on treatment and/or rehabilitation is just so much more less effective than if that same money was spent on prevention.

                Yes, I realize that these homeless are human beings too. They are the examples that will not disappear and we cannot turn a blind eye to them. However, this should motivate us to push harder and be more vigilant in our prevention efforts. Maybe with enough education, counseling, and training, we can maximize our prevention of Hawaii Keiki from being the next generation of homeless. We can't prevent them all. I think treating homelessness in itself in the long run is less effective than prevention. However, which ever treatment is decided, the resources must be focused on one area. Spreading out to thin is also a waste of resources. Another example of why we must all be on the same page.

                Also maybe, leaving Hawaii is the best option one can make. Job opportunities, cost of living, and lifestyle might be better on the mainland. Change is guaranteed in life. Survival or success is awarded to those who properly adapt and respond to change. We are all descendants of ancestors that immigrated for the opportunity of a better way of life. Any brave locals that transplanted to the mainland? Would you recommend it to your brethren still back on da rock?

                God helps those who help themselves. He motivates and inspires assistance to those willing to at least meet him half way. It is not wrong to feel unmotivated or uninspired to help those who are unwilling to help themselves. If you saw an individual who did not ask for help, that was shedding blood, sweat, and tears to make it happen but yet fell short, who would not then choose to not lend any assistance that they could? I would not want that guilt on my conscience. But, if a person does not make an effort for themselves, than how could anyone else feel inspired to help?


                • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                  Originally posted by GnosticWarrior View Post
                  Don't know if this was mentioned in previous posts before?
                  We are on page 13.


                  Auntie Lynn
                  Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                  Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                  • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                    Originally posted by GnosticWarrior View Post
                    God helps those who help themselves. He motivates and inspires assistance to those willing to at least meet him half way.
                    ...and the rest who fall short? He lets them live in unspeakably horrid conditions worldwide, where innocent children die in malnourished infancy? Man, that's one cold-hearted bitch of a god you worship.

                    But it's always easier to blame a divine being than to fix our own problems of humanity, isn't it?


                    • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                      In The Advertiser

                      Ma'ili homeless move on

                      By Will Hoover

                      "WAI'ANAE — Suddenly, Ma'ili Beach was empty.

                      The tent city by the sea that symbolized Wai'anae's homeless crisis had been vacated.

                      Skip rest of this: "Lester Chang, director of the city's Department of Parks and Recreation, said crews would continue the cleanup throughout the week.

                      "Our goal is to turn it back to public use this weekend," he said."

                      The "Public" is not these PEOPLE?

                      Duh????? Idiots! Wat? Dey couldn't clean dee opala without moving the people? Could have....but they just wanted to make pilikia. Humbug and cause attraction to something so ridiculous. Causing pain to those less fortunate.


                      Auntie Lynn
                      Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                      Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                      • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                        I don't think the situation was that bad. Per your link, "An estimated 80 percent of the 150 homeless at Ma'ili Beach ended up going to Pai'olu Kaiaulu, the state's new 24-hour emergency shelter nearby." It's not a permanent solution but there are alternatives. The "public" are these homeless people but the "public" also constitutes everyone else in the community that may want to use the park. When the park has trash conditions like this, then a cleanup is needed.



                        • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                          Originally posted by joshuatree View Post
                          I don't think the situation was that bad. Per your link, "An estimated 80 percent of the 150 homeless at Ma'ili Beach ended up going to Pai'olu Kaiaulu, the state's new 24-hour emergency shelter nearby." It's not a permanent solution but there are alternatives. The "public" are these homeless people but the "public" also constitutes everyone else in the community that may want to use the park. When the park has trash conditions like this, then a cleanup is needed.

                          The trash conditions were minimal. The "people" who lived in the community took care of the area as best as they could despite their living conditions. The opala that were cleaned up was due to the rush and whatevas dat was thrown in the heat of being evicted. Many of the Homeless who were living there can tell you it was not trash nor dirty as the City claims. Each dweller maintained their site. After all, children lived there too.

                          Yes, 80 percent went to Pai'olu Kaiaulu. However, just like the Kakaako Shelter, not all will go. Not everything is told in the Media. I have heard and spoken to many who have stories about the shelters. But das onnada story.

                          Auntie Lynn
                          Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                          Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                          • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                            Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                            The trash conditions were minimal. The "people" who lived in the community took care of the area as best as they could despite their living conditions. The opala that were cleaned up was due to the rush and whatevas dat was thrown in the heat of being evicted. Many of the Homeless who were living there can tell you it was not trash nor dirty as the City claims. Each dweller maintained their site. After all, children lived there too.

                            Yes, 80 percent went to Pai'olu Kaiaulu. However, just like the Kakaako Shelter, not all will go. Not everything is told in the Media. I have heard and spoken to many who have stories about the shelters. But das onnada story.

                            Auntie Lynn
                            I've heard stories about shelters too which highlights a need to improve how shelters are run. Ultimately, hopefully this issue will add more pressure on the govt on providing the right type of help to get homeless back on their feet.


                            • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                              Originally posted by joshuatree View Post
                              I've heard stories about shelters too which highlights a need to improve how shelters are run. Ultimately, hopefully this issue will add more pressure on the govt on providing the right type of help to get homeless back on their feet.
                              Then we start from the beginning...again. "What can we do to help the homeless?"

                              1. Find solutions in bringing down the high cost of living in the State.

                              2. Rental Control

                              3. Family Education (Domestic, Child Abuse, Drug Abuse, etc. etc. etc.)

                              4. Job Opportunities, Education, Skill Training and Job Placements

                              The list goes on and on.

                              Have a team of people who have been there and done that. Not people who go by books and only stay in offices who push pencil and pens. But who go out into the areas and talk to the people one on one.

                              It can be done. It should be done.

                              Auntie Lynn

                              btw: No listen to me. I'm MENTAL.hehehe
                              Last edited by 1stwahine; March 28, 2007, 08:36 AM.
                              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                              • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                                Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                                The trash conditions were minimal. The "people" who lived in the community took care of the area as best as they could despite their living conditions. The opala that were cleaned up was due to the rush and whatevas dat was thrown in the heat of being evicted. Many of the Homeless who were living there can tell you it was not trash nor dirty as the City claims. Each dweller maintained their site. After all, children lived there too. [...]
                                From my limited observation from my car, this is true. Driving back and forth to town over the 1.5 years this extreme situation has existed, I never noticed the park littered with trash. I regularly saw many big bags of trash stashed by the C&C trash cans near Farrington Hwy., ready for pick up. There appeared to be pride in one's small, unfortunate surroundings.

                                The trash generated this week seemed to be caused by the short deadline the homeless were dealing with. If they went to the shelter or homes of friends or family, they left their tents behind as they had/have no place to store them. Many moved to other beaches. Last week there were 4 tents in the park/beach at the far end of my condo building. I'll check today to see if there's been an increase. The nearest public restroom facility is at least a block away so I don't anticipate a huge tent increase in that area.

