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Filipinos trying to be Hawaiian

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  • admin
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio
    So is this a dead-thread now, caught up in the cross-fire?
    After the personal turn things took, I don't forsee things getting any better, so I'd say so.

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  • kimo55
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    Originally posted by MadAzza
    Really, dear? Then why do you put "Hawaiian Pride" stickers all over your cars?
    I'm the last to know. When did this happen?
    I DO know;
    I have a harley chopper decal from 1966 on my Jeep, but i don't have a harley.
    I have a longboard surf naked sticker on my jeep, but i don't surf naked. and it's been a while since i surfed.
    I have the hui stickers on my car, but I ain't a member of da hui or da wolfpack.
    preaccessorised when I bought it. whaddya gonna do. damned if ya do. damned if ya don't.

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    Originally posted by sinjin
    a bit of a hippie.
    Aww, sinjin ... you say that like it's a BAD thing.

    So is this a dead-thread now, caught up in the cross-fire?

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  • SusieMisajon
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    Originally posted by sinjin
    a bit of a hippie.
    No kidding?! sweet.

    An true, too.

    Now...please continue without's WAY past midnight, and I'll catch up with this, in the morning. Bonne nuit, semi-crunchy susie

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  • sinjin
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    a bit of a hippie.

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  • SusieMisajon
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    Originally posted by sinjin
    I've been keeping up. You're not Hawaiian and you're not Filipina. You're a mildly paranoid, semi-crunchy haole girl from Hawaii, maybe originally, maybe not, that likes to talk pidgin and pass yourself off as a Hawaiian when you're fairly certain no one will call you on it. How am I doing so far?
    You can call me on it, if you like. Start by looking up MISAJON in the phone book.

    Put yourself in my shoes, for a minute. And don't try to get out of it, by saying that it was my choice, to leave home. I know that, I live with it every minute of every day.

    Now...think back to all the picture brides of the past....did they consider themselves still from Japan? Sure they did, just look around at the Temples, Japanese schools, and the way that they strove to raise their children in the 'old' way. And there's nothing wrong with that, either.

    I'm doing the same thing, on this side of the planet.

    PS What's 'semi-crunchy' mean?

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    Originally posted by SusieMisajon
    You also gotta remember that I'm a dirty stinkin' furriner, for them. Better to keep it simple.
    Only if you are gonna let "them" define who you are. Tell 'em the truth, and if they can't wrap their heads around it, too bad for them (IMHO). And if they can, then you've been responsible for spreading wisdom.

    Having never visited France, let alone lived there, I can't make assumptions as to how non-French residents are treated or viewed. (Okay, I CAN make them, but I won't go around saying "I know this to be the truth.") Susie, you're in the middle of it there, so you have a better perspective. If you didn't have to worry about how the message would be recieved, what would be the words you would choose when asked about your background or ethnicity? Would you feel most comfortable with the same simple statement that you would use on the US Mainland: "from Hawai`i"?

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  • sinjin
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    I've been keeping up. You're not Hawaiian and you're not Filipina. You're a mildly paranoid, semi-crunchy haole girl from Hawaii, maybe originally, maybe not, that likes to talk pidgin and pass yourself off as a Hawaiian when you're fairly certain no one will call you on it. Really not that rare. How am I doing so far?

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  • SusieMisajon
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    Originally posted by sinjin
    Okay now I feel like I'm tripping the blind man.

    Slowly. Be careful in your stocking up for doomsday that your can goods aren't soldered with lead. It makes you stoopid.
    It's BIRD FLU, and they're stocked...I'm not eating them, yet. And I'm not stupid, yet, either. But you are, for being insulting, rather than keeping up with the conversation.

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  • sinjin
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    Okay now I feel like I'm tripping the blind man.

    Slowly. Be careful in your stocking up for doomsday that your can goods aren't soldered with lead. It makes you stoopid.

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  • SusieMisajon
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    Please try again, it's midnight, over here.

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  • sinjin
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

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  • SusieMisajon
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    Originally posted by sinjin
    Then quit pretending and rotate out those lead soldered canned goods.
    ? I think I've been away too long. Please translate.

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  • Paul
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    I think the difference between Hawai'i and other states is that this is the only one that was once a sovereign nation ruled by the indigenous people. Alaska was never like that. The Innuit never formed the Kingdom of Alaska. Sure there was the Republic of Texas but this was formed by anglo settlers and not the native people.

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  • sinjin
    Re: Filipino's trying to be Hawaiian

    Originally posted by SusieMisajon
    PS I'm just Haole.
    Then quit pretending and rotate out those lead soldered canned goods.

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