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Car needed

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  • Mataiva
    Re: Car needed

    it did, yey....ok thanks

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  • Mataiva
    Re: Car needed

    [QUOTE=Konaguy]You just to make sure your html is closed with /quote with [] outside it
    and you make sure the begining looks like this
    okay, lemme see if this works

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  • Konaguy
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Mataiva
    whoa...but i need help witht the QUOTE action, umm...i keep hitting quote, but then it doesn't quote like you!
    You just to make sure your html is closed with /quote with [] outside it
    and you make sure the begining looks like this [QUOTE=Mataiva]

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  • damontucker
    Re: Car needed

    I understand using quotes correctly until recently!.... I didn't even think to do it until people started getting on me... Then I was like... so how do I do it I ask...

    And then I think I heard something like.... maybe you should go read some FAQ's!

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  • Mataiva
    Re: Car needed

    whoa...but i need help witht the QUOTE action, umm...i keep hitting quote, but then it doesn't quote like you!

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Mataiva
    Lemme find a thread about something interesting....
    So you created one - now you're getting the hang of it! Thank you for having a sense of humor, and not leaving in a huff, after all this blather. Here's to some great conversations with you!

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  • pzarquon
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Mataiva
    Hey guys, Im a girl, geez...i know, i know, tristin is a boys name, and made famous by the use of the name in the movie Legends of the Fall staring Brad Pitt...
    No worries, Mataiva. Pretty much everyone here figured it out by now. I think maybe your very first post and thread in June about girls being able to sell cars was probably our first hint. And, you know, previously issued corrections.

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  • Mataiva
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by manoasurfer123
    I guess what I meant to say... was if tristan is interested in Advertising on this board... maybe he should talk to an admin directly and find out if theyr'e is a way to post "Advertisements"
    Hey guys,

    Im a girl, geez...i know, i know, tristin is a boys name, and made famous by the use of the name in the movie Legends of the Fall staring Brad Pitt... and all that hooplah, anywho okay...someone above stated that I should talk about something OTHER than selling cars...hmm

    Lemme find a thread about something interesting....

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by pzarquon
    Psst... speedtek? Don't mind us. Be sure to check out what shaveice has available.
    Huh? What? I'm sorry, was there actually a topic going on here, prior to all our shouting? Carry on...

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  • pzarquon
    Re: Car needed

    Psst... speedtek? Don't mind us. Be sure to check out what shaveice has available.

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Mataiva
    you're right I think I'm overly obsessed(spelling) with selling cars, but you know what. . . .its FUN and I love doing what I do.
    That's good, that's good. I'm glad you enjoy it. Not everyone finds a job they enjoy so much, lucky you.

    But what I said before (and pzarquon restated), tell us more about OTHER things in your life, besides selling cars (except in the "Selling" threads, where you can do all the commercials admin will allow.) And don't be so quick to claim you know "how people are."

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  • damontucker
    Re: Car needed

    I have no idea what you're trying to say, Manoa. (I mean, what "your" trying to say.)
    I guess what I meant to say... was if tristan is interested in Advertising on this board... maybe he should talk to an admin directly and find out if theyr'e is a way to post "Advertisements"

    Since I noticed HT uses Leahinet.

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  • pzarquon
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio
    Have you looked at that thread today? Manoa and I have, clearly.
    Ah, gotta admit, I missed your replies. Basically I knew I wasn't interested in inkjet refills, nor interested in calling more attention to 'em, so I just ignored it. A strategy you mention there, in fact, and one that might have reduced some of the tempest in a teapot we've all stirred here.

    To be sure, folks like Gregoahu can wear out their welcome, too... and have a way of being quietly banned eventually.

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  • Mataiva
    Re: Car needed

    Hey the Pot Culture * see theres one, I didn't mention any cars in that one....oh wait I did in the P.S. portion ~

    never're right I think I'm overly obsessed(spelling) with selling cars, but you know what. . . .its FUN and I love doing what I do.

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Car needed

    Um, adapt something you said to Miulang in another thread recently, are you reading what people are posting? My first comment to Mataiva was about her statement in judgement of posters on HT:
    Originally posted by Mataiva
    I'm not too sure as to how serious people are on this site, as far as really selling, trading, and buying anything
    I even suggested that she get MORE involved in conversations here. But she responded with some commercial about how people should pay full sticker prices, as if car dealers were just as trustworthy as the grocers who sell milk. Frankly, I don't give a rat's @$$ about her Mazda dealership in Kailua, or whether they are number one (or spew the most number two) on O`ahu. But after a dozen commercials, I don't think she's in the best position to discuss how serious people here are about anything.

    As for this:
    Originally posted by pzarquon
    Why Mataiva is getting the snark versus, say, Mr. Inkjet Refill is a mystery to me.
    Have you looked at that thread today? Manoa and I have, clearly. Gregoahu hasn't come back to counter anything, Mataiva has - if he wants to discuss his spam with us, he'll find more than enough "snark" lying in wait.

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