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Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

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  • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

    Originally posted by War_Resisters_Canada
    Also I am not giving up my freedom... I believe and many others believe that Canada's social system, values and ethics create a more liberal society where freedom of speach, expression, religion, and just about anything you can think of is more open and less restrictive than the US...

    You're right. They are very liberal. Any country whose military will pay for a soldier to have a sex change at the taxpayers expense is pretty liberal. No thanks that is why I love the U.S. I'm not paying for that.


    • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

      Originally posted by War_Resisters_Canada
      Also I am not giving up my freedom... I believe and many others believe that Canada's social system, values and ethics create a more liberal society where freedom of speach, expression, religion, and just about anything you can think of is more open and less restrictive than the US...
      I would have to disagree with you.

      You have freedom in Canada now...

      However, you do not have the FREEDOM to come home w/out serious repercussions


      • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

        Originally posted by 1stwahine
        Are you applying for Canadian Citizenship?

        If you enjoy their hospitality and country so much why not?

        Auntie Lynn

        btw: Yes, you did the best thing. To leave. When one puts one's own country and it's system down - one does not belong nor deserves to be in it!
        I don't think he can just apply for citizenship:

        1. He will have to have lived there for 3 years and that's after he is considered a "resident" also... I don't think he can be considered a resident... rather an AWOL US soldier looking for an easy way out.
        2. And also, just as applying to become a US Citizen... he will have to Learn a lot about Canada their laws, history, etc. and pass a citizenship test.
        3. and the main thing... is the fact that he is now considered a Criminal!

        You cannot become a Canadian citizen if:

        you are in prison, on parole or on probation;
        in the past four years, you were in prison, on parole or on probation for a year or more;
        you were convicted of an indictable offence or crime, or an offence under the Citizenship Act in the three years preceding your application;
        you are currently charged with an indictable offence or crime, or an offence under the Citizenship Act;
        you are under a removal order and are not currently allowed to be in Canada;
        you are under investigation for a war crime or a crime against humanity; or
        your Canadian citizenship has been taken away (revoked) in the past five years.


        • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

          One word: HEROS!!!

          Auntie Lynn
          Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
          Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


          • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

            I do not want this to turn into a who is better debate please...

            Yes, I am applying for Canadian citizenship. I do not plan on going back to the United States untill we see a major reform in the way the government does business. I also very much enjoy my Canadian host, it reminds me of Hawaii in many ways. Just like Hawaii it is diverse in culture, climate, and scenary.

            As for the Candian Forces giving people sex changes, hey I am all for it. If someone wantts to live there life in another gender let them be happy. Gender confusion is a medical condition that is recognized here in Canada, which is why we have same sex marriages in almost all provinces. Gender Confusion can lead to depression and sometimes suicide. As for my tax dollars paying for it I don't mind. As a progressive liberal, I believe that paying more taxes is not bad as long as the money is going towards the people. I know that when I get old and need assistance the government will pay for it. I know when my wife and I have a child the government will give us a $200 stipulation untill that child turns 18. I am happy to say that all Canadians who want to go to college can because of our taxes, we have many programs for people to get into college. I am assured to know that Canada's roadways are the best mainatined in North America. Also that every 2 blocks in every Metropolitan area there is a park and every 5 there is a library. Because Canadians dont pay billions of dollars into a war we can invest in domestic projects that help our society... Also you need to look at the United Nations Human Devlopment Index, It says that Canada ranks 5th and the US 10th. The order went: Norway, Sweden, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands Belgium, followed by Iceland, then the United States. Also Canadian cities are the safest in North America for violent crimes.
            "Canada shall be a refuge from militarism"
            Prime Minister Piere Trudeau


            • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

              In reply to Manoa Surfer,
              I can obtain citizenship in Canada. Unlike many of the deserters in Canada whom have to file for refugee status. My wife is a Canadian citizen, therefore she can sponsor me which is what we are doing. Also being a deserter is not illegal according to Canadian Immigration law. Canada has accepted deserters from all nations of the world. Canada has a history of letting US soldiers come to Canada during conflict since the Revolutionary War. Everytime there has been a war in the US deserters have come to Canada. As for Canadian history, This is my second home I have lived here before joining the corps and while in the corps visited almost every 3 months. Please also do not recite CIC to me. I know the CIC regulations, as I am studying Canadian Law. And will be attending University of Toronto shortly to obtain my LLB with sepcialization in International Law
              "Canada shall be a refuge from militarism"
              Prime Minister Piere Trudeau


              • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                Originally posted by War_Resisters_Canada
                In reply to Manoa Surfer,
                I can obtain citizenship in Canada. Unlike many of the deserters in Canada whom have to file for refugee status. My wife is a Canadian citizen, therefore she can sponsor me which is what we are doing. Also being a deserter is not illegal according to Canadian Immigration law. Canada has accepted deserters from all nations of the world. Canada has a history of letting US soldiers come to Canada during conflict since the Revolutionary War. Everytime there has been a war in the US deserters have come to Canada. As for Canadian history, This is my second home I have lived here before joining the corps and while in the corps visited almost every 3 months. Please also do not recite CIC to me. I know the CIC regulations, as I am studying Canadian Law. And will be attending University of Toronto shortly to obtain my LLB with sepcialization in International Law
                Forgot about what we call the green card status here in Hawaii...

                I do feel sorry that you guys will not be able to take vacations in the US though.


                • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                  Originally posted by War_Resisters_Canada
                  I do not want this to turn into a who is better debate please...

                  Yes, I am applying for Canadian citizenship.
                  No Debate Dear.

                  Have a wonderful Life in Canada!

                  Nuff said.

                  Auntie Lynn
                  Last edited by 1stwahine; June 18, 2006, 08:11 AM. Reason: Forgot Life! hahahaha
                  Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                  Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                  • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                    You are talking about permenant residence status... As for not taking trips to Hawaii... Oh well when I get a Canadian Passport the first place I am going is Cuba
                    "Canada shall be a refuge from militarism"
                    Prime Minister Piere Trudeau


                    • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                      Originally posted by War_Resisters_Canada
                      You are talking about permenant residence status... As for not taking trips to Hawaii... Oh well when I get a Canadian Passport the first place I am going is Cuba
                      I'm not surprised. Communist Rule?

                      Auntie Lynn
                      Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                      Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                      • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                        Originally posted by War_Resisters_Canada
                        You are talking about permenant residence status... As for not taking trips to Hawaii... Oh well when I get a Canadian Passport the first place I am going is Cuba
                        Is it truly a WHEN you get a Canadian Passport.... or is it an IF I get a Canadian passport?


                        • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                          Please sir do not debate Canadian Immigration Laws if you do not know anything about other than reading a few pages on CIC's website. I am not worried about immigration as I have already done it. I am just waiting now for my final interview. As for if or when. It is when... As for your arguments that I am communist. I am not. I am a progressive liberal who believes in some socialist ideals. You need to get passed your American propaganda of who is evil and who is not because the world seems so small through that prespective. Cuba is an independent Nation let them do as they wish as with Iraq we should have let them be as with Korea and Iran and China... They are sovreign let the be. It is the right... As for me this conversation has gone from intelligent to George W. So I will no longer participate here if anyone would like to keep in the loop about the war resisters and the peace movement internationally email me...
                          "Canada shall be a refuge from militarism"
                          Prime Minister Piere Trudeau


                          • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                            Originally posted by War_Resisters_Canada
                            Please sir do not debate Canadian Immigration Laws if you do not know anything about other than reading a few pages on CIC's website. I am not worried about immigration as I have already done it. I am just waiting now for my final interview. As for if or when. It is when... As for your arguments that I am communist. I am not. I am a progressive liberal who believes in some socialist ideals. You need to get passed your American propaganda of who is evil and who is not because the world seems so small through that prespective. Cuba is an independent Nation let them do as they wish as with Iraq we should have let them be as with Korea and Iran and China... They are sovreign let the be. It is the right... As for me this conversation has gone from intelligent to George W. So I will no longer participate here if anyone would like to keep in the loop about the war resisters and the peace movement internationally email me...
                            Aloha Oe!
                            (But you're Lurking)

                            "I will no longer participate here"
                            You seem to enjoy these words alot.

                            Auntie Lynn

                            btw: The flowers smells sooo good. The Mountains and The Pacific Ocean ~ Awesome! Hawai'i - My Islands...My Paradise. United States - My Country - My Life! Mahalo, to you BOTH!!!!!

                            Update: Someone's knocking at my door. Is it CNN?
                            Nope. Schucks. It's Dominos Pizza Delivery. Wrong House!
                            I eating Laulau, Lomi Salmon and Poi! Ooops! I forgot da Opihi!!!
                            Last edited by 1stwahine; June 18, 2006, 11:16 AM. Reason: Made pretty! (SMILE)
                            Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                            Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                            • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                              I hope some people saw the CNN special last night about the failures of the CIA and the Administration that led to Congress and the UN being duped into believing that there were weapons of mass destruction.

                              This CNN Special "Dead Wrong:Inside an Intelligence Meltdown" will be replayed at 11 p.m. Pacific tonight (8 p.m. Hawai'i time) on your CNN station.

                              "President Bush's case for pre-emptive war against Iraq was based substantially on evidence that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction. But a presidential commission described the pre-war intelligence as "dead wrong." "CNN Presents" pieces together the chain of events that led to the faulty intelligence.

                              "Dead Wrong: Inside an Intelligence Meltdown" airs Saturday and Sunday at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET."

                              Last edited by Miulang; June 18, 2006, 02:02 PM.
                              "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                              • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                                Originally posted by Miulang
                                P.S. Name calling is what people do when they have nothing else to say. It is a sign of a very frustrated person who can't listen to what the other side says without having to call them cowards just because they believe differently than you do.
                                I had three kids who went into War Zones! I can call them Cowards anytime I want too! I felt and went through the pain. I stand by what I believe, by what my children believe in. I am a Proud American! I am a Proud Military Mother.



                                For every excuse there is. There is a Mother, a Father, a sister, a brother, a soldier who will answer proudly to the lame duck excuses of Cowards!!
                                Last edited by 1stwahine; June 18, 2006, 12:52 PM.
                                Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                                Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

