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The Word "Breed"

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  • #31
    Re: Does the word "Breed" when referring to Hawaiians keeping racially pure offend you?

    Originally posted by Sindahrella808
    I think it is purely a case of cultural insensitivity from a Haole girl who is using terms and references straight out of the KKK Manual.
    Gee, and you thought she was offensive?!?

    You began this by making the proverbial mountain out of a molehill, and from what I've seen so far your own comments are what are offensive.

    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


    • #32
      Re: The Word "Breed"

      Maybe it's Kahalabrah reincarnated!
      Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


      • #33
        Re: The Word "Breed"

        Originally posted by pzarquon
        Let's not go there. We're better than that.
        Sorry. I took an easy potshot.
        Eating Pop-Tarts at work probably isn't the best thing for my judgement.


        • #34
          Re: The Word "Breed"

          bottom line. the intelligent observer can either join in the conversation and read what the writer is saying by the collection and assemblage of words, and respond accordingly, or an observer can be manini and pick apart individual words.
          So, for the record, This individual word is defined thusly:

          Inflected Form(s): bred /'bred/; breed·ing
          Etymology: Middle English breden, from Old English brEdan; akin to Old English: brood: a group having a common nature or origin

          * To beget, produce or engender.
          * To produce offspring. give birth to.
          * To bring about; engender: “Admission of guilt tends to breed public sympathy” (Jonathan Alter).
          * To cause to reproduce, especially by controlled mating and selection.
          * To develop new or improved strains in (organisms), chiefly through controlled mating and selection of offspring for desirable traits.
          * To inseminate or impregnate; mate with.
          * To rear or train; bring up: a writer who was bred in a seafaring culture.
          * To be the place of origin of: Austria breeds great skiers.
          * To produce (fissionable material) in a breeder reactor.
          * To produce offspring.
          * To copulate; mate.
          * To originate and develop: Mischief breeds in bored minds.
          * A group of organisms having common ancestors and certain distinguishable characteristics, especially a group within a species developed by artificial selection and maintained by controlled propagation.
          * A kind; a sort: a new breed of politician; a new breed of computer.
          * to produce (offspring) by hatching or gestation
          * BRING UP, NURTURE <born and bred in the country> b : to inculcate by training <breed good manners into one's children>
          * MATE. to mate with : INSEMINATE - IMPREGNATE
          * to produce offspring by sexual union
          * COPULATE, MATE
          * A commonly used, innocuous term meaning 'to propagate', but containing the seeds of dissention and the capacity to inflame, (through no fault of its own) for those that prefer to split hairs and argue rather than share mana'o and learn...
          * a number of persons of the same stock
          Last edited by kimo55; September 29, 2005, 08:37 AM.


          • #35
            Re: The Word &quot;Breed&quot;

            I think what has happened here, Sindahrella808, is that you stated that you are offended by the use of the word in this context. Fair enough - people may disagree with the reasons you are offended, but for the most part, we accept that you are offended.

            You asked if others felt the same way. Most people who responded said (in one way or another) "no" - they do not feel the same way.

            Then you began attacking posters who did not feel, for whatever personal reasons, offended in the same way as you. If you ask people for their opinion on a topic, be prepared for people to disagree with you, and don't start flaming them for holding a different viewpoint than yours; that's disrespectful --- and offensive.


            • #36
              Re: The Word &quot;Breed&quot;

              Soooooo....given your feelings on word usage:

              Originally posted by Sindahrella808
              So if it can be used negatively or positively, in this case you think that it was positive?? half-breed, breed, aren't they both negative? The context was a relationship/having children...breed is not appropriate...

              How's the word 'haole' used here? Is it used discriptively to indicate

              A) Someone not born to Hawaii?

              B) MadAzza's melenin content?

              D) Contempt with that unspoken (but present) 'F'en' in front?

              Originally posted by Sindahrella808
              I agree that "sometimes" it does not betray ill-will, in this case however, in her own words..."breed", "Those Hawaiian's", etc..I think it is purely a case of cultural insensitivity from a Haole girl who is using terms and references straight out of the KKK Manual.


              Mebbe MadAzza shoulda used 'bumpin' uglies' or 'grindin' da goodies' instead, after all not everyone chooses 'marriage' to get together to poonj and make a baby do they?


              • #37
                Re: The Word &quot;Breed&quot;

                I would like to submit miscegenate for consideration. My personal favorite.
                “First we fought the preliminary round for the k***s and now we’re gonna fight the main event for the n*****s."


                • #38
                  Re: The Word &quot;Breed&quot;

                  I always thought mongrelize had a certain ring to it.


                  • #39
                    Re: The Word &quot;Breed&quot;

                    Originally posted by Glen Miyashiro
                    I always thought mongrelize had a certain ring to it.
                    yea but don't be fooled by that; It's only cubic zirconia.


                    • #40
                      Re: The Word &quot;Breed&quot;

                      Originally posted by sinjin
                      I would like to submit miscegenate for consideration. My personal favorite.
                      As this thread slowly devolves into a ridiculous inventory of "synonyms for breed," I might as well ask about this one. Isn't an an interracial element implied with "miscegenate"? It actually might be a useful word in the context of the original debate (outmarriage and dilution of ethnic lines)... wherever it is.

                      To answer the original question, "breed" in the context used didn't offend me. I just saw it as a colorful use of langage. Heck, I refer to my own kids as my offspring (or "my little tax deductions," for that matter). I know it can be loaded - these days mostly in conflicts between the childless and parents (a.k.a. Breeders), though, independent of a racial component - but knowing MadAzza, and given that her intent and style was clear, it didn't raise any red flags with me at all.


                      • #41
                        Re: The Word &quot;Breed&quot;

                        Originally posted by pzarquon
                        As this thread slowly devolves into a ridiculous inventory of "synonyms for breed," I might as well ask about this one. Isn't an an interracial element implied with "miscegenate"? It actually might be a useful word in the context of the original debate (outmarriage and dilution of ethnic lines)... wherever it is.
                        It certainly does have that implication, but the irony is that it usually is used in the context of trying to keep white people's blood pure. Here, we're talking about koko a kanaka maoli (did I get that right?).

                        To answer the original question, "breed" in the context used didn't offend me. I just saw it as a colorful use of langage. Heck, I refer to my own kids as my offspring (or "my little tax deductions," for that matter). I know it can be loaded - these days mostly in conflicts between the childless and parents (a.k.a. Breeders), though, independent of a racial component - but knowing MadAzza, and given that her intent and style was clear, it didn't raise any red flags with me at all.
                        I don't hear "breeders" used by childless singles to refer to parentals as much as I hear it used by gays to refer to straights.


                        • #42
                          Re: The Word &quot;Breed&quot;

                          Originally posted by pzarquon
                          As this thread slowly devolves into a ridiculous inventory of "synonyms for breed,"

                          ...or names for rock groups.
                          such as;
                          "The Bumpin Uglies"


                          • #43
                            Re: The Word &quot;Breed&quot;

                            We agree to disagree...Cultural Insensitivity is a problem no matter where you go. Most of us born in Hawaii have lived with it our entire lives and unfortunately more liberal views on symantics and referrences have become "OK". As a Native Hawaiian who has seen the steady decline of our heritage, race, culture and social/economic status, Word like "breed", "those Hawaiian's", "those people", are offensive to me and many I know.

                            If you don't agree with the preservation of our race, then so be it. I guess as long as "whoever" (don't want to point fingers) manages to push most of us out to Waianae and Waimanalo, you don't really have to deal with us much anyway so who cares right?

                            Honestly, I truly think that MadAzza's post was harsh and insensitive to a very important Human Issue, but it appears that the issue isn't important to as many people as I thought.
                            Every morning I get up and look through the Forbes list of Richest People in America. If I'm not on it, I go to work.


                            • #44
                              Re: The Word &quot;Breed&quot;

                              Honestly, I truly think that MadAzza's post was harsh and insensitive to a very important Human Issue, but it appears that the issue isn't important to as many people as I thought.
                              How condescendingly dismissive of you. I'm part Hawaiian. The state of the Hawaiian culture, and the Hawaiian people, are very important to me, and many of us here.

                              We discuss them quite a bit. Even the people you've personally attacked have had their own rants about the sad state of affairs for Hawaiians, how other cultures treat them personally and politically, and on and on. If you'd gotten to know us better before passing judgements, you might have learned this for yourself.

                              MadAzza seemed to have had a fair point. What is the priority? Preserving the history and culture, or preserving some hard to quantify fraction of purity of blood? I think it's the former.

                              There will be fewer and fewer "pure Hawaiians." Time, genetics, and most importantly free will makes this inevitable. On the other hand, the "number of Hawaiians" -- measured, for better or worse, as folks having some Native Hawaiian ancestry -- is growing, as Native Hawaiians like me breed, miscegenate, mongrelize, whatever.

                              And if those people... people who have might only a drop, metaphorically, of Hawaiian blood... find pride and value to their heritage, and contribute to its preservation, the Hawaiian people benefit greatly as a whole. My kids might only be 1/16 Hawaiian by some cold, silly measure, but if I can instill in them the same pride and reverence that was valued ages ago, I'll still consider it a success.


                              • #45
                                Re: The Word &quot;Breed&quot;

                                Originally posted by Sindahrella808
                                If you don't agree with the preservation of our race, then so be it. I guess as long as "whoever" (don't want to point fingers) manages to push most of us out to Waianae and Waimanalo, you don't really have to deal with us much anyway so who cares right?
                                I don't understand what you mean here. If I "agree with the preservation of our race", exactly what am I agreeing to? The way you're wording it, it sounds like you're saying that Hawaiians should only marry and have children with other Hawaiians, and not non-Hawaiians. Is that what you mean?

