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Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

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  • #91
    Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

    Originally posted by LikaNui
    Nah, I was only on for a couple of minutes. But every time you log onto HawaiiThreads the list of members currently active on the site appears at the bottom of the main page. Can't miss it. Don't have to hunt for it. It's just... right there in front of us.
    OT: As an aside, users have the option in to the User Control Panel under EDIT OPTIONS to use "invisible mode." Check off on that box and no one can see when you are here in real time. The green dot next to your name is red while you are logged in.

    I am sure there are some people already using invisible mode on this board. Perhaps more people should use it.

    Another way to be invisible is to just read but not log in. However be warned that people you have on your ignore list will show up if you are not logged in.

    OK, get back to the topic at hand.
    Last edited by mel; September 4, 2005, 12:12 PM.
    I'm still here. Are you?


    • #92
      Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

      Yes, LikaNui... I do remember it being you asking for proof on the CD thing... and for being fair at other times. Sorry, I didn't acknowledge that.

      Kimo, thanks for not jumping on my last response. There was a thread that said I beat my wife. It was on that Dick Allgire thread. sorry, I don't know how do pull up past lines. Then a few other responses let that alter their thought of me. It really wasn't fair.

      There's bad in everyones lives... but if in the public, I guess it's fun to get into discussion of ours. I would just say not to get slanderous if you don't have proof. That is NOT fair. Now you have my email if you want to ask. And I'll tell you straight up what is going on in whatever I do. Better from me than someone guessing on the sidelines.


      P/S - I wouldn've responded earlier... but seriously, I did go to Church.


      • #93
        Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

        Originally posted by LikaNui
        For the record, Tiny, look back through the messages and you'll see that it that was me who first asked LoloPaka for proof before I would believe the gossip.
        I hope you mean that you didn't buy the gossip right away - not that you were the first one to question it.

        For the record, it was me who first asked for proof.

        And Tiny, if you're a public figure and you're out in public, I don't understand how you can expect people to act like they don't recognize you.

        I've experienced the same thing... seen you out and about, looking pretty sullen and anti-social when someone else tried to say hello. I've also been on the receiving end of your camera work (thank goodness you didn't use the footage). I'm sure some people get all excited when they see you filming, but I also know people who cringe and try to get out of your line of sight.

        Tiny is correct about one thing - if you don't like him/his show, don't watch it. I don't... and every time I'm flipping through the channels and come across it, I'm reminded of why I don't watch.


        • #94
          Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

          Okay... Palolo Joe... you are not getting it. You don't have to talk down to... in a mean way to me or anyone else. I applaud you for speaking up an out... but not with any hatred.

          What I mean is that I want people to show that they know me... then I'll know if 1) they know me... and 2) if they like me. I found on this thread that there's a bunch of you who don't. So if I see that... I go ahead and embrace. With that, I don't mean a hug... but a handshake or "howzit."

          I have to say... you're wrong. 9 out of 10 times I'm pretty on it and guess if people know me or like me... and I'm pretty friendly. I should know... I'm there.

          Let's not worry about credit here or there... or reputation points. Let's just all get along. I'm sorry, but I won't let anyone's hostility bring me down. I still enjoy all the publicity here as well as LikaNui's tag line under his name. That's all cool, but let's be nice. the way we'd be if we met face to face.

          Thanks and God Bless.



          • #95
            Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

            Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
            Yes, LikaNui... I do remember it being you asking for proof on the CD thing... and for being fair at other times. Sorry, I didn't acknowledge that.

            Kimo, thanks for not jumping on my last response. There was a thread that said I beat my wife. It was on that Dick Allgire thread. sorry, I don't know how do pull up past lines. Then a few other responses let that alter their thought of me. It really wasn't fair.
            Here it is:



            • #96
              Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

              Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
              I still enjoy all the publicity here as well as LikaNui's tag line under his name.
              I only used that "Proud to be boycotted by Tiny Tadani" tag line for a couple of days, then removed it a couple of days ago.
              Glad it gave you (and others who commented) a chuckle! I had to create and use it, since you wanted everyone to boycott me.

              That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


              • #97
                Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                Yes, LikaNui... I do remember it being you asking for proof on the CD thing... and for being fair at other times. Sorry, I didn't acknowledge that.
                No problem. Apology accepted.
                Maybe KonaGirl will realize the same thing.
                A bit of advice to both of you (and to everyone else, myself included): if a message angers you and you immediately write a reply, try to wait 24 hours (or at least several hours) before posting it, then re-read it before you post it. That 24-hour window gives you a chance to calm down and re-think the situation and will most likely keep you from posting something you'd regret later.
                Thanks for the apology, Tiny...

                That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                • #98
                  Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                  Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                  Okay... Palolo Joe... you are not getting it. You don't have to talk down to... in a mean way to me or anyone else. I applaud you for speaking up an out... but not with any hatred.
                  No Tiny, I think you're the one who doesn't get it. I'm not hating, just stating my opinion. You say there are a lot of people who like your show, and that's fine.

                  I say there are a lot of people who don't like your show and get annoyed when they see you out with a camera.

                  Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                  I have to say... you're wrong. 9 out of 10 times I'm pretty on it and guess if people know me or like me... and I'm pretty friendly. I should know... I'm there.
                  Guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I've been "there" too, and have seen the negative reactions with my own eyes. Maybe you've missed it because you're focusing on those who crave attention and want to be on TV.

                  Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                  Let's not worry about credit here or there... or reputation points. Let's just all get along. That's all cool, but let's be nice. the way we'd be if we met face to face.
                  Nice variation on Rodney King's famous quote. But if you go and read my older posts, you'd find that I don't give a rat's ass about reputation points.

                  I haven't posted anything in this thread that I wouldn't say to your face - I stand behind my opinion and don't think I've been malicious in any way.

                  But I kind of wonder if you'd react the same way as you did here on HT if there weren't as many people paying attention.


                  • #99
                    Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                    Okay I want to say that it was I (Craig Watanabe) that mentioned the Wife Beater remark about Tiny and I was wrong to mention that especially since I was incorrect on that statement. Tiny...I was wrong and I do hope things work out well for your show.

                    In all fairness to Tiny I would like to say that I'm embarrassed at that irresponsible remark and it's consequences and ask that those who read HT know that I have made this public retraction and apology to Tiny Tadani.

                    And no I'm not getting anything for saying this other than a face full of humiliation that I humbly accept.

                    My apologies Tiny, I do wish you success and good luck!

                    Craig Watanabe
                    Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                    • Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                      Originally posted by craigwatanabe
                      I'm not getting anything for saying this other than a face full of humiliation that I humbly accept.
                      Well, Craig, you sure got my respect and, I imagine, that of almost every other reader here. (applause) (applause)

                      That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                      • Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                        Originally posted by LikaNui

                        Well, Craig, you sure got my respect and, I imagine, that of almost every other reader here. (applause) (applause)
                        Ditto on the respect and applause, and his chicklet count sure got a boost from that too.


                        • Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                          Just listened to Tiny's debut this morning on KHUI.

                          The execution is almost identical to his "Breakfast Club" show he had on KUMU. He also brought his OC-16TV simulcast from KUMU with him to KHUI.

                          This morning's featured guest was Kapono Beamer. Nice guy.

                          An interesting paradox to Tiny's broadcast was hearing Mahlon Moore provide the traffic report. That was weird.

                          The playlist during his show was pretty much the same that KHUI's been using throughout their transition from The Breeze.. an eclectic mix of contemporary island favorites. Of course a few TinyCD plugs were put in here and there. And also a few tracks from the guest (Kapono) were played.

                          The "new" KHUI needs a better branding campaign. Their playlist is great, but the station still lacks an identity. Perhaps a better slogan, company jingle, logo art, etc. IMHO.
                          sigpic The Tasty Island


                          • Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                            Wow....a ton of time on the Tiny stuff. Listen, Tracy Lords was a public figure too but she didn't give everyone a.................. Everybody likes attention but sometimes it's hard to be "on" all the time. It's tuff to get a lunch and for just one minute not have someone say "Eh, you da kine"?

                            As for Tiny and his advertising antics and production value; it's "court jester" work pimping out Slurpees and McDonalds (or what ever) and he's real good at it. The advertisers like it when you make noise. Otherwise that one company wouldn't have paid that girl $10,000 to temporarily tattoo their logo on her forehead. The crazier the better!

                            I had a friend over for a week from LA and he was jet lagged so he was up early and caught Tiny on TV. He is a partner in a medium size advertising company. He said Tiny was brilliant. He said it was so tweaked that you had to watch to see what the hell he could possibly do to make you shake your head even more. He watched the whole show!

                            So at the end of the day after reading accusations, comments/opinions & rhetoric, it's the biz and were all players. So whether someone is gay, old, newbie, genius, hiding under an alias, preventing rumors, justifying opinions, we all proved one thing; we are all caught up in it all. Just look at how many views this thread has gotten!!! I'll bet the sponsors on HawaiiThreads are stoked.

                            That's Entertainment!


                            • Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                              Jumps up and down! Waves hands in the air!!!!!

                              Wait! Wait! I sing! I'm Auntie Lynn of Chinatown! Auntie Pupule!!!! Can I be on the next CD? Are you an Equal Opportunity Christian?

                              SMILE EVERYBODY! Now, everybody SINGS...

                              He's got the whole world in his hand!
                              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                              • Re: Tiny Tadani replacing Mahlon?!

                                Sponge Rider... you get it! Amen.

                                1st Wahine... you can be on one of my Cd's... but can you bring in a few sponsors from Chinatown for the project? And I don't make all those decisions... God is the boss and he's posted signs... in fact He's written a book about it being an equal opportunity life. Anyone can take part and move up! So join in.


