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What's in your garden now?

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  • snowbird
    Re: What's in your garden now?

    Well, since you asked:


    Pots: cymbidium orchids, phalenopsis orchids, schomberkia orchids, cilantro, lemon thyme, dill, rosemary, lemon grass, Italian parsley, heliconia (why is it dying?), ginger, dracena, 4 types cactus, madagascar palm, pineapples, asparagus fern, sword fern, yellow canna, rubber tree ficus, spider plants, pothos, swedish ivy, aloe, plain & varigated airplane plants, a 25 year old staghorn fern w/Spanish Moss trailing from it, Ponytail or bottle palm, Sago palm, lilacs, deadly nightshade.

    Trees: Naval Orange, Meyer Lemon, Key Lime, Hass Avocado, Macadamia Nut, many varieties Banana & Plantain, Solo Papaya, Babaco Papaya, Jackfruit, and Catalpa. Going to put another mango in again.

    Yard: Elephant Ears, bromeliads, ferns, cannas, Stephanotis, 5 types gingers, many palms, hydrangea, Bird of Paradise, and Giant Bird of Paradise.

    Garden: Japanese cucumber, jalapenos, bell peppers, zucchini, rhubarb, Maui onion

    Getting ready to plant Winter garden-

    7 varieties of cabbage (eBay special), broccoli, cauliflower, snow peas, sugar peas, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, green onions, radishes, and I don't remember what else... It's nearly 4 am here, and I'm pretty pupule by now.

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  • Adri
    Re: What's in your garden now?

    Da Rolling Eye: I am so jealous! Every time I try to grow basil, something eats it before it gets to be an inch or two big. and poha! I haven't seen poha in years. I used to have a chili pepper bush but it died and I haven't replanted because it attracted a lot lot of bulbuls.

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  • anapuni808
    Re: What's in your garden now?

    wow - you could almost be your own Farmers Market! Wish I was your neighbor.

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  • Da Rolling Eye
    Re: What's in your garden now?

    Poha, lilikoi, rosemary, 2 types of basil (wife and daughter love my pesto ), Okinawan tangerine, Kona orange, red meat papaya, Hawaiian chili peppers and even medicinal olena. Going to start Japanese eggplant and carrots as soon as I get off my butt and get to it. Japanese cukes and tomatoes are on the agenda. All are going to be grown our of large pots that are at least 3ft. off the ground. Our dogs love veggies and will strip the plants bare or dig up all the carrots.

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  • Vanilla
    Re: What's in your garden now?

    Aloha Adri!

    Me too with the green onions from the store, and the weeds too, always weeds.

    I think I am going to put in some okra and some Manoa lettuce. Perhaps a big plot of ginger so I can make ginger ale in the winter....

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  • Adri
    Re: What's in your garden now?

    Weeeeeddds but also a pineapple plant growing from the cut off top of a fresh pineapple that was planted and green onions also planted from the roots of store bought green onions.

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  • Vanilla
    started a topic What's in your garden now?

    What's in your garden now?

    I'd love to see a thread like the food ones ("what's for dinner") but instead, what's in your garden?

    Need some ideas! Mahalo!