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Merrie Monarch 2007

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  • kiwidiva
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    That was AWESOME! I wish I had been on that flight...

    Mahalo for posting it!!

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  • Lei Liko
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    Okay, I didn't know where the heck to post this, but since it kinda is Merrie Monarch related (eh, he was flying ITO-HNL right after MM), I'm leaving it here:

    Lopaka Kanaka`ole singing on board his AQ flight over the PA system after much coaxing from FAs

    Video's kinda blurry because footage was taken from what looked like J's digital camera. What's funny is that I saw them that exact same night at the bar and couldn't believe it when I saw it the first time.

    Anyway, the images are blurry, but that voice is oh, so unmistakable. Enjoy.

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  • Miulang
    "Moku O Keawe"

    Since Merrie Monarch is restricted to halau primarily based in Hawai'i, and because there are so many halau outside of the US now, Moku O Keawe was created so that halau from Europe and Asia (specifically Japan) as well as those from CONUS can also compete for cash prizes and a Tiffany crystal bowl.

    Here's a story in Forbes about the festival, which was held in November at the Waikoloa Resort.


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  • Lei Liko
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    Originally posted by kiwidiva View Post
    And now Waikiki is hosting an annual hula convention to allow tourists to participate in hula rather than just watch it like they do now.
    How awesome to see kumu like Maelia and Kaleo, who are already busy with their own haumana, eager to share their knowledge with visitors.

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  • kiwidiva
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    And now Waikiki is hosting an annual hula convention to allow tourists to participate in hula rather than just watch it like they do now.

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  • Kaona
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    Thank you for your honest response. That's why we like this forum. What's interesting for me is that I could not see their faces. So maybe if the judges didn't see their faces they might have placed!

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  • Lei Liko
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    Originally posted by Kaona View Post
    This was our first year attending the Merrie Monarch Festival. We are also new to living in Kona. My husband has always had it taped for him or watched while here on business. We thought the entire festival was wonderful and have been reading these posts for some history and insight.

    As a newcomer I was hoping someone could let me know why one of my favorite Wahine groups did not even place. I thought that Halau Hula Olana did well in both Auana and Kahiko.

    A lot of great performances and not enough awards to give out. That would be the pono thing to say about why your favorite halau didn't place.

    But you know that I always like to add $0.02.

    Sometimes it is hula politics. Some judges probably favor certain kumu over others. Not saying that those who placed aren't deserving, but there's always gonna be somebody out there who'll cry "JUICED!" because their halau didn't win.

    Halau Hula Olana is a good, strong halau. However, this needs to be said and you can take it however you want.

    Someone needs to tell na kumu to tone down the facial theatrics. One can convey the onaona emotion without looking like you're having a freaking convulsion. I simply can't stand it, and I know of many other seasoned dancers who feel the same way.

    If people make it a point to call attention on how they like to overdo stuff, then maybe that's why they didn't fare well with the judges.

    Yeah, I said it. Somebody had to.

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  • Kaona
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    This was our first year attending the Merrie Monarch Festival. We are also new to living in Kona. My husband has always had it taped for him or watched while here on business. We thought the entire festival was wonderful and have been reading these posts for some history and insight.

    As a newcomer I was hoping someone could let me know why one of my favorite Wahine groups did not even place. I thought that Halau Hula Olana did well in both Auana and Kahiko.


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  • Pua'i Mana'o
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    Originally posted by Laua`e View Post
    The question of Japan halau competing in MM has been around for a while and as far as I know, Aunty Dotty has said that Merrie Monarch was meant for the people of Hawai`i,and no Japan halau would be allowed to compete. Mainland halau were always invited. They do continue to allow Japan halau to perform for Ho`ike night, which is meant for cultural sharing.

    hope that helps a bit...
    we get it that the MM is for the people of Hawai'i, and those halau from CA and LV, while (of course) they aren't from Hawai'i, Kaio, Ho'omalu, etc are at least Hawaiian. Ceballos isn't Hawaiian, and his halau isn't based in Hawaii, so why would he be allowed to compete when other halau outside of the Hawaii, alaka'i 'ia by non-kanaks like the Japanese cannot?

    Therein lies the question.

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  • Laua`e
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    Originally posted by Pua'i Mana'o View Post
    At least one kumu hula from CA is not an ethnic Hawaiian, and he has been invited several times to compete in the competition. Because of that, I don't know what the deal is at allowing him but ho'ole to the halau from Japan, especially when you ask any Japanese dancer who her kumu is, 9/10 will say somebody like "Johnny Rum Ho".

    How do I feel about that? Well...
    The question of Japan halau competing in MM has been around for a while and as far as I know, Aunty Dotty has said that Merrie Monarch was meant for the people of Hawai`i,and no Japan halau would be allowed to compete. Mainland halau were always invited. They do continue to allow Japan halau to perform for Ho`ike night, which is meant for cultural sharing.

    hope that helps a bit...
    Last edited by Laua`e; April 18, 2007, 06:31 PM.

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  • Pua'i Mana'o
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    Originally posted by kiwidiva View Post
    A Japanese halau that was staying at the same place as me alluded to the possibility that they may be invited to compete in future years. Could that really happen? How would the traditionalists feel about that?? I mean, groups from Las Vegas & California are one thing but Japan??? I lived in Japan for 7 years and I know how much they love hula. Just sitting at the festival, at times I kinda felt like I was back in Japan again.
    At least one kumu hula from CA is not an ethnic Hawaiian, and he has been invited several times to compete in the competition. Because of that, I don't know what the deal is at allowing him but ho'ole to the halau from Japan, especially when you ask any Japanese dancer who her kumu is, 9/10 will say somebody like "Johnny Rum Ho".

    How do I feel about that? Well...

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  • Leo Lakio
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    Originally posted by kiwidiva View Post
    I know... I'm late adding my 2 cents to this thread
    2 cents like that - welcome ANYtime. Thanks for another "insider" report.

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  • kiwidiva
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    I know... I'm late adding my 2 cents to this thread but I think I'm still recovering from sunstroke from traipsing around the volcano the day after MM wrapped up.

    I absolutely LOVED being at the festival in person. Sure, it was uncomfortable sitting there for so long with nothing to lean against but being able to soak up the atmosphere of the place was totally worth it.

    I sat with the Halau Mohala Ilima supporters and I really wanted to get up and go crazy cheering for them but the others were so subdued - they really are a class act, both on and off the stage. Laua'e, I too could see a lot of influence from the younger Da Silvas.

    Highlights of the festival for me (in no particular order):
    • The Craft Fairs
    • Mark Keali'i Ho'omalu's kahiko chants - I LOVE his voice!
    • Academy of Hawaiian Arts' fishing pole 'auana - one guy from Florida sitting behind me had the best quote after that one... "that was the weirdest thing I've ever seen!"
    • Natalie A'i Kamau'u's vocal talents - she is AWESOME!!
    • The kane of Ka Leo O Laka I Ka Hikina O Ka La - Hmmmm... 'nuff said!!!
    • Halau Mohala Ilima's second overall placing for wahine - I am so proud of their accomplishment.

    A Japanese halau that was staying at the same place as me alluded to the possibility that they may be invited to compete in future years. Could that really happen? How would the traditionalists feel about that?? I mean, groups from Las Vegas & California are one thing but Japan??? I lived in Japan for 7 years and I know how much they love hula. Just sitting at the festival, at times I kinda felt like I was back in Japan again.

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  • tutusue
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    Originally posted by Lei Liko View Post
    On the Halau I Ka Wekiu website, you can vote for your favorite Lohi`au. tutusue, get your bib ready because methinks you gonna be droolin'![...]
    Heh. One meeting at La Mariana and you already know me too well!!!

    Hmmm...what's a "sexual" ad doing on that page, anyway? So inappropriate.

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  • Lei Liko
    Re: Merrie Monarch 2007

    Originally posted by Laua`e View Post
    `Ae...ho`omaika`i ana, Halau I Ka Wekiu! They were fabulous! Although I didn't care for the long hair, they were great! I think Michael Casupang and Veto did a wonderful job preparing their students for MM this year! Their foot movements were clean, crisp, and sharp...and they were graceful yet maintained their manliness! It seemed to me that they put great effort in their training this year. Hope they have a blast in Japan!
    On the Halau I Ka Wekiu website, you can vote for your favorite Lohi`au. tutusue, get your bib ready because methinks you gonna be droolin'!

    Props to `Aukai for updating the website so soon. Happy's pretty interesting stuff.

    Can't wait to see their CBS Early Show segment!

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