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Car needed

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  • admin
    Re: Car needed

    Well, that was fun.

    Speedtek, I hope you find your car. Feel free to start another thread later if not, but I think you've got some better suggestions here, somewhere (notably Craigslist), that can probably spare you the potential for ridiculousness.

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  • kimo55
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by manoasurfer123
    ok now... break it up you too before I sick the playground monitor after you guys!
    spelling, maona!

    sic the playground Minotaur...

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  • Palolo Joe
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio
    That's okay - we like you anyway.
    Speak for yourself. Not "we," especially when you're thousands of miles away from the rest of "us."

    Work on your reading comprehension too, since you seem to have difficulties...

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  • damontucker
    Re: Car needed

    ok now... break it up you too before I sick the playground monitor after you guys!

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Palolo Joe
    Reading comprehension can be tough for some...
    That's okay - we like you anyway.

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  • Palolo Joe
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio
    You're the one who brought it up...
    And again... think I care about post counts?
    Originally posted by Leo Lakio
    And that is supposed to mean...what, exactly?
    Reading comprehension can be tough for some...

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Mataiva
    It worked just fine, thank you....
    You got the avatar thing going on, too, I see. You have jumped into this full tilt, congrats.

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  • Mataiva
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Konaguy
    I wasn't sure if my haphazard explaination was going to work.

    It worked just fine, thank you....

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Palolo Joe
    Think I care about post counts?
    You're the one who brought it up...
    Originally posted by Palolo Joe
    Take a look at the join date next to my name. I was posting here a full year before you even discovered the place.
    And that is supposed to mean...what, exactly?

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  • damontucker
    Re: Car needed

    I enjoy you back palolo joe! It takes a lot of heat off me!

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  • Palolo Joe
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio
    Perhaps your Google-fu needs a tuneup.
    Actually, searching HT has nothing to do with Google, if you use the built-in search engine.

    But point taken. And keep in mind that if you want to act like a jackass, don't feel bad when you get attitude in return.

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio
    Says he, derailing the thread with an unrelated point, so he can get a dig in at someone. Don't worry, you'll catch up - just don't get put on hold for another month.
    Think I care about post counts? Or getting banned for a month? I don't.

    Take a look at the join date next to my name. I was posting here a full year before you even discovered the place.

    And how did I derail this thread? I simply replied to you harping on Tristin. Nothing wrong with that.

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  • Konaguy
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Mataiva
    it did, yey....ok thanks
    I wasn't sure if my haphazard explaination was going to work.

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  • Konaguy
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Mataiva
    i think i got the hang of it....ok I'll do read them .... thanks
    I checked the faqs.They are a bit bared boned in my opinion. Best to use
    your friend "google" and look up basic html..

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  • Mataiva
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by manoasurfer123
    Then I was like... so how do I do it I ask...

    And then I think I heard something like.... maybe you should go read some FAQ's!

    i think i got the hang of it....ok I'll do read them .... thanks

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  • 1stwahine
    Re: Car needed

    Originally posted by Konaguy
    You just to make sure your html is closed with /quote with [] outside it
    and you make sure the begining looks like this

    okay, lemme see if this works
    Congratulations!!! You did it!

    Auntie Lynn

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