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Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

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  • #76
    Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

    Okay now that the bashing is settling down, I only think it's fair to say that Tiny should be given the chance to see if he can be a decent morning drive guy on KHUI.

    As I've said before I'd like to see more of you reveal your true identities when it comes to judging others. It's easy to hide behind an alias and talk your feelings. But it has more bite when there's a name behind it.

    And when it comes to speaking of others, at least Tiny came forward and spoke to all of us. We know who he is but he doesn't know who you are and if you're gonna be true to yourself, identify yourself. It's only fair that the person you're bashing knows who you are when engaging in any conversation.

    It's easy to hide behind a fake name and accuse someone without fear of retribution. So who are you guys who speak so boldly yet can't seem to identify yourselves?

    I have mixed feelings about Tiny and I'm equally to blame for bashing the guy but at least he knows my name and I'm not afraid to let him know that. Yes he stepped on my feet a couple of times and he probably doesn't even know it. But this isn't about Tiny hurting Craig's feelings, this is about Tiny replacing Mahlon Moore in the morning drive slot at KHUI and from one professional to another: Good luck Tiny...professionally speaking from Craig Watanabe (from the days of KIKI AM 83)...heck just ask Michael T. if you can't remember.
    Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


    • #77
      Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

      Aloha Craig! I usually stay away from this section cause I have no idea whatsoevers about it, period. Yesterday, was totally uncalled for by Mr. Tadani and that's why I put in my 2 cents. I will be the first to put my true identity. It's already splashed all over the last time I googled!

      Alyn L.A. Vaquez aka

      Lynn Vasquez aka

      Auntie Lynn aka

      Auntie Pupule
      Last edited by 1stwahine; August 31, 2005, 04:28 PM.
      Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
      Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


      • #78
        Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

        Mahalo Auntie, I know there's a few more out there who choose to use their real names (I think) and I applaud all of you who do.

        When I was a kid I used to get teased a lot because of my name. I hated that but I resolved that the world will know who Craig Watanabe is and I wasn't gonna hide from the name my parents gave me, it would be a dishonor.

        I put my integrity on the line every time I post on Hawaii Threads and I've been flamed many times. But I don't hide and no one can ever accuse me of that. Getting beat up daily at school was a given for me, it took the military to bring out the man in me to teach me to take a stance and do it truthfully.

        Tiny Tadani, your humor is a bit abrasive at times but that's who you are and people will either appreciate or hate you for it, but at least you let people know who you are and for that you have my respect. Right or wrong you are who you are and you aren't afraid to let others know that.

        As for me I am who I am and dammit I mean every word I utter and if the world has a problem with that at least they know who to flame. Can the same be said from some of the rest on this board?

        Sorry this is a sensitive button for me and I get really incensed by people who hit and run all the while calling me the sissy. Who da man now!

        See you on the board
        Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


        • #79
          Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

          Just read this and you'll see:


          • #80
            Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

            Originally posted by Lolo Paka
            0. You may want to check in with some of the artists on your Tiny CD.. the ones that don't get paid (not that any do get paid). Couple of the gals feel pretty ripped off and have been posting stuff on their blogs etc... look online, you'll find some.
            Not trying to stand up for Tiny, but I'm curious. Did those artists who didn't get paid sign a contract? They might have signed something that specifically said they wouldn't get a dime for their involvement.

            One of the first lessons you learn about the music industry - find a lawyer who can help you read all the fine print, or else you're screwed.

            Learned that myself way back when...


            • #81
              Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

              Originally posted by Lolo Paka
              You may want to check in with some of the artists on your Tiny CD.. the ones that don't get paid (not that any do get paid). Couple of the gals feel pretty ripped off and have been posting stuff on their blogs etc... look online, you'll find some.
              That's a pretty serious accusation and before I believe it I'd like to see something to back it up. I try not to listen to unproven gossip, so... can you give us links to these blogs, please? (And I've gotta say that even once we read them there's still the matter of there being two sides to every story.)

              Uh-oh. Did I just get caught trying to defend Tiny?!


              That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


              • #82
                Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                First off...

                IRL, I'm the real deal LoLo... Lopaka Lowe (and yes, I'm aware my name does spell a taboo herb when reversed.. but no worries-say no to drugs kids!!!)

                as for the sites... you know, it was posted on an HNA forum a few months back. One of the DJs on KTUH mentioned it too on air (not that anyone listens to KTUH.. but they're pretty cool). I was trying to find the URL so I could include it in the email. In any event, posters on there said the same thing... if there's a contract you have something to enforce.. if not, sorry...

                I have a feeling it's more of a "you'll get big promotion for your name & involvement blah blah blah..." vs. you'll get paid. I guess they didn't feel they got the "big promos and stardom?" not exactly Tiny's fault, but if there was a contract.. Auwe!


                • #83
                  Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                  Originally posted by LikaNui
                  That's a pretty serious accusation and before I believe it I'd like to see something to back it up. I try not to listen to unproven gossip, so... can you give us links to these blogs, please? (And I've gotta say that even once we read them there's still the matter of there being two sides to every story.)

                  Uh-oh. Did I just get caught trying to defend Tiny?!

                  LOL!!! oh no!!! you may have to remove your sig Likanui!!! LOL...


                  • #84
                    Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                    Originally posted by Lolo Paka
                    LOL!!! oh no!!! you may have to remove your sig Likanui!!! LOL...
                    No-o-o-o-o-o! I worked too hard to earn that sig!
                    And if you do find the link(s) to those sites, that would be kewl so we can really see what these musicians are saying.

                    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                    • #85
                      Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                      Yup! I'm going to ask Peshkwe or help.. she's active on the HNA boards... I hope they get that sorted out... if there was no contract, just a release (which in entertainment usually means 'release of all money, all rights, all profit and all credit').. I'm afraid they kinda okole-out.

                      I'm definitely going to still tune in to see what kinda music's going to be played on the new KHUI.... fan of Tiny or not (er, not in my case... sorry) ..beside he gave me da cold shoulder at 'that club'

                      heehee... ok LikaNui.. you can keep da sig.


                      • #86
                        Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                        Sure I'll go play search-n-find I just need their posting nyms and about when they had posted.

                        Or at least about when and anything you might recall that I can use as a key word for searching.
                        Last edited by Peshkwe; September 1, 2005, 04:17 PM.


                        • #87
                          Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                          Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                          In fact, this is my last response and I am not even gonna read this anymore.
                          Well, Tiny wrote that comment 4-1/2 days ago, but when I logged on late last night I saw his screen name on the "Active Users" list of people who were on the HawaiiThreads site.
                          Maybe his comment above meant he wasn't going to read this thread "anymore".
                          Yeah. Right.

                          Really, it's too bad, cuz a lotta people brought up a lotta points that we hoped Tiny would respond to. Maybe he was too busy getting ready to go to church?

                          That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                          • #88
                            Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                            Wow... Lika Nui, you must have a lot of time on your hands to notice that I was on this thread? Yes, I actually wanted to get the names of some of the nice people who seem to be really fair... not just because they backed me. So props to Scrivener, Langi (not Sam), Kona Girl, CarolL, Cezanne, and Craig.

                            Yes, I was going to boycott, but after consulting with someone, they told me to say what I have to say. And I will do it with no animosity or sarcasm... hoping you all will understand. If making wise ass remarks afterwards makes you feel better... go for it... but I won't fight back. I just want you to know... or more importantly, those who don't write but just read this. I've found that some people get swayed into your beliefs because we (media don't respond)... and that is unfortunate.

                            First of all... I read in one of the threads how stuck up I am. I really am not. Yes, I am more outgoing "on the air," but we all have to be. It's like acting/performing. Although, for me, I am the same way... just blown up bunch. If I say "that's cool" on stage... it doesn't get attention... but if I say "yee-ha... awesome!!!"... see the difference?

                            In public, I am guilty of waiting to see if someone waves or wants to be waved or greeted first. As a total local style boy... I always felt people would think I'm BIG HEAD if I thought everyone knew me. You know... we've all said this about people who act popular before... "What, he tink he da mayor, or what?" There are people like Aunite (I can't remember her name) something who said she's never seen the show or heard me on the radio. So that's my fear... someone saying... "Hi, but who are you?" I do try to smile at everyone. Except, I am a thinker... and am always looking around noticing things... especially for material to use on the air. And that face may look a little distant at times. I also believe in privacy. I don't like to run up to families or groups when I don't have the camera. Usually, I see a smile or welcome face when I'm filming... and I attack.

                            I know I'm a public figure... but I think I have the right to turn it off once in a whille. Like everyone, I have ups and downs... great news and problems to deal with. I am a Christian and try to be as proud about it so others will follow. But I do struggle... a lot. I sin and I fall... like everyone. I just try to be the best representative of God. In the past... yes, I've been to raunchy bars and dated a lot after my divorce. I've gotten into fights... and even into the news when I got into an altercation with an ex-girlfriend in a public parking lot. No, I didn't beat her... but it was a fight in public and someone called the cops. I went in. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to go further on this... because I know what happened. Put it this way... the girl begged the cops not to take me in... and she ran over to bail me out instantly. And today, even though were not together... we're very good friends. It was a big misunderstanding. But the newpapers have to say... Tiny Tadani was arrested for abuse of a household member (we were living together at the time). What can I do except let people visualize me punching her face and pulling her hair (would never do that). Put yourself in my shoes... not nice, yeah? And I pay for it everyday... yet. Whenever I dated after that I'd have to explain that first thing... because once they told someone they were dating me... they find out the ugly untruth. Still, I was wrong for the argument in public and it hasn't ever happened again.

                            Lastly, that Lolo paka person said he read about singers on my CD that weren't happy with it? I have to get a little cocky here because it was funny to see the thread stop when you guys asked for proof. Exactly what this thread is guilty of. You don't know the story. Let me tell you how Tiny CD's came about. I love music, although I don't perform myself. So I found a lot of friends in the music industry when I would go to see them. I started promoting them on my shows and even becoming a part-time manager by booking them at different venues. And because money is that great for performing (400-1000 dollars), I refused any cut. And when I give time to on my shows... I have to cut out sponsors that pay me... so I was even giving up dollars to promote my friends. So people like Rocky Brown, Dita & Ells, Forte, Jeff Rasmussen, Tani Lynn Fujimoto, Sean Na'auao, Sistah Robi, Justin, Robert & Tiare Kekaula, Five by 5, Aziel, Melveen, Sam & Lina Girl, Ilona Irvine and others would ask what they could do for me to repay me. That's when I thought of the CD's. I have a pretty good ear and feel for what would get airplay and I wanted to just do it for fun. The artists loved it because they got to do a cool remake song that they wouldn't normally do on their own CD... and two, they could pay me back. Still, I gave them all stipends and fed them when they came out. They all got paid for their performances at any concerts afterwards. And I still gig and promote them when they need it. My side never ends for them. They know the number to call when they need help... even if it was to borrow some money or to show up in court when they got in trouble. And all they did was sing a song. Now you see why I know that no one would feel slighted by the Tiny CD projects. That's why I thought it was funny when the thread came to a standstill when you guys challenged that Lolo Paka person to get proof. I challenge any of you to ask the artists how they feel... I'm sure they'd tell you they'd do another song for me. I'm not being arrogant... just sure to what I give them. I can see where some of you may think that because there have been stories from other producers of them not paying up or ripping off. But I do most of my payments first...then keep it going... it's an open book on my end. In fact, performers keep coming up to me today wanting to be on my CD... and sometimes they get mad cause I haven't used them yet. As you can tell... I'm very confident on this subject.

                            Maybe it's because of how this whole thing got started anyway... on my over promotion I do. I do it for that reason. I don't like owing anybody. so the stores, companies, artists all get the better end. I give them choke advertising for minimal payment (compared to networks)... and you know what? Bottom line... it works. I make good money when I add it up... but you're right... I bust my ass shooting video, constantly promoting, making sure people see or hear it! It's not easy. That's why I do get a little bothered whe you can't understand that I'm just trying to make it. I'm the only local show on OC16 that has lasted the nearly six years it's been doing this. And with all my heart... if you don't like it... you don't have to watch it. It's not for everybody and I don't hold a gun to your head to watch. So please give me some credit for being successful instead of constantly bickering about what I do. I have to say that half of you do give me credit for working hard... thank you. I hope it's not jealousy... because I do it for everyone... and maybe someday I can help you promote something. It's just something I found easy for me... giving people an alternative to spending too much for advertising.

                            Sorry for the lengthly response... but as you can tell, I am very passionate of my craft (sorry it's not witch craft... so you'd have another thread about me) and would back it against anyone or any words.

                            If anyone has a personal problem with me... feel free to contact me at KHUI or my email: or you can do that personal reply thing on this thread. Otherwise you can do the HawaiiThreads thing... but just keep in mind... there's two sides to every story or accusation.

                            Lika Nui, I'm not sure about any responses you were referring to that I didn't get to. Let me know which ones and I'll do it.

                            Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.



                            • #89
                              Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                              Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                              What can I do except let people visualize me punching her face and pulling her hair
                              wow. I wouldn't even describe or visualize it li dat, esp. if that didn't happen... wonder what you are saying here....

                              But yea, props for all the work that you do... public figures are sometimes too easy a target...


                              • #90
                                Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                                Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                                Wow... Lika Nui, you must have a lot of time on your hands to notice that I was on this thread?
                                Nah, I was only on for a couple of minutes. But every time you log onto HawaiiThreads the list of members currently active on the site appears at the bottom of the main page. Can't miss it. Don't have to hunt for it. It's just... right there in front of us.

                                Lastly, that LoloPaka person said he read about singers on my CD that weren't happy with it? I have to get a little cocky here because it was funny to see the thread stop when you guys asked for proof. (Tiny's explanation edited out) That's why I thought it was funny when the thread came to a standstill when you guys challenged that LoloPaka person to get proof.
                                For the record, Tiny, look back through the messages and you'll see that it that was me who first asked LoloPaka for proof before I would believe the gossip.
                                Shocking, isn't it?
                                You just now mentioned a couple of times that there are two sides to every story, and you'll notice that I said that exact thing in my earlier post to LoloPaka.
                                Can you handle all these shocks from "the evil LikaNui"?

                                Sorry for the lengthly response.
                                Don't be sorry. I, for one, appreciate that you did take the time to speak up.
                                (Shocked you again, eh?)
                                And I'll say it one more time, and ask that you read this carefully: I don't have anything against you personally; my gripe is with the whole marketing concept that you use. I'm against the style, not the person. I hope eventually you'll understand the difference.
                                Last edited by LikaNui; September 4, 2005, 11:39 AM.

                                That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

