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Makeover Help

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  • Stephen
    Re: Makeover Help

    No worries MadAzza - I was referring to the negative feedback that I got on the post. (Insert Shaka)

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  • MadAzza
    Re: Makeover Help

    Originally posted by Stephen
    Wait a minute!!!!!! I've been out of town for a few days and it looks like maybe you took my post the wrong way. I wasn't actually being serious - just a little joking. If you (and everyone else who disapproved of my post) haven't noticed, I'm very rarely serious - besides, I'm very happily married. I apologize if you took offense to it.
    Hi, Stephen. I'm sorry if I offended you with my ranting. I usually don't use smileys, so sometimes I come across as being much more bitchy and rude than I intend to be. It just my odd sense of humor, I guess. (smiley!)

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Makeover Help

    Originally posted by Stephen
    Wait a minute!!!!!! I've been out of town for a few days and it looks like maybe you took my post the wrong way. I wasn't actually being serious - just a little joking. If you (and everyone else who disapproved of my post) haven't noticed, I'm very rarely serious - besides, I'm very happily married. I apologize if you took offense to it.
    Apology accepted.

    Auntie Lynn

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  • Stephen
    Re: Makeover Help

    Wait a minute!!!!!! I've been out of town for a few days and it looks like maybe you took my post the wrong way. I wasn't actually being serious - just a little joking. If you (and everyone else who disapproved of my post) haven't noticed, I'm very rarely serious - besides, I'm very happily married. I apologize if you took offense to it.

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Makeover Help

    Originally posted by Pua'i Mana'o
    Aloha Auntie Lynn,

    Can I make a shameless plug here for Physicians Formula makeup? The company never advertises, nor has ever had the need (imo). They make great makeup, all hypo-aller-everything, and its geared for timeless, classic looks, not trendy "I-Can't-Believe-Its-Not-Butter!" colors. The packaging has gotten spiffy over the years, but the stuff is still tried&true and drugstore-cheap.

    If you want to indulge in something high-end and you are over 40, has a whole line aimed at this market.
    Like everything else, I'll check it out. Infact, I believe one of my sister's uses this product, her skin is sensitive. Mahalo for the advice!

    Auntie Lynn

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  • Pua'i Mana'o
    Re: Makeover Help

    Aloha Auntie Lynn,

    Can I make a shameless plug here for Physicians Formula makeup? The company never advertises, nor has ever had the need (imo). They make great makeup, all hypo-aller-everything, and its geared for timeless, classic looks, not trendy "I-Can't-Believe-Its-Not-Butter!" colors. The packaging has gotten spiffy over the years, but the stuff is still tried&true and drugstore-cheap.

    If you want to indulge in something high-end and you are over 40, has a whole line aimed at this market.

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Makeover Help

    Wow! Mighty interesting reading Peshkwe and Duck! It's not easy being a Lady! It's worth every bit of being one. I like pampering myself. I've been taking care my kids all these's time for myself now. Yep, I'm gonna get myself back in shape and beauty, it might not be the young and vibrant one I use to be twenty years ago but I'll be glowing!

    Thanks for you advice! I'll invite all the ladies out for Tea when the transformation is complete at Nuunau Tea!

    Auntie Lynn

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  • TurquoiseDuck
    Re: Makeover Help

    Originally posted by 1stwahine
    Is there any special brand of "witchhazel"? I think I'll like this product matches with bitch! LOL

    Auntie Lynn
    I use Thayers witch hazel skin toner, contains NO alcohol. It comes in different varieties. The one I am using now is Rose Petal with aloe vera and vitamin E. I get it from Down To Earth. Under ten bucks for 11 and half ounce bottle.

    I wanted to add to the post about exfoliating the face. Our entire skin needs to be exfoliated. The best way I have found to do this is by dry skin brushing. I do it with a long handled natural fiber brush, also bought that from Down To Earth. For information on how to do this dry skin brushing, google it. You will find tons of information of the benefits of dry skin brushing. Way too much to post here.

    Turquoise Duck

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  • Peshkwe
    Re: Makeover Help

    Originally posted by 1stwahine
    Is there any special brand of "witchhazel"? I think I'll like this product matches with bitch! LOL

    Auntie Lynn
    No not really it's pretty much a generic type product like 'rubbing alcohol' or 'peroxide', it's found alot where those are located in the drugstore. It's sometimes called Hamamalis water too.

    Here's a site with some info on what it does:

    Erm...I wouldn't advise using anything internally unless you know what you're doing.

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Makeover Help

    Originally posted by MadAzza
    That's why I keep a pair of knitting needles next to the bed. To stab the guy's eyes out the next morning.
    ROFLMAO! At my age, I couldn't do that...I getting all pretty up and into shape. I be darn luck if I catch one kane to get into bed with me for the night. I let um complain then no need use the knitting needles...I be nicer, I would just whack whack the SOB!

    Auntie Lynn

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  • MadAzza
    Re: Makeover Help

    Originally posted by Miulang
    Heehee! The only problem with even a "little makeup" to dress the package up is that it's all gotta come off at night when you hit the sack. So what do you do when you fall in bed and the guy on the bed next to you says, "Hmmm...this ain't the package I bought"?


    That's why I keep a pair of knitting needles next to the bed. To stab the guy's eyes out the next morning.

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Makeover Help

    Is there any special brand of "witchhazel"? I think I'll like this product matches with bitch! LOL

    Auntie Lynn

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  • Peshkwe
    Re: Makeover Help

    The real secret is to gently exfoilate every time you wash your face or take off the makeup and to use either a light moisturizer or witchhazle as a claifier or both depending on your skin type (oily, dry or a combo). Get one of those stretchy scrubby glove things to use gently, it'll take off the dead skin cells and stimulate your skin to make new fresh ones. Avoid claifying products with alot of alcohol in em 'cause they'll dry your skin out too much or burn you, and if you have oily skin shrunk pores get blocked really easy and cause blemishes. Witchhazle will cut the oils but not damage the skin like alcohol it's alot cheaper than some of the name brand products.

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  • Miulang
    Re: Makeover Help

    Originally posted by MadAzza
    I've heard so many guys say that same line, and then when I one day showed up wearing makeup after not wearing it for awhile, these same guys are all falling over themselves telling me how good I look (well, comparatively).

    "Natural beauty," my ass. Idiot.
    Heehee! The only problem with even a "little makeup" to dress the package up is that it's all gotta come off at night when you hit the sack. So what do you do when you fall in bed and the guy on the bed next to you says, "Hmmm...this ain't the package I bought"?


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  • MadAzza
    Re: Makeover Help

    Originally posted by Stephen
    Auntie Lynn . . . . (preface - well fed liquor well)

    I myself as a man prefer an "undressed" woman. Not in the sense of clothing. Every woman has a natural beauty - that beauty is all too often buried under eye liner and mascara and other crap that you ladies paint on your face. I say fly au naturale (that's my stab at French) - show the world that you have a beautiful face - without the artificial dressings.
    What a load of bulls**t. Guys who say they like women without makeup are either lying or they're idiots. That "natural looking" woman with no makeup you're admiring? Yeah, guess what? She's wearing makeup! You can't tell because she doesn't have it slathered on with a trowel, but trust me, honey, it's there. Sucker.

    I've heard so many guys say that same line, and then when I one day showed up wearing makeup after not wearing it for awhile, these same guys are all falling over themselves telling me how good I look (well, comparatively).

    "Natural beauty," my ass. Idiot.

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